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Box 9, Folder 8, Document 30
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130 Sixth Street, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia | 30313
TO!” 4s Persons Interested in Education and Community Relations
DATE: April 30, 1969
The relationships between education and community service have been the
topic of much talk, interest and activity in Atlanta for the past several
months, A meeting at Emory University on February 28, bringing together
some of the people representing agencies and institutions concerned with
student involvement in community development, expressed the need for a
continuing structure to allow coordination and cooperation among those
concerned. ‘This need has been explored by a group of those attending the
Emory meeting and others and the result is this invitation to a larger
meeting to review and act on a proposal for a nine-month conference on
service-learning. Enclosed are a prospectus of the proposed conference
and a meeting agenda.
The meeting to review the proposal and, if acceptable, to initiate the
conference is scheduled for April 30, 1969 at Dean Sage Auditorium,
Atlanta University, Atlanta Georgie. It will begin with registration
at 9:00 A.M. ‘The meeting will commence at 9:30 A.M. and adjourn at 4:00
P.M. Please read the prospectus and prepare your comments in advance.
We look forward to seeing you at Atlanta University and to a productive
session leading to a very exciting year in Atlanta.
William R. Ramsay, Director
Resource Development Project
130 Sixth Street, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia | 30313
TO!” 4s Persons Interested in Education and Community Relations
DATE: April 30, 1969
The relationships between education and community service have been the
topic of much talk, interest and activity in Atlanta for the past several
months, A meeting at Emory University on February 28, bringing together
some of the people representing agencies and institutions concerned with
student involvement in community development, expressed the need for a
continuing structure to allow coordination and cooperation among those
concerned. ‘This need has been explored by a group of those attending the
Emory meeting and others and the result is this invitation to a larger
meeting to review and act on a proposal for a nine-month conference on
service-learning. Enclosed are a prospectus of the proposed conference
and a meeting agenda.
The meeting to review the proposal and, if acceptable, to initiate the
conference is scheduled for April 30, 1969 at Dean Sage Auditorium,
Atlanta University, Atlanta Georgie. It will begin with registration
at 9:00 A.M. ‘The meeting will commence at 9:30 A.M. and adjourn at 4:00
P.M. Please read the prospectus and prepare your comments in advance.
We look forward to seeing you at Atlanta University and to a productive
session leading to a very exciting year in Atlanta.
William R. Ramsay, Director
Resource Development Project