Box 9, Folder 23, Document 27

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Box 9, Folder 23, Document 27

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May 4, 1966

To: Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr.
From: Dan Sweat

Subject: Atlanta Hospttals and Civil Rights Compliance

The U. S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare is greatly
concerned about the fact that no major hospital facility in the
Atlanta area has met the Civil Rights compliance requirements
and as a result will run into major problems shortly after July 1.

One big problem is that HEW will not be able to allow any
Medicare expenses to be incurred at Grady or the other major

Mr. Pete Page, Regional Administrator of HEW, says that they
are holding up a grant for several million dollars for a vocational
rehabilitation project at Grady and that Grady has recently missed
a sizable grant for Cancer research because of non-compliance.

He pointed out that he and his representatives met several weeks
ago with the hospital administrators and officials but they have
had no correspondence from the hospitals. Mr. Page says that
he and his staff are willing to work night and day to do whatever
they can to help the hospitals get in a position to meet the require-
ments necessary for continued participation in HEW programs,

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Mayor Allen
Page Two
May 4, 1966

I don't know what we could, or should, do about the situation
but thought that you would be interested in this information.


cc: Mr. R. Earl Landers



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