Dublin Core
Box 10, Folder 11, Document 40
Text Item Type Metadata
February 13, 1967
Honorable Fletcher Thompson
Member of Congress
House of Representatives
Fifth District, Georgia
House Office Building
Washington, D. C.
Dear Congressman Thompson;
Attached is a copy of a draft summary of activity of
Federal Aid projects in the City of Atlanta.
This is incomplete and not in ite final form but since
I have been tardy already in getting it to you at an early
date, Iam forwarding this to you for your information.
I hope that we will also have more information on the
Model Cities Program which we will get in your hands
in the next few days just as fast as we have a chance
to start putting it down in writing.
Sincerely yours,
Dan Sweat
Honorable Fletcher Thompson
Member of Congress
House of Representatives
Fifth District, Georgia
House Office Building
Washington, D. C.
Dear Congressman Thompson;
Attached is a copy of a draft summary of activity of
Federal Aid projects in the City of Atlanta.
This is incomplete and not in ite final form but since
I have been tardy already in getting it to you at an early
date, Iam forwarding this to you for your information.
I hope that we will also have more information on the
Model Cities Program which we will get in your hands
in the next few days just as fast as we have a chance
to start putting it down in writing.
Sincerely yours,
Dan Sweat