Box 10, Folder 11, Document 61

Dublin Core


Box 10, Folder 11, Document 61

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September 21, 1966

Mr. Robert McDaniel, Chairman

The Good Neighbors Club

Sum-Mec Neighborhood Service Center
65 Georgia Avenue, S. E.

Atlanta, Georgia

Dear Mr. McDaniel:

I appreciate you sending me the list of items which the
Good Neighbors Club thinks are the major problems in
your community.

I will attempt to give you a status report on prospective
help in each area in the order listed by you in your
letter of September 12.

i, Recreation Centers - The Atlanta Parks and
Recreation Department has leased a duplex
apartment at 255 Dodd Avenue, S. W. as a first
step in providing some immediate indoor
recreation during the fall and winter months.
The Parks Department is making plans for
the operation and programming of activities
at this location and as soon as they have com-
pleted their scheduling I am sure that they will
be in touch with you and your group.

The Planning Department is alec working with
the school officials to initiate plans for the
development of a possible neighborhood center
in connection with one of the schools being
expanded in your area.
Mr. McDaniel
Page Two
September 21, 1966



Enforce Housing Code - Our Housing Code Division has
stepped up its code compliance program in that area
particularly along Capitol Avenue and firm action is
being taken to assure that property is brought up to
standard through our special program with the Atlanta
Housing Department, the City Inspection Department,
EOA and the Housing Authority. Help is being
provided those people who desire to move into

better housing and who are qualified for publift
housing to get them in standard homes at the earliest
possible date.

Caution Lights (Capitol Avenue School) - The Traffic
Engineering Department is investigating the feasibility
of additional Caution lights at this school and a report
will be forwarded to you as soon as their engineering
investigation is completed,

Playlots for Teenagers and Children with Extended
Night Programs - Improvements are being made to
the playground across from Capitel Avenue School.
The Atlanta Braves are fencing in the area and will
asphalt areas for special play activities.

The Stanley Daniel Park is under ccastruction and
the City now has a firm under contract to renovate
the large building for an indoor recreation center.

The Community School Program which is starting
in the area will also provide some additional recreation
facilities during the cold weather months.

More Elementary Schools and High Schools - The
School Board now has in plans or under contract
projects which will include major expansion of the
Capitol Avenue School, Stanley Daniel School, and
expansion of the site of the Johnson Elementary
School. The old Smith-Hughes School will be
reclaimed by the School Board, renovated and
placed back into operation as a high school or
junior high school.
Mr. McDaniel
Page Three
September 21, 1966



More Sanitation Services for Street Pickups and All
Other City Services Due This Area - I think you will
note an increase in the sanitary services and as
indicated on the attached report from the Sum-Mec
Center sanitation services have been expanded greatly.

Interracial Patrolmen for Regular Duty in This Area -
As you are aware, our Police Department operates

on an interracial basis. We do not have two man

cars in any area because of lack of personnel. There-
fore, you will probably see many one man cars with
both Negro and white officers patrolling the area on

a regular basis.

Enforce Guidelines for Renting Houses and Apartments -
I believe the cooperative program mentioned above will
accomplish desirable results in this area and our
housing code compliance inspectors are moving to
insure guidelines coming under their jurisdiction

are followed.

Better Streets - There have been sevegzal street
improvements in the area. Basa Street has been
prepared for paving and should be paved this week,
the weather permitting.

Better Law Enforcement - Plans are being made for
the expansion of our Police force in the next year's
budget and I am sure that this will be reflected in
improved law enforcement in all areas.

There are other improvements which will be made in the area
real soon and I will try to keep you advised.

Please do not hesitate to let us know of the feelings in your
area regarding City services and improvements.
Mr. McDaniel
Page Four
September 21, 1966

We appreciate your help and your interest in your neighborhood.

Sincerely yours,

Dan Sweat
cc: Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. —

Mr. R. Earl Landers, Administrative Assistant
Mr. Johnny Pepwell, Sum-Mec Neighborhood Center


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