Box 9, Folder 9, Document 18

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Box 9, Folder 9, Document 18

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APRIL 17, 1969






be. Lewin D. Serrison
bo. Vernon -. -a- ford
De. S. Atwood

D-. Alston

De. Neat Langdele
William 2. Romsay
Van Sweat

Al buves

iecola Boockey
Neil DeRosa

hean Alex Lacey
Join “ox

Villiem | Adams
Dusty “enyon

Jim Mcyes

Rub forcey

.teve inion
Hetty Childrice
Carey i. Broun
Nelson ‘taylor
Mean James Dull
Dennis Webb
Richard Speer
David thelan
Mark Lash

Sam Williams
Calvin Cox

Bill Adams
Tara S.artsel

Not may Shane

Pust President of Gsorsiz Inctitute of
eee oes Vice | -esident of J.0. Cruphens.
Acting, ~ esident of ‘:covgia LTustitute of

¥c-esident of Emory University.

Peesident of -gnes Scott O.llege
Yeesident of Ccorgia Stete ¢vllese.
?-oject Director, Scuthern Rezional
Education Bard.

Lovernment Lisson, N«yor's Office

Post President of the N.tional -1enber
o£ “.mmerce, * -esident of tie /tlante
‘sembec Of - -mmerce.

vvagident of 2ich's opavtment tore.
Veesident of the Scutreastern Placement

Ucban Life Center, Georgie ‘tate tullege.
Director of tic /tlenta -outh Ccuncil.
“tudent-AteLarce, Ceorgia Institute of


“c-esident of tre Student Eudy, - ones T<cott

College .

President of the Student kody, : levi

Scesident of the Student judy, Emo.y


“gepident of the Student Body, “soci:

“tete collese.

Y.esident of the Student body, -pellmen

“esideut of tuc Student Lody, ceocgia
Institute of Vv >chnology.

. -esicent of the Student Lucy, lhereluouse

Docn of. Diucents, Ceorsic Lustitute of

Attorney, Nall, Miller, kadenhead, and

Student Director, A.U.-;.

Internship Development Director.
Collese Relations Director, A.U.C.
Staff Director, A.U &. and Editorial
Jeiter, Atlante A. U. %. j

*civate Financing Cvuordinator, A.U.~.
Public Relations Director A.U.«.
President of Clark College.

President of Dekclb Jz. College.
Yvesident of Morris Bown College.
Peesident of Spellman U-llege.
President of Dekalb J-. College Student Body.
President of Morehouse College
Regional “‘oordinator of Financial Aid.
Chairman of Federal Executive Board.
Peace Corps Representative

VISTA Representative.


Yatroduction of Board of Tzvustees Till Ramsay, Acting Chairman.
Atlanta Usban Corps Goncept Rich Speer, Student Director.
Atlanta Ucban Corps Organization Som Jilliams, Staff Director.

Development Reports

Internship Development Devid ithelan, {nternship Develop-
ment Director
Welly Bloom, Extra-City Developments.

Financing Sam \iilliams, College Work Study
Bill Adams, Private Financing Co-
College Relations Loard Tara Swartsel, Secretary, College

Relations Board.
Student Recruitment Mark Dash, College Relations Director.
Operational A:pects S.m Williams

Legal Status of the U:-ban Corps Dennis webb

The Atlanta Ucban Cocps is a unique program in America. Its goal is to
provide the broad spectrum of college students with an opportunity to become in-
volved in urban areas, applying theiz academic knowledge, their youth, and their

the program is a co-operative effort of the City of ‘tlanta, The Atlanta
area colleges, Federal Covernment, private enterprise, metropolitan agencies,
and the Atlanta area college students.

This cooperation, the belief that the collese student should play a signif-
icant cole in the policy making, and the involvement of private enterprise, makes
the Atlanta Ucban Corps a potential ‘‘model" program for the nation.

Tue Atlanta Urban Corps does not try to expause = philosophy but rather it
“opens doors". It provides the opportunity to live with the problems that plague
American cities today. It is demanding on the individual's high flying ideas sand
demands a harsh look into the microscope of American social institutions. ©

It is unlikely that the 4tlanta Urban Cuxps will produce “instant solutions’.
But it is on its way to involving youth in constructive, educational channels.
Our soal is to help people resinape their thinkiny abcut youth and the city, and
to cae.

Dennis J. Webb, of the Law Firm Nall, Miller, Cadenhead & Dennis, has
been taking care of the various legal aspects of turning the Atlanta
Urban Corps into a reality. A brief outline of the legal status of the
Atlanta Urban Corps, Inc. is as follows:



Applied to Secretary of State for Name Certificate.

Received Name Certificate from Secretary of State on February 19, 1969,
verifying that there is no other corporation with identical or similar

name on record.
Drafted Application for Charter.

Received Publisher's Affidavit on March 5, 1969, verifying publication
of Charter Application once a week for four weeks.

Judge McKenzie of Fulton Superior Court signed Order granting Charter
on April 5, 1969.

Received Charter signed and sealed by Secretary of State incorporating
Atlanta Urban Corps.

Drafted By-Laws.

Filed Exemption Application with Internal Revenue Service applying for
501 (c) (3) exempt status (charitable).

It will be at least a month before word is received from IRS. The fore-
going documents are on file in the Minute Book of the Corporation.




Dual Goals of Internship

A. Service Through Agency to Community.

B. Learning Experience (for Student, University, and Agency).

Needs of the Agency

A. Relevancy of Internship to the Agency's Mission--the intern
must be involved in a project through which he can express
his creativity and serve as a productive source of agency
output, not as a monitoring recipient of agency information
(a non-contributing educational role).

Needs of the Intern

A. To Know Exactly What His Assignment Is--provide him with a
list of objectives and primary responsibilities; also
develop a schedule, but one that the student and agency can
change together and personalize as he grows into the intern-
ship ie. outline a planned approach, the mechanics of the
assignment, but leave plenty of room for the intern to ex-
press his creativity and for modifications.

B- Clearly Specify His Agency Personnel Resources-~this should
be someone the student knows he can go to with his problems
not vice-versa; a student advisor should aid the student in
reflecting on his internship experience and thereby assist
him in relating it to his education.

Interaction Dynamics--The Subtle Approach

A. Help the Agency Define Challenging, Yet Realistic Intern-
ships--let the agency describe its needs, then assist in
meeting those needs with internships that meet the needs
of the intern as well.

1.) Prevent Assignments That Require Too Little of the
Intern--eg. an errand-boy role, or job position devoid
of educational significance, too limited in scope.

2.) Prevent Assignments That Require Too Much--eg. an
analysis problem whose propensity exceeds an intern's
educational competence or time limit.


(This section is included with the philosophy of Internship

Development because the development of a sound system of self-

evaluation is an essential phase of our program.)

A. Standard Evaluation Forms for Interns (Counselors and Agencies)

B. Some Form of Final Written Report by the Intern
1.) Type of Report Dependent on Type of Internship

a.) Research projects will require extensive reports.

b.) Non-research projects will require less extensive
reports, but the educational relevance of these
internships may be entirely dependent on the effort
the intern spends in producing it.

C. The Value of Evaluation
1.) Value to Atlanta Urban Corps--these reports will serve

as the major source of feedback from the interns and
therefore, will be of central importance to an effective
evaluation program.

2.) Value to the Student--forces interns to articulate his

experience, and thereby analyze its educational significance.

3.) Value as a Stimulus to the Agency--the information and
suggestions provided the agency can serve as a basis for
agency evaluation and improvement.

Perhaps the most important immediate function of the Atlanta Urban
Corps is to develop tiie internsiip positions for this summer's pro:ram.
Navelopment procecures have been worked out and initial contacts have been
made with asencies, both within city covernment cnd without, that may
veceive #.U.C. interns. The development staff is currently being assigned
asencies in which to Jevelop internship positions.

Tie development procedure that is being followed begins with an initial
contact ith the agency director, and in the case of the City tovernment,
Department Dizectors. Tiis contact establishes an approximate number of
interns that agency =ishes to employ and sets broad guides on the nature of
the internship. At that point, a student is assizned to work with an agency
director in developing :is internship in detail. At present, we have 15-20
students who will be working in this capacity. Finally, when the internship
is developed to the satisfaction of the student and the agency director, that
internsiip is classified and filed to be matched with student applications.

i. have had exeat success in getting apsencies to respond to our call
fox positions with truly celevant and chaiicuginug internships. In the City
Jovernment alone, we have had initial espouse from fifteen departments
xequesting approximately 150 interns. ‘ome examples of the types of initern-
siip positions beins proposed include:

Sanitation Pept. -- The use of up to tventy interns in such
peojects as time and motion studies and
water pollution control.

Water Works = Using up te fifteen interns, some serving
es plannere fo: water utilization and others in
eveas of customer service and building proyrams.

Luilding Inspector -Tiree students are needed to help compile
and evaluate a housing conditions study
for the City.

ft is obvious that the potential in these and many other areas is indeed
challangin, and stimulating to students, as well as being long-awaited
projects the “ity could not implement because of the lack of qualified man-
power. In addition to the City, over 150 interns have been requested to
date from non-city agencies.

It is actually 2 disservice to list only a few of the internships that
are being offered students this summer, because the scope and range of pro-
jects is tremendous. [ft is certain that students working in che Atlanta
Urban Corps this summer will be serving their city in a relevant, chall-
anging, and educational internship.

The student recruitment effort bezan in earnest at eaci of the
nine Atlanta campuses this week. It has been decided to limit
recruitment to these nine campuses this year because of time and
efficiency considerations. ‘lowever, the U-ban Corps will accept
applications from any colleve student resardless of his school. in
the future active recruitment will take place at many schools in the
fpproximate recruitment quotas nave been considered for each
campus and in some cases limited fund availability (CWSP) has forced
us to limit recruitment and not 0 all out. /t Emory for example,
our Coordinator assures us that with an all ovt campaign he could
vecruit 600 students but yet with only 3 CwSP slots available at
Emory we lave elected to only utilize limited publicity in an effort
to limit the number of applications to a more reasonable level.
Although it would be premature to make any predictions at
this time, early response to the Urban Coxps among the stu:ents has
been terrific and we feel we will have no difficulty in filling the

available job slots.


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