Dublin Core
Box 12, Folder 27, Document 3
Text Item Type Metadata
eta Nb ae
Atlanta, Georgia
! Part VIII, page 234
Explanation of Request for Planning Funds~-Line 1, Staff Salaries
Position Monthly Months Total Com- Source of
Title Rate (E) Assigned pensation Staff
Project Director $ 1,400 12 $ 16,913 Recruitment
Physical Planning
Coordinator 1,192 12 14, 313 Recruitment
Social Planning
Coordinator 1,192 12 14,313 Recruitment
Community Relations
Coordinator 1,192 12 14, 313 Recruitment
Technical Writer 722 12 8, 671 Recruitment
Budget Officer 786 12 9,438 Recruitment
Employment Services State Dept,
Representative 1,000 , + 7,000 of Labor
Vocational Rehab, State Dept.
Specialist 833 3 2,500 of Education
Director of School Plant : City Board |
Planning 2, 400 3 "7,200 of Education
Education Program City Board
Planner 720 10 7,200 of Education
Health Program Planner 1, 000 10 10, 000 County Health
2 Department
Family & Children's County Wel-
Services Planner 665 3 1,995 fare Dept.
Social Welfare Program ; Com, Council
Planner (2) 964 12 23,148 of Atlanta, Inc,
Recreation Program
Planner 510 12 6,170 Recruitment
‘Atlanta, Georgia
Part VIll, page 235
Civil Engineer III -
Waterworks .
820° 6
Position Monthly Months Total Come Source of
Title Rate (E) Assigned pensation Staff
Planner It 1,097 iz 13,169 City Planning
Parke Engineer 891 3 2,673 City Parks
Assistant Parks City Parks
Engineer 587 6 3, 52¢ Department
- Urban Renewal Plan- 1,097 8 8,776 Atlanta Hous-
ning . ing Authority
Planner 1 (2) 786 ea, l2ea, 18,876 City Planning
Fire Safety Inspector 700 3 2,100 City Fire Dept,
Planner II 929 12 1), 148 Recruitment
Housing Resources Housing
Committee Executive Resources
Director 900 6 5, 400 Commission
Planning Techni- City Planning
cian If (2) 665ea. l2ea, 15,960 Department
School Architect - 1,000 3 3,000 City Board of
Architect, General 1,009 12 12,108 Recruitment
Chief Housing City Building
Inspector 891 1 891 Department
Civil Engineer III (3) 820 -ea. 6ea. 14,760 City Construc~
tion Dept,
Building Code City Building
Inspecter (2) 5l7 ea, 6 ea. 6, 208 Department
City Water-
Works —
Fane ond Bred helt
Sree |
Tee ai
Tee ell
Assistant Traffic
Monthly Months
Rate (E) Assigned pensation
Atlania, Georgia
Part VIil, page 236
Total Come Source of
City Traffic
Engineer 563 4 2, 252 Degertus ie
Sanitary Engineer 693 2 1,386 City Sanitary
Chief Relocation Atlanta Hous-
Officer : 813 2 1,626 ing Authority
Relocation Assistant 520 6 3,120 Atlenta Hous-
ing Authority
Finance Officer = Urban Atlenta Hovs-
Renewal _ 520 6 3,120 ing Authority
Real Estate Officer (2) 700 eae 3 4,200 Atlanta Hour ~
ing Authozity
Neighborkood Involve-
ment Specialists (4) 625 ea, 12 30, 000 Reczuitment
Community Development
Aides (12} 244 ea, 12 35,136 Recruitment
Police Captain 786 2 1,572 Atlenta Poitce
: Department
Industrial Develop- Atlanta Cham-
ment Specialist 1,200 2 2,400 ber of Com,
Seni S a
ior tenographer 476 12 5, 712 Pepiteneos
Go rnberapners (3) 420 ea. 2 ea, 15,120 Recruitment
Typist Cl
yP erks (3) 386 ea. 12 ea. 13; 896 Recruitment ‘
Personnel T ici ;
nne echnician 968 6 5, 808 City Personnel
Accountant .
se 422 6 4, 320 City Comp-
Rewnaaad bcd faecal Nedecuaradl Ved icone
’ Atlanta, Georgia
Part VIil, page 237
Position Monthly Months Total Com- Source of
Title Rate (E) Assigned pensation Staff
Account Clerk 497 6 2,982 City Comp-
396, 875
Technical Advisory Board (See Attached) 28,135
Total Staff Salaries $425, 010
Explanation of Request for Planning FundseLine 1, Technical
Advisory Board
Title . Days Per Rate Per Total Total
Week Day . Days Cost
Director of Governmental
Liaison 05 $73. 00 26 4 8=6©$4, 234, 00
Director of City Planning
Department 25 55,05 *: 735 1,596.00
Director of City Construce
tion Department 225 62, 40 15 1, 810, 00
City Building Inspector 025 57. 40 15 1, 665.00
City Comptroller 025 55.05 15 4, 810, 00
General Manager of City
Parks 2 0125 55.05 s 826, 00
Chief of Police 2iZ5 57. 40 8 861, 00
Director of Public Health 2125 52.50 8 787, 00
Executive Director,
Community Council of
Atlanta, Inc. 0125 46, 00 8 690. 00
eta Nb ae
Atlanta, Georgia
! Part VIII, page 234
Explanation of Request for Planning Funds~-Line 1, Staff Salaries
Position Monthly Months Total Com- Source of
Title Rate (E) Assigned pensation Staff
Project Director $ 1,400 12 $ 16,913 Recruitment
Physical Planning
Coordinator 1,192 12 14, 313 Recruitment
Social Planning
Coordinator 1,192 12 14,313 Recruitment
Community Relations
Coordinator 1,192 12 14, 313 Recruitment
Technical Writer 722 12 8, 671 Recruitment
Budget Officer 786 12 9,438 Recruitment
Employment Services State Dept,
Representative 1,000 , + 7,000 of Labor
Vocational Rehab, State Dept.
Specialist 833 3 2,500 of Education
Director of School Plant : City Board |
Planning 2, 400 3 "7,200 of Education
Education Program City Board
Planner 720 10 7,200 of Education
Health Program Planner 1, 000 10 10, 000 County Health
2 Department
Family & Children's County Wel-
Services Planner 665 3 1,995 fare Dept.
Social Welfare Program ; Com, Council
Planner (2) 964 12 23,148 of Atlanta, Inc,
Recreation Program
Planner 510 12 6,170 Recruitment
‘Atlanta, Georgia
Part VIll, page 235
Civil Engineer III -
Waterworks .
820° 6
Position Monthly Months Total Come Source of
Title Rate (E) Assigned pensation Staff
Planner It 1,097 iz 13,169 City Planning
Parke Engineer 891 3 2,673 City Parks
Assistant Parks City Parks
Engineer 587 6 3, 52¢ Department
- Urban Renewal Plan- 1,097 8 8,776 Atlanta Hous-
ning . ing Authority
Planner 1 (2) 786 ea, l2ea, 18,876 City Planning
Fire Safety Inspector 700 3 2,100 City Fire Dept,
Planner II 929 12 1), 148 Recruitment
Housing Resources Housing
Committee Executive Resources
Director 900 6 5, 400 Commission
Planning Techni- City Planning
cian If (2) 665ea. l2ea, 15,960 Department
School Architect - 1,000 3 3,000 City Board of
Architect, General 1,009 12 12,108 Recruitment
Chief Housing City Building
Inspector 891 1 891 Department
Civil Engineer III (3) 820 -ea. 6ea. 14,760 City Construc~
tion Dept,
Building Code City Building
Inspecter (2) 5l7 ea, 6 ea. 6, 208 Department
City Water-
Works —
Fane ond Bred helt
Sree |
Tee ai
Tee ell
Assistant Traffic
Monthly Months
Rate (E) Assigned pensation
Atlania, Georgia
Part VIil, page 236
Total Come Source of
City Traffic
Engineer 563 4 2, 252 Degertus ie
Sanitary Engineer 693 2 1,386 City Sanitary
Chief Relocation Atlanta Hous-
Officer : 813 2 1,626 ing Authority
Relocation Assistant 520 6 3,120 Atlenta Hous-
ing Authority
Finance Officer = Urban Atlenta Hovs-
Renewal _ 520 6 3,120 ing Authority
Real Estate Officer (2) 700 eae 3 4,200 Atlanta Hour ~
ing Authozity
Neighborkood Involve-
ment Specialists (4) 625 ea, 12 30, 000 Reczuitment
Community Development
Aides (12} 244 ea, 12 35,136 Recruitment
Police Captain 786 2 1,572 Atlenta Poitce
: Department
Industrial Develop- Atlanta Cham-
ment Specialist 1,200 2 2,400 ber of Com,
Seni S a
ior tenographer 476 12 5, 712 Pepiteneos
Go rnberapners (3) 420 ea. 2 ea, 15,120 Recruitment
Typist Cl
yP erks (3) 386 ea. 12 ea. 13; 896 Recruitment ‘
Personnel T ici ;
nne echnician 968 6 5, 808 City Personnel
Accountant .
se 422 6 4, 320 City Comp-
Rewnaaad bcd faecal Nedecuaradl Ved icone
’ Atlanta, Georgia
Part VIil, page 237
Position Monthly Months Total Com- Source of
Title Rate (E) Assigned pensation Staff
Account Clerk 497 6 2,982 City Comp-
396, 875
Technical Advisory Board (See Attached) 28,135
Total Staff Salaries $425, 010
Explanation of Request for Planning FundseLine 1, Technical
Advisory Board
Title . Days Per Rate Per Total Total
Week Day . Days Cost
Director of Governmental
Liaison 05 $73. 00 26 4 8=6©$4, 234, 00
Director of City Planning
Department 25 55,05 *: 735 1,596.00
Director of City Construce
tion Department 225 62, 40 15 1, 810, 00
City Building Inspector 025 57. 40 15 1, 665.00
City Comptroller 025 55.05 15 4, 810, 00
General Manager of City
Parks 2 0125 55.05 s 826, 00
Chief of Police 2iZ5 57. 40 8 861, 00
Director of Public Health 2125 52.50 8 787, 00
Executive Director,
Community Council of
Atlanta, Inc. 0125 46, 00 8 690. 00