Box 1, Folder 20, Document 34

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Box 1, Folder 20, Document 34

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Fulton County, Georgia

-Inter-Cffice Memorandum

To: Mr, Harold &Sheats
From: sdeinistrator, tealth Pupartrent _ Date July 28, 19¢4

Subject: the adansville Health Genter Property

In accordance with your suggestion, we met this morning at the Adamsville Health Center
with Ms. Jack Delius, Manager of the Avianta Perks Tepartuent, other merbers of his
staff and Mr. vanl ivey, City Land Asent, arid reached the following egreenent regarding
the joint use of this property?
1) The County would have a free hand in developing that part of the property
lying west of thé. back (east} wall of the health center building.

2) Any part of the health center addition extending eastward of the back
(east) wall of the health center would be so designed as not to interfere
with access to or the normal use of the recreation center building,

3) The County would have the right to pave and use the area in the rear of
the recreation center for parking purpeses provided: a) That the City
would use this area for recreational purposes when it was not in use
for parking, and b) That the existing barbecue pavilion in this area
be preserved or relocated so that it could continue to be used in con-
nection with the recreation center,

4) In view of the existing dedication of this entire parcel of land to public
health purposes until 1669, and the requirement that it ke rededicated
to pudlic health purposes if we are to obtain State and Federal aid for
the addition, it was agreed that no part of the property would be con-
veyed to tho City, but that this agreexent would be reduced to writing
and treated as a Gentlemen's agreement tather than a legal encunberance,

subject to the approval of both partics.
: £ rede
j 1 j P Lz ® we do not have the authority to cor
rourh beth Mr. Delius and I recognized that {Ss rity Sn we
cae canysetive governtientS, we agrecd to the above understanding as satisfactory irom
zd 2 + 4;
the viewpoint of our respective departments.
a r i te and cooperative, and are to
Mr, Delius, his staff and Nr. Ivey were all very consicerate ae ae Nie
be coumended heartily for their willingness to work out a butuaity accep

We are very grateful to you for expediting the amicable resolution of this problem.

“ JwLinn

ce: Mr. Jack Delius
tz, Alan F, Kiepper
Myr, Guy Eaves
Mr. McGeorge


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