Box 13, Folder 3, Document 64

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Box 13, Folder 3, Document 64

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MAY 25, 1967
The regular meeting of the Atlanta Civic Design Commission was held Thursday,

May 25, at 2 p.m., in Committee Room #4, City Hall, with the following

members present:

Joseph S. Perrin, chairman James H. Dodd

Mrs, Alvin M. Ferst, secretary John C. Gould

Harry J. Baldwin Mrs, Edith Henderson
W. L, Calloway H. King iicCain
Samuel I. Cooper J. Ben Moore

Guests present:

Lorraine M. Rennett - The Atlanta Journal
Alex Coffin - The Atlanta Constitution

Minutes of the May 11 meeting were approved,


Mr. Perrin reported on the following correspondence:

1. Letter dated May 18, to the Atlanta Housing Authority, concerning
report of the redevelopers proposals for the "University Center Urban
Redevelopment Area," as reviewed by Messrs, Perrin, Baldwin, and

2. Letter of May 25 to Bradbury & Associates, re the presentation on
May 11 of the Georgia Plaza plans. Mrs, Henderson was thanked for
drafting the material for the report.

3. As authorized by the Commission on May 11, a letter dated May 25 was
forwarded to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen, endorsing the proposed
tree ordinance, and urging their support of same,

Mr. Perrin added that members will receive a copy of the report

of the Commission (from February 1966 to March 1967) as submitted by
former chairman Cooper. Mr, Perrin expressed his personal commendation to

Wr. Cooper of the report,


Mrs, Ferst stated that the design symbol for ACDC citation is
well underway, and should be ready for the next meeting,


Committee on 4 for Allied Arts (Perrin, ch.)

Mr. Perrin stated that the City Attorney is preparing the ordinance
for allocation of percentage of construction costs to allied arts, which
we should have within the next 2-l weeks,
Ae xe
Committee on Scale Model (Portman, ch.)

Mr. Perrin stated that he and Mr. Portman have arranged a meeting
with Mr. Robert Bivens of Central Atlanta Progress, Inc., to seek CAP!s
support of the proposed model,

Committee on Proposed Dinner (Portman, ch.)

Mr, Perrin reported that Mr. Portman has consented to support
the proposed dinner, and that the committee could move ahead with plans
for same,

Committee (e) Dodd, ch.)

Mr. Dodd reported that he has begun writing letters to other
cities for information on desirability and feasibility of sidewalk cafes
in the city.

"Communication" Committee

Mrs. Ferst, co-chairman, stated that the committee is preparing
a list for contacts,

"Sanitation" Committee (Moore, ch,)

Mr. Moore stated he has no report, but that he has noticed that
the City has put trash receptacles in Plaza Park, and he questions improve-
ment due to conspicuous colors of the receptacles,

Committee on CIP Report (Gould, ch.)

Mr. Gould reported that the committee has reviewed the CIP report,
as submitted to the city by the planning consultants, The committee feels
it is a fine report; however Mr, Gould noted that the recommendations were
particularly weak. He read the draft of the committee's report to be
forwarded to the Planning Department, and the motion passed to endorse the
report as read,


AHA Review

Mr. Perrin reported that the Commission has been requested to
review the redeveloper'ts proposals for the Rawson-Washington Street Urban
Redevelopment Area, per letter of May 17 from the Atlanta Housing Authority.

Mr. Dodd, Mr. Baldwin, and Mrs, Henderson plan to represent the
ACDC at the presentation on May 31,
Bicycle Trail

Mrs, Ferst brought up the matter of the proposed bicycle trail
in the Collier Hills area, which was voted down by the Parks Committee of
the Board of Aldermen at a hearing held on May 9.

Mrs. Ferst, who lives in the section of town concerned with the
trail, presented a handbill that was circulated in the area, opposing the
trail. She stated that she heard nothing about the May 9 hearing, at which
time some 120 residents had opposed the trail, and she feels that the hasty
decision to abandon the idea was made without adequate publicity on the
hearing, and without both sides of the argument being presented,

The members discussed the issue, and the motion passed that the
Commission forward a statement to the Parks Committee requesting the reopen-
ing of the subject and endorsing the development of the trail.

Mrs. Henderson and Mrs, Ferst drafted the statement, which was
approved by the members, and the letter was forwarded that same day.

"For Sale" Signs

Mr, Perrin stated that it has been brought to his attention that
there is under consideration a possible ban of "For Sale" signs on single
unit dwellings in Atlanta and brought this matter up to the Commission for

At least 2 members of the Commission feel that ACDC should express
interest in governing sign control, and actively engage in bringing about
a sensible approach to sign control, however they hesitate to specify

particular signs.

The chairman requested Mr. Gould to give thought to the matter,
and within 1 or 2 meetings present recommendations to the Commission of
how it might approach the problen,


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned
at 3:45.

Ann Butler
Recording Secretary


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