Dublin Core
Box 9, Folder 7, Document 24
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Determining the degree to which area coileges and uni-
versities are involved in service-leavning programs and ascer-
taining the attitudes of higher education studerts, faculty, and
administrators toward community involvement constitute two of the
principal concerns of the Atlanta Service Learning Conference. To
provide insight into these two areas of special interest, a number
of college students are currently in the process of completing a
survey of ten area colleges and universities. The ten institutions
include. Agnes Scott College, Atlanta University, Clark College,
Emory University, Georgia State College, Georgia Tech, Morehouse
College, Morris brown College, Oglethorpe College, and Spelman
College. As part of a broader study of student manpower resources,
this survey will seek answers to the following kinds of questions:
1. To what extent does the invoivement of higher education
institutions vary from campus to campus? What factors
account for the variations?
2. To what extent does the degree of service-learning
activities vary between different schools and depart-
ments within particular institutions? Whet accounts for
the variations?
3. What areas of community life most readily lend themselves
to student involvement?
4. What are the relative roles of students, faculty, and
administrative personnel in community development
5. To what extent does existing curriculum encourage stu-
dent involvement in the community? Do students require
academic credit for participation in community activities?
6. How important are community involvement programs to stu-
dents, facuity, end administrators? What do the terms
"community invelvanentâ„¢ and "service-learning" suggest
to these three important clientele groups?
What areas of community concern presently receive
the greatest attention from higher education? The
least concern?
Do existing patterns of service-learning practices
suggest that some institutions can best serve by
specializing in particular programs?
It is expected that answers to the above questions will
be of value to ASLC for the following reasons:
The research will identify both the forces facilita-
ting and the forces inhibiting development of the ser-
vice-learning concept.
Cataloguing existing programs of community activities
can assist ASLC'S role in coordinating service-learning
programs and directing students into programs most
suitable to their individual preferences.
The research will mirror the present scope of service-
learning programs and identify areas of neglect.
In the long run, certain priorities may be set and there-
by assist ASLC in gaining the essential financial resour-
ces for funding service-learning programs in the areas
demanding the greatest concentration of community efforts.
Determining the degree to which area coileges and uni-
versities are involved in service-leavning programs and ascer-
taining the attitudes of higher education studerts, faculty, and
administrators toward community involvement constitute two of the
principal concerns of the Atlanta Service Learning Conference. To
provide insight into these two areas of special interest, a number
of college students are currently in the process of completing a
survey of ten area colleges and universities. The ten institutions
include. Agnes Scott College, Atlanta University, Clark College,
Emory University, Georgia State College, Georgia Tech, Morehouse
College, Morris brown College, Oglethorpe College, and Spelman
College. As part of a broader study of student manpower resources,
this survey will seek answers to the following kinds of questions:
1. To what extent does the invoivement of higher education
institutions vary from campus to campus? What factors
account for the variations?
2. To what extent does the degree of service-learning
activities vary between different schools and depart-
ments within particular institutions? Whet accounts for
the variations?
3. What areas of community life most readily lend themselves
to student involvement?
4. What are the relative roles of students, faculty, and
administrative personnel in community development
5. To what extent does existing curriculum encourage stu-
dent involvement in the community? Do students require
academic credit for participation in community activities?
6. How important are community involvement programs to stu-
dents, facuity, end administrators? What do the terms
"community invelvanentâ„¢ and "service-learning" suggest
to these three important clientele groups?
What areas of community concern presently receive
the greatest attention from higher education? The
least concern?
Do existing patterns of service-learning practices
suggest that some institutions can best serve by
specializing in particular programs?
It is expected that answers to the above questions will
be of value to ASLC for the following reasons:
The research will identify both the forces facilita-
ting and the forces inhibiting development of the ser-
vice-learning concept.
Cataloguing existing programs of community activities
can assist ASLC'S role in coordinating service-learning
programs and directing students into programs most
suitable to their individual preferences.
The research will mirror the present scope of service-
learning programs and identify areas of neglect.
In the long run, certain priorities may be set and there-
by assist ASLC in gaining the essential financial resour-
ces for funding service-learning programs in the areas
demanding the greatest concentration of community efforts.