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Box 9, Folder 8, Document 23
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April 17, 1969
The first meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Atlanta Urban Corps
was held on Thursday, April 17, 1969, at 3°30 p.m. in the Wilby Room of
the Georgia Tech Library. The following persons were present:
Mr. W. H. Adams
Mr. Terry Allen
Mr, Steve Binion
Dr. Walter Bloom.
Mr. Walter Bloom, Jr.
Dr. Vernon Crawford
Mr. Marcus Dash
Mr. Neil DeRosa
Mr. James Dull
Dr. EE. D. Harrison
Mr. John B. Hayes
Mr Dave Houser
Miss Dusty Kenyan
Mr. James Mac Nabb
Mr. Bill Ramsay
Mr. Johnny Robinson
Miss Marlene Rounds
Mr. Norman Shavin
Mr. Rich Speer
Miss Tara Swartzel
Mr Dan Sweat
Mr. Dennis J. Webb
Mr. David Whelan
Mr. Sam Williams
The meeting was called to order by Mr. Ramsay, acting as Temporary Chair-
man for the organizational meeting. Some of the background and interests
leading to the formation of an Atlanta Urban Corps were outlined by Mr.
Ramsay. It was recognized that the Atlanta Urban Corps Iycorporated would
not be ready to assume operating responsibilities in time to carry on the
development of internships placement of students and related administrative
tasks for a summer 1969 program These responsibilities would be undertaken
by the Atlanta Children and Youth Services Council. the City of Atlanta SREB
and student representatives of the various Seine es this year until an inde-
pendent Urban Corps could be established.
Proposed By-laws had been drafted by students with the help of Mr.
Dennis J. Webb. Copies werer not available for examination. Mr. Webb out-~
lined the provisions of the By-laws and indicated that the Trustees must
adopt By-laws to be effectively constituted as a corporation for tax exemption
purposes. He reported that exemption papers have been filed with IRS ee
was moved and seconded that the proposed By~laws be adopted as interim
By-laws to get the Urban Corps Corporation started. The motion stipulated
that the By-laws would be made at the next meeting scheduled in May 1969.
The motion passed.
A By-laws Committee was appointed by Mr. Ramsay as follows
Dr. Walter Bloom = Chairman
Mr. Norman Shavin
Miss Dusty Kenyon
The Trustees agreed by concensus that the present Trustees did not
represent all parts of the community which should be on the Board of Trustees
and that until a full slate could be nominated and elected at an annual meet-
ing in the fall. the present group would be an interim Board. It was further
agreed that the terms of office of all present and prospective Trustees added
prior to the first annual meetings would expire on the date of the annual
fhe ad hoc Executive Board which has been functioning. was recognized
and a motion was passed electing it to continue until the first annual meeting
as an interim Executive Board. Its membership is as follows
wa. Bill Acams
Mr. John Cox
Mr. Marly Dash
Mr. Bill Ramsay
Me. Rich Speer
“Mr, Dan Sweat
Mr. Dave Whelan
Me. Sam Williams
A ser‘es of reports was presented ¢ varine activ ties of the Urban
Coros effort to date and outlining vuanediate plans. YTotential s .urces f
fnancial aid were @iseussed. Plans for ac onference vn “servic>lLearnin "
in Atlanta cv2r the next nine in nths were noted
The mestins was adjourned
(Atlanta Urban Corps, Board of Trustees
Meetine, April 17. 1°69)
April 17, 1969
The first meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Atlanta Urban Corps
was held on Thursday, April 17, 1969, at 3°30 p.m. in the Wilby Room of
the Georgia Tech Library. The following persons were present:
Mr. W. H. Adams
Mr. Terry Allen
Mr, Steve Binion
Dr. Walter Bloom.
Mr. Walter Bloom, Jr.
Dr. Vernon Crawford
Mr. Marcus Dash
Mr. Neil DeRosa
Mr. James Dull
Dr. EE. D. Harrison
Mr. John B. Hayes
Mr Dave Houser
Miss Dusty Kenyan
Mr. James Mac Nabb
Mr. Bill Ramsay
Mr. Johnny Robinson
Miss Marlene Rounds
Mr. Norman Shavin
Mr. Rich Speer
Miss Tara Swartzel
Mr Dan Sweat
Mr. Dennis J. Webb
Mr. David Whelan
Mr. Sam Williams
The meeting was called to order by Mr. Ramsay, acting as Temporary Chair-
man for the organizational meeting. Some of the background and interests
leading to the formation of an Atlanta Urban Corps were outlined by Mr.
Ramsay. It was recognized that the Atlanta Urban Corps Iycorporated would
not be ready to assume operating responsibilities in time to carry on the
development of internships placement of students and related administrative
tasks for a summer 1969 program These responsibilities would be undertaken
by the Atlanta Children and Youth Services Council. the City of Atlanta SREB
and student representatives of the various Seine es this year until an inde-
pendent Urban Corps could be established.
Proposed By-laws had been drafted by students with the help of Mr.
Dennis J. Webb. Copies werer not available for examination. Mr. Webb out-~
lined the provisions of the By-laws and indicated that the Trustees must
adopt By-laws to be effectively constituted as a corporation for tax exemption
purposes. He reported that exemption papers have been filed with IRS ee
was moved and seconded that the proposed By~laws be adopted as interim
By-laws to get the Urban Corps Corporation started. The motion stipulated
that the By-laws would be made at the next meeting scheduled in May 1969.
The motion passed.
A By-laws Committee was appointed by Mr. Ramsay as follows
Dr. Walter Bloom = Chairman
Mr. Norman Shavin
Miss Dusty Kenyon
The Trustees agreed by concensus that the present Trustees did not
represent all parts of the community which should be on the Board of Trustees
and that until a full slate could be nominated and elected at an annual meet-
ing in the fall. the present group would be an interim Board. It was further
agreed that the terms of office of all present and prospective Trustees added
prior to the first annual meetings would expire on the date of the annual
fhe ad hoc Executive Board which has been functioning. was recognized
and a motion was passed electing it to continue until the first annual meeting
as an interim Executive Board. Its membership is as follows
wa. Bill Acams
Mr. John Cox
Mr. Marly Dash
Mr. Bill Ramsay
Me. Rich Speer
“Mr, Dan Sweat
Mr. Dave Whelan
Me. Sam Williams
A ser‘es of reports was presented ¢ varine activ ties of the Urban
Coros effort to date and outlining vuanediate plans. YTotential s .urces f
fnancial aid were @iseussed. Plans for ac onference vn “servic>lLearnin "
in Atlanta cv2r the next nine in nths were noted
The mestins was adjourned
(Atlanta Urban Corps, Board of Trustees
Meetine, April 17. 1°69)