Box 1, Folder 20, Document 21

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Box 1, Folder 20, Document 21

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Fulton County, Georgia

.Inter-Offfice Memorandum

To: J. W. Lemon, Administrator, Health Department
From: Alan F. Kiapper, County Manager Date June 14, 1985

Subject: Addition to Adamsville Heeith Conter
(Bond Proiest $3~53-2)

Thig will confirm our conversation on Friday, June il, with Messrs.
Landers, Delius, and Sheats regarding the City's interests in the
Adamsville Hoalth Cantar property. Az painted out by Mr. Landers and
Mr. Delius et this 9 ecting, the City is not in a sosition to ébanden

its bullding oa this gita at aaytinie in the foraseeabie future. They con
zidor that under the Pian of Inprovament the property will go to the City
without any encumbrance in 1953 following tha expiration af the Hill Burton

In view of this, wa will have to work out our plans for the axpansion of the
health canter on the property that we have at tha moment pius any oroperty
that we might bs ale to acquire to the south of the present site.

AS we egread at the meating, we will follow tha following course:

(1) You will proceed to contact the State Health Department
end relete the Gbove information to tham. Wo will ra=
guest them to approve the project with the understanding
that tha County will purchase additioaal land to the south.
li this is acceptable to them, then wa will have to bring
the matter to the County Commission, preferably next
Wednesday, June 16.

(2} Iam requesting the Departmant of Planning to work with
the Land Agent and the Architect to determine precisely
what property should te purchased to the south of the
present site. At sur meeting, Mr. Landers pointed out
that the City was going to have to locate a fira atation
in this area. If sufficient land exists between the present
site boundary and Gordan aoad, he stated that the City
would be interested in attempting to work out a joint pur-
ehasg of tha land, with tha Gardon Road frantage being
used as 4 location fora fire station. Before any decisions
ara mada on aita purchase, we should dsetormine if there
ig adequate iand for a fire station and, if 80, whather the
City is interested in @ joint purchase.
Mama to Mr, Lemon
Juno 14, !965 = Page 2

(3) Assuming that tiie State will agree to the above, we still

have the problam of getting thair agreement to the proposad
plan prepated by Mr. Daadmore. While it right bo possible
to design & simpler addition to the buliding, I kelieve that
the pian oroposed by Mr. Deadmora would provide a fer

more satisfactory nal product. As aoted Friday, this is

a@ rapidly grawing area. We can look fawaerd to a heavy
eoncantration of population. Ithiak it {s important that
we consider this when makiag decisions on the size of the
heaith canter. I know that you will drive these points
home to the Stata Health Department officials.

It is tiportent that wo get as much done as possible prior to the maeting

on Wod

nesday 50 that we are in @ position to discuss the antize situation

with tha Cominission, Please keep me advised of your progress.


ec: Harold Sheats, County Attorney

Richard M. Forbes, Director of Planning

Guy Eaves, Superintendent of Public Dulldings

Earl Laadera, Anaistant to the Mayor, City of Atlanta
pre C, Delius, Director of Parks, City of Atianta


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