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Box 12, Folder 6, Document 21
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Mr. R. S. Howard, Jr.
Executive Secretary
State Water Quality Control Board
47 Trinity Avenue, S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30334
RE: Letter dated September 28, 1967, requiring formal schedule for completion of
projects relative to the abatement of pollution on the Chattahoochee River.
Dear Mr. Howard:
In response to the above referenced letter, the City of Atlanta has compiled necessary
documents to provide you with schedules outlining:
(1) Submission of an engineering study
(2) Scheduling of financing arrangements
(3) A schedule for submission of final engineering plans and specifications
(4) Aschedule for the construction of waste treatment facilities
These documents are submitted in order to comply with your desire to have such material
by October 20, 1967, and are intended to indicate the efforts of the City of Atlanta
in complying with the State and Federal Directives relative to the provision of secondary
waste treatment for effluents discharged to the Chattahoochee River on or before July ls
The engineering study referred to in paragraph 1 above, was submitted to your office
on December 30, 1965, and remains substantially in effect as a reflection of the problems
and the construction needs for the abatement of pollution on the Chattahoochee River
eminating from the R. M. Clayton Water Pollution Control Plant, the Sandy Creek WPC Plant,
and the Utoy WPC Plant, each of which are the property of and under the direct control
of the City of Atlanta. A similar engineering study entitled "Report on Sewarage System
Improvements for Fulton County, Georgia" prepared by Wiedeman and Singleton Engineers
with the date of December 1965, reflects a completed requirement for an engineering study
to determine the needs for plant improvements at the Camp Creek WPC Plant and the Fulco
WPC Plant; both of which are principally owned by unincorporated Fulton County while
being operated by the City of Atlanta. Fulton County officials will submit further
data relative to financing, final engineering plans and specifications, and construction
schedules for these two facilities.
With reference to financing arrangements that are necessary to provide waste treatment
facilities referred to above, I am sure that you are aware that the City of Atlanta
took the necessary actions late in 1966 to provide an adequate revenue base in the
form of sewer service charges, such that the improvements and expansions to the
facilities referred to above can be carried out in compliance with the schedule to
be discussed in later paragraphs of this letter. Appendix 3 to this letter reflects
the financing plan of the City of Atlanta to accomplish the construction schedule
reflected in other segments of this letter. A similar financing plan will be employed
to provide the City's share of expansions and improvements to the Fulco and Camp Creek
WPC Plant which will be mentioned in a similar letter forwarded to your office by
Fulton County. It should be pointed out that a large portion of the financing plans
of the City of Atlanta and other metropolitan communities were and are based upon
anticipated financial assistance from the State and Federal Government in the design
and construction of the necessary facilities to accomplish the abatement of pollution
on the Chattahoochee River. The Georgia Water Quality Control Board should recognize
that all committments made in the past and at this time are made with an eye toward
available federal funds and with the serious hope that the State Government will take
the necessary steps to meet its obligation in this regard. It should also be noted
that any reduction in available funding from the presently authorized federal levels
will have a significant effect both upon starting time and the completion time
of projects scheduled and provided for in this letter.
The schedule for submission of final engineering plans and specifications and the
scheduled start and completion of waste treatment facilities are reflected on Appendix
1 to this letter. This appendix indicates on a graphical schedule basis the proposed
dates for these critical phases of pollution abatement and reflects the programmed time
for provision of secondary treatment in compliance with your previous directives.
The City of Atlanta is committed through previous actions of the Aldermanic Board
to the completion of these facilities in the most expeditious manner possible. This
office will work with that Board in every way possible to attain the objective of
reduced water pollution on the Chattahoochee River and to provide a more healthful
environment for Atlanta. If this office can be of any further assistance to you
in this regard, please advise.
Yours very truly,
Ivan Allen, Jr.
City of Atlanta
40 te ) Ewsi neer rag & Couttiry Gh; ou D6 lic dule
Arp tee Fuadiu 2 Keg viremeyh Sekhe dule
App th S ria WAKE i be 5 | E +
Executive Secretary
State Water Quality Control Board
47 Trinity Avenue, S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30334
RE: Letter dated September 28, 1967, requiring formal schedule for completion of
projects relative to the abatement of pollution on the Chattahoochee River.
Dear Mr. Howard:
In response to the above referenced letter, the City of Atlanta has compiled necessary
documents to provide you with schedules outlining:
(1) Submission of an engineering study
(2) Scheduling of financing arrangements
(3) A schedule for submission of final engineering plans and specifications
(4) Aschedule for the construction of waste treatment facilities
These documents are submitted in order to comply with your desire to have such material
by October 20, 1967, and are intended to indicate the efforts of the City of Atlanta
in complying with the State and Federal Directives relative to the provision of secondary
waste treatment for effluents discharged to the Chattahoochee River on or before July ls
The engineering study referred to in paragraph 1 above, was submitted to your office
on December 30, 1965, and remains substantially in effect as a reflection of the problems
and the construction needs for the abatement of pollution on the Chattahoochee River
eminating from the R. M. Clayton Water Pollution Control Plant, the Sandy Creek WPC Plant,
and the Utoy WPC Plant, each of which are the property of and under the direct control
of the City of Atlanta. A similar engineering study entitled "Report on Sewarage System
Improvements for Fulton County, Georgia" prepared by Wiedeman and Singleton Engineers
with the date of December 1965, reflects a completed requirement for an engineering study
to determine the needs for plant improvements at the Camp Creek WPC Plant and the Fulco
WPC Plant; both of which are principally owned by unincorporated Fulton County while
being operated by the City of Atlanta. Fulton County officials will submit further
data relative to financing, final engineering plans and specifications, and construction
schedules for these two facilities.
With reference to financing arrangements that are necessary to provide waste treatment
facilities referred to above, I am sure that you are aware that the City of Atlanta
took the necessary actions late in 1966 to provide an adequate revenue base in the
form of sewer service charges, such that the improvements and expansions to the
facilities referred to above can be carried out in compliance with the schedule to
be discussed in later paragraphs of this letter. Appendix 3 to this letter reflects
the financing plan of the City of Atlanta to accomplish the construction schedule
reflected in other segments of this letter. A similar financing plan will be employed
to provide the City's share of expansions and improvements to the Fulco and Camp Creek
WPC Plant which will be mentioned in a similar letter forwarded to your office by
Fulton County. It should be pointed out that a large portion of the financing plans
of the City of Atlanta and other metropolitan communities were and are based upon
anticipated financial assistance from the State and Federal Government in the design
and construction of the necessary facilities to accomplish the abatement of pollution
on the Chattahoochee River. The Georgia Water Quality Control Board should recognize
that all committments made in the past and at this time are made with an eye toward
available federal funds and with the serious hope that the State Government will take
the necessary steps to meet its obligation in this regard. It should also be noted
that any reduction in available funding from the presently authorized federal levels
will have a significant effect both upon starting time and the completion time
of projects scheduled and provided for in this letter.
The schedule for submission of final engineering plans and specifications and the
scheduled start and completion of waste treatment facilities are reflected on Appendix
1 to this letter. This appendix indicates on a graphical schedule basis the proposed
dates for these critical phases of pollution abatement and reflects the programmed time
for provision of secondary treatment in compliance with your previous directives.
The City of Atlanta is committed through previous actions of the Aldermanic Board
to the completion of these facilities in the most expeditious manner possible. This
office will work with that Board in every way possible to attain the objective of
reduced water pollution on the Chattahoochee River and to provide a more healthful
environment for Atlanta. If this office can be of any further assistance to you
in this regard, please advise.
Yours very truly,
Ivan Allen, Jr.
City of Atlanta
40 te ) Ewsi neer rag & Couttiry Gh; ou D6 lic dule
Arp tee Fuadiu 2 Keg viremeyh Sekhe dule
App th S ria WAKE i be 5 | E +