Box 9, Folder 23, Document 13

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Box 9, Folder 23, Document 13

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Tel: 566-5090 211-68

Immediate Release .
(Tuesday, June 18, 1968)

Mayor John V. Lindsay and Mayor Carl Stokes of Cleveland have agreed
to serve as co-chairmen of a mayors’ committee in support of the Poor People's
Solidarity Day March in Washington tomorrow (Wednesday, June 19).

Mayor Lindsay and Mayor Stokes released the following statement from
their offices today:

"Tomorrow, June 19th, thousands of people from across this country
will gather in Washington, D. C. to participate in the Poor People's Solidarity
Day March.

"They will march, in peace, for the right of each citizen to be decently
fed, clothed and housed.

"They will march, in peace, for the right of every citizen to work a
full week and enjoy the fruits of their labor.

"They will march, in peace, for the right of every citizen to live
without fear and to be judged without prejudice.

"They will march, in peace, for the hopes of us all....for that day
when we wiil again be one Nation.

"We, the undersigned Mayors, feel it only fitting and proper that we
publicly proclaim our commitment to the goals of those who march tomorrow.

"Nowhere is the violence, poverty and division against which they
fight more deeply felt than in our great cities. In this sense, their cause
is ours and we must support them."


Hugh J. Addonizio, tiayor, Newark, N.J.; Joseph M. Alioto, Mayor,
San Francisco, Calif.; Ivan Allen,Jr., Mayor, Atlanta, Ga., Joseph M. Barr,

Mayor, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Thomas P. Byrne, Mayor, St. Paul, Minn.

Jerome P, Cavanagh, Mayor, Detroit. Mich.; A. J. Cervantes, Mayor,
St. Louis, Mo.; James N. Corbett, Jr., Tucson, Ariz.; Thomas G. Currigan,

Mayor, Denver, Colo.; Thomas D'Alesandro, Mayor, Baltimore, Md.

Bruno Giordano, Mayor, Stamford, Conn.; Milton H. Graham, Mayor,
Phoenix, Ariz.; Richard G. Hatcher, Mayor, Gary, Ind.; John V. Lindsay,
Mayor, New York, N.Y.; Henry W. Maier, Milwaukee, Wisc.

Arthur Naftalin, Mayor, Mirlneapolis, Minn.
N.Y.; Carl B. Stokes, Mayor, Cleveland, Ohio; Antonina P. Uccello, Mayor,

Hartford, Conn.; Walter E. Washington, Mayor, District of Columbia; Kevin
H. White, Mayor, Boston, Mass.; Samuel W. Yorty, Mayor, Los Angeles, Calif.

; Frank A. Sedita, Buffalo,



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