Box 12, Folder 6, Document 11

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Box 12, Folder 6, Document 11

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Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404


R. EARL LANDERS, Administrative Assistant
MRS. ANN M, MOSES, Executive Secretary
DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Director of Governmental Liaison

December 19, 1967

Mr. R. S. Howard, Jr.
Executive Secretary

State Water Quality Control Board
47 Trinity Avenue, S. W.

Atlanta, Georgia 30334

Dear Mr. Howard:

Thank you for your letter of November 17, forwarding a copy of
"A Water Quality Study of Proctor Creek", outlining the biological
condition of this stream. Jam sure that our Water Pollution
Control Division will find this information most helpful in working
toward relief of the pollution problems in this area.

You should be advised that the City of Atlanta has undertaken
several actions to improve the conditions of Proctor Creek from
the standpoint of both sanitary sewer overflows and general
pollution due to combined storm and sanitary overflows coming
from the combined storm sewer system connected to that basin.

I will briefly outline in the following paragraphs some of the major
actions planned for the basin in order that your office may be kept
continually posted. You and your staff will be advised further and
in more detail regarding each project mentioned below.

The City plans to provide a major temporary treatment facility

in the vicinity of Hollywood Road to accommodate a major portion
of the sanitary sewer overload that exists in that basin and to

allow further development in the months ahead. This plant will be
so designed that it may serve as an adequate treatment device for
the period from mid-summer 1968 through mid-summer 1970, until
such time as the diversion line from the Proctor Creek Basin into
the Sandy Creek Basin and into the new enlarged Sandy Creek Water
Pollution Control Plant is constructed. Detailed plans and specifi-
cations for the proposed system near Hollywood Road will be
provided to your office in the near future.
December 19, 1967

Mr. R. S. Howard, Jr.
Executive Secretary

State Water Quality Control Board
Page Two

A contract was recently let to relieve a small portion of the
Bellwood Outfall sewer which has badly deteriorated over the
years of its use and is an area of frequent break-down and spill
to Proctor Creek, This contract will be further extended
immediately after the first of the year to provide for a similar
relief to the lower end of the Bellwood Outfall and totally prevent
overflows in this area. This was a major pollution point men-
tioned in the report that you offered us.

The items mentioned above are in addition to the major Water
Pollution Control Improvement Program laid on in 1966 by the
City of Atlanta which will eventually lead to a drastic reduction
of pollutional effects on the Chattahoochee River due to the con-
struction of major trunk sewer facilities and new or improved
water pollution control plants at the R. M. Clayton and Sandy
Creek site. Unfortunately, these major improvements cannot
be expected to show marked benefits until approximately 1971.
The items mentioned previously are intended to provide a more
immediate relief to some particularly troublesome areas that
exist at present or that can be anticipated as problem areas with
the increasing development in this area.

If this office can work with you in any way to further alleviate
identifiable problem areas, please contact us immediately.

Sincerely yours,

Ivan Allen, Jr.



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