Box 12, Folder 30, Document 20

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Box 12, Folder 30, Document 20

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| a
September 12, 1967 we

Supte C,. Chain
Capt, O, Jordan
Lt, J.R Shatties


This date at 4:30 pm I took a photographer te the Board of Education, 224
Central Ave. He made pictures of individuals eee Supt. itusr Letsons office,
I returned to 224 Centrai Ave, and remained until 11: py at which time these
persons were told to leave the building by Det, J.D eva on orders from Lt, Nash,
They refused, and were arrested for violating city ordinance 20H27a (Loitering)o
Case set 2:30 pm, Sept. 13th. Arrested subjects were as follows.

Jessica Holland, wf20, 334 Auburn Ave.

James Gibson, wn21, 334 Auburm Ave.

Irma Jean Jackson, cf21, 334 Auburn.’

Marge Manderson, wf39, 7i1 Wilson Rd. N.Wp

Rev, Joseph E, Boone, cmd4, 4520 Clarymont Dr. S.W,
Rey, Howard W,. Creecy, cm39, 192 Ashby St..S,W
Rev. J.C Ward, cm38, 1471 Eason St. N.W,

Wilscn Brown, cm34, 360 Nelson St. SeWo

Albert Henry, wm41, 342 Otho N.E«

William Lockett, cm35, 246 Mathiewson Pl, S.W,

Supt. Letson had refused to meet this group carlier, but did so at 6330 pm.
in his office. He wanted to meet this group in the large meeting room, but thie
group refused to do so,g They bought up twelve points for discussion but finally
decided on one, that being Dr. Letson call an emergency meeting of the boare, fox
no later than tomorrow. Dx, Letson made an attempt to call Dr. Cook, but could
not reach him, Dr. Letson left the building at 10:45 pm, and returned at 11:30 ¢
this time he told the group they would have to leave. He then turned the matter
over to Lt. Nash and left,

The arrest was oxderly and was carxied out by the school detectives, Lt.
Copeland, Lt. Sheppard, There was several other officers on the scene.

When asked to leave a colored female and colezed male (John Boone) left,
Chaxles A. Webster remained on the scene, but was allowed to go, when he stated he
would be glad to go, He came on to the station and witnessed the booking of the
prisonerse He latex came to the Det. Office and questioned Capt, Duncan on the
imo identi ty of the officers participai ng in the arrest. Stating siden: that he
hac to make a report to Mr, Richard Freein:


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0 UN oe ie A A. oo “to .. Ke
i RB Moore

xbm . Eprmct Security Squad, Crime Prevention


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