Dublin Core
Box 1, Folder 15, Document 41
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a sone Giveatight-
‘returned from vacation, an additional fire
st night and.that two more will be eae Cotas.
Chie aid reports
£52- personnel / ha
station was ops:
235 Mow are staying on the job.
9 More than 200 of the #ixemen on strike have less than 5 years of
service, Of these approximately 100 have been in the Fire Depart-
ment less than twelve months. and—stiilareon—prebation; 19 were
employed within the past 30 days.
ji Practically all of the Firemen wre=a@ze staying on the job are ex-
perienced men with more than five years of service. This fee makes
the rebuilding job easier.
expect large num
who are staying
time as necesé
is Sate
4s Now is TR rerrent time for young men seeking a career in fire
fighting to apply to the Personnel Department. The starting pay
ef $403 a month will advance January 1, 1967, to at least $438.
Uniforms are furnished. Automatic salary increases are granted
annually for five years. Attaxy Chat, three longevity increases are
a aranth, (poeang jad
ities ‘te wllancts exce se vice ° ty a
bei, e large number™ 9£ ‘pasties r Soi
Firemen get 20 days vacation yearly and are allowed 30 days sick
The retirement benefits are outstanding. Under the pay rates to
become effective January 1, 1967, the City's retirement plan will
led p,
provide more than $350 pension at age 55 for the average Fire Pri- aw
vate plus generous benefits for his widow and dependent children.
Of course, an officer receives a larger pension. Also, every Fire-
man is eligible for membership in the Georgia Firemen's Retirement
Plan which provides $75 a month at age 60.
Hospitalization and life insurance are available at group rates.
Si 4 BR & geen,
A Fireman in uniform even has free transportation on the public
transit system.
There are no residence requirements.
Applicants ages 18 to 35 should report to the City Personnel De-
partment at 260 Central Avenue, S. W.
Men with fire fighting ex-
perience will be considered up to age 40.
hn site!
a sone Giveatight-
‘returned from vacation, an additional fire
st night and.that two more will be eae Cotas.
Chie aid reports
£52- personnel / ha
station was ops:
235 Mow are staying on the job.
9 More than 200 of the #ixemen on strike have less than 5 years of
service, Of these approximately 100 have been in the Fire Depart-
ment less than twelve months. and—stiilareon—prebation; 19 were
employed within the past 30 days.
ji Practically all of the Firemen wre=a@ze staying on the job are ex-
perienced men with more than five years of service. This fee makes
the rebuilding job easier.
expect large num
who are staying
time as necesé
is Sate
4s Now is TR rerrent time for young men seeking a career in fire
fighting to apply to the Personnel Department. The starting pay
ef $403 a month will advance January 1, 1967, to at least $438.
Uniforms are furnished. Automatic salary increases are granted
annually for five years. Attaxy Chat, three longevity increases are
a aranth, (poeang jad
ities ‘te wllancts exce se vice ° ty a
bei, e large number™ 9£ ‘pasties r Soi
Firemen get 20 days vacation yearly and are allowed 30 days sick
The retirement benefits are outstanding. Under the pay rates to
become effective January 1, 1967, the City's retirement plan will
led p,
provide more than $350 pension at age 55 for the average Fire Pri- aw
vate plus generous benefits for his widow and dependent children.
Of course, an officer receives a larger pension. Also, every Fire-
man is eligible for membership in the Georgia Firemen's Retirement
Plan which provides $75 a month at age 60.
Hospitalization and life insurance are available at group rates.
Si 4 BR & geen,
A Fireman in uniform even has free transportation on the public
transit system.
There are no residence requirements.
Applicants ages 18 to 35 should report to the City Personnel De-
partment at 260 Central Avenue, S. W.
Men with fire fighting ex-
perience will be considered up to age 40.
hn site!