Box 12, Folder 29, Document 16

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Box 12, Folder 29, Document 16

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7 wee | te re ee rn eg

November 27, 1967

Mr. Elmo Ellis


1601 West Peachtree St. N. E.
Atlanta, Georgia

My dear Mr. Ellis:

Your request for an off-duty police
officer to operate one of your information cars is basically
a traffic control function.

I asked Supt. James L. Moseley,
Superintendent of the Traffic Division, for his suggestions
and recommendations, Attached hereto is a copy of the
Superintendent's report.

Accordingly we have approved your
request on a trial basis.

If you will contact Supt. Moseley, he will
assist you in working out the details.

- With deepest personal regards, I am,

Sincerely yours,

HTJ: gp
Cc. C.
Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. AEG of lice

Supt. J. L. Moseley


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