Box 12, Folder 28, Document 32

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Box 12, Folder 28, Document 32

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— Adlanta Soand OfAldeanan
(Ye request thit you call each member o7 the baad and clean that the (omniztee
Ke appli ahed and ‘connie calling until it is abatished, )

[fre i, ee hC F55-2780 Buds 68-353
(Anistrocrt Ice oe Co.)

Pea ekinert 2. yatctira
a oe -

ugh Fierce
ordon Foods Co. 4
eonge (otsakis ne
Lanta Grocery (0»

Res, 674-4768 bus, 873-440/
hese Rea. 753-7083 Sus 638-0219
mrens Lanber Supply (0.

Adton Y Farris Kes. 755-3140 ius. 076-2431

L£ Oil So,

n bassell, Jn fae 51-1594 a Bele
bert 5. Dernis °es. 627-2777 Bus, 521-1694 .
Snepony Griggs Rese 622-6524 Buse 233-4162
A, jillian Nets 37-1207 ee 377-1207
i, Flanigen : (es, 373-7176 bua. 373-7176

Res, 622-8991 busJOBRI

Kodne uy lia Cook

Louglas L. Fowlkes Res,

Kes, 7942510
bus. 522-5695
(harkes Leftwich tes, 622-266/
. : bus, 622-014] -
G Everett hitliken Kes, 237-6569
Luss 351-5074
Kes. 076-5233
bus, 525-51/4/
Cecil Turner Kes. 074-7271
buss 524-8456
Sus. 072-2216
Sus. 875-666/

wee AMALLianson

Richard CG Freenan


Demand that the re Aelations Conmittee be Be esha //
laxpayens of . ‘tlanda, Lo you Rrow that pl, O00. 00 was approved by the board a
lepman—lo He given liorehouse | phi: in ede of es Laws??? Ae) 4 Frivate

ud 4ee now ow if the Fulton Gals Here juny 44 not polttically stacked and will

—" this os of Jax Vas en's Furdds

(ehvin F. Craig
yrand inagon

———<——eees * rome

— ee sare cette >


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teat aa o RA ss MS : om b -
“ Highs es Loe ed gee i j hit bald
ets a Beets Sa a ig i st ‘ i hom, hy \ is WWge't
i eg henes - + zi
3 yeas

The ji fembena 0; The Keliida (, (oie: aes ielationspmmigadn

faa. (hize jazchald (uhite)

thins. larchadl isa meroe. of the Ked
(975 weatiinaster Vay ec

j frond ALU and has been eppected with
thone 373-1956 ah many Givil tights Sroups. She ia being -

en phe -. payed 412,500.00 pen year, plus expensesy
ames [(' Sina) lioone (ubite) Liberal _ by the tax-payens of (lara, ) ;
2 Allene Ave, Sele penta 0 ee ae
tanta, Sa. phone. 753-2877 ne Rabbi pe ‘thachile Liberal ‘ Semis

Falk wie F205 Arden d, Not, Rabbi

elen Bullard (white) liberal — ttlanta, Sas 233-8355 873-1771
9 [1th St. Hes he: D

tlanta, Ses pare O74 59565 AL lL, Feldman, Jewish Liberdl |

3596 Castlegate Gr. Ms 1s
ra Eahen (regra) : Atlanta, Ga. 2378393 672-O741 a
4 Fansingon Ave, Set ; ; =
tanta, Ga» phone. 627-4193 | Sr 952 Inving Kalen Libenal Jewish Lawyer -
1455 S. Johnson Ferry Ady Wee ?
S- Cagard lo ne (Toad Ofpic ce Ge) Atlanta, Ss 255-7694 pene hind, ~|
) Atlanta viva. Si¢- |
linda, Sa. phone 627-1 ee Joseph tiaas, Jewish Liberal

255-0729 ee
Kuetine. (white) fhe cGiLL type news neponten) es
Shenwood tl. N-¢ Felis Hewaadeus Sia. h pega 75 re
unta, fae prwiie 873. 323 075-7531

(henber Raont (xed) ae be u )

L. jog (ubite/ Nectiona ounckd of ( we Rev, Sanm villians (n 1S;
Foy Lise * Ms Ee » (Red: Frond rishi herben) rs

nia, Yas phone Ly tg

fe 0, .."Buzz" Ruan lahite) a oite 608 —
dion Loughss ae Liberal Lawyen ..:. (Liberal) ;

Wacoochee br. N, #, a fits hany Stephens (white )756-5001 523—
nA&4, Ys 422-2200 eal (. Liberal} (577 an
= =

Rodand haxwel L (white) 351-2053 522-7612
Rana Goce


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