Dublin Core
Box 12, Folder 29, Document 30
Text Item Type Metadata
November 7, 1967
Mrs. B. Baldwin
4401 Lake Shore Drive N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia
My dear Mrs. Baldwin:
Thank you very much for the copy
of your letter of October 25th, addressed to the Honorable
Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr.
I have forwarded your letter on to
Capt. O. W. Jordan of the Crime Prevention Bureau and
Capt. J.T. Marler of the Traffic Bureau, with instructions
to give your problems their immediate attention, and to
make every effort to enforce the law, and to eliminate the
complaint that you reported.
Sincerely yours,
HT J: gp hief olice
Cc. Cc.
Capt. O. W. Jordan &
Capt. J.T. Mrler
blind copy to Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr.