Box 9, Folder 8, Document 38

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Box 9, Folder 8, Document 38

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TO: Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. DATE: May 8, 1969

PROM: Sam Williams, Direct
SURINCT: Atlanta Urban Fellowship frocras

Recently, New York City received a erant for $209,000 from the Sloan
Foundation te inatitute en Urban Fellowship Program to select twenty |
highly talented young men and women from universities throuchout the
comitry to sexve full-time internships for a twelve month period.

' ALL of these young people are Master's Decree candidates in their
reapective fields. New York Fellows are assigned to aceney heade and
Mayoral assistants and civen commensurate responsibilities, This
progran is « direct parallel te the White House Fellows started by
John Gardner under President Kennedy, Atlanta Ceserves such a procran.

In wy opinion, these interns should be bandled seperately from the
Atlanta Urban Corps since they will be yoar-reund and will require
special ecunseling and guidance only availeble from a source such as
your office.

I would be glad to subuit a deteiled proposal for an Atianta Urban
Fellows Program and alse pursue Foundation funding ‘!f you are interested.

o@: Mr. Don Sveat—
Mr, Charles Davis


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