Box 10, Folder 11, Document 36

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Box 10, Folder 11, Document 36

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September 14, 1966

Mr. Jay Crewwell Senior, Trustee

The Universal Exchange For All People
802 South Summerlin Avenue

Orlando, Florida 32806

Dear Mr. Senior:

Thank you for your most generous offer of help and

We are doing much in Atlanta to resolve the problems
of decent housing, equal opportunity, education, and
poverty. We have many fine groups and individuals
working hand in hand to eliminate the causes of
conditions which generate problems in these areas.

I believe we have the situation well in hand at the
present time and that conditions are not serious
enough to warrant your coming to Atlanta. However,
please be assured that I will not hesitate to call

upon you whenever I feel that we can justify asking
you to take your time to give us this help.

Sincerely yours,

Ivan Allen, Jr.



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