Box 13, Folder 3, Document 67

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Box 13, Folder 3, Document 67

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Atlanta Ciuic Design Commission











1. The Ordinance was passed creating the Atlanta Civic Design Commission
in November, 1965.
2. The following members were appointed to the Commission by Mayor Allen
in January, 1966:
a. Category of Architecture:

Paul Muldawer, A.I.A. (for three years).

John Portman, A.I.A. (for two years)

b,. Category of Landscape Architecture:

Harry J. Baldwin, ASLA (for one year)
Mrs. Edith Henderson, ASLA (for three years)

ec. Category of Painting and Sculpture:

Julian Harris, A.I.A. (for two years)
Joseph S. Perrin (for one year)

d. Category of Engineering:

H. King McCain, PE (for two years)

Orbie Bostick, PE (for two years)
Category of Planning:

James H. Dodd (for one year)
Thomas H. Roberts (for three years)

Category of Historic and Architectural Tradition:
Samuel Inman Cooper, F.A.I.A. (for three years)
George Heery, A.I.A. (for one year)

Category of Lay Citizens:

Mrs. Alvin M. Ferst (for three years)
W. L. Calloway (for two years)

J. Ben Moore (for one year)

Organization Meeting - February 9, 1966.

The meeting was called to order by Mr. Cooper as Acting Chairman.

All members were present except Mr. Bostick and Mr. Moore.


Mr. Cooper stated:

That downtown Atlanta is ugly and totally uncoordinated.

That downtown Atlanta is gradually but steadily improving its
appearance and its coordination.

That the public is interested in further improvement, both in
function and in aesthetics.

That the purpose and objective of the Atlanta Civic Design Commis-~
sion is to further, so far as it is able, such improvements.

That the Commission has no powers, other than recommendation and/or

That the Commission will work with, and will enjoy the cooperation

of, the various departments of the City government.

Mr. Sam Massell, President of the Board of Aldermen, was presented,
Massell stated:

That there exists a real public interest in the objectives of the
new Commission,

That if amendments to its charter were considered advisable, the
Commission should petition the Board of Aldermen accordingly.

That the Commission cannot regulate aesthetics, but only advise
and/or recommend,

That all meetings of the Commission are to be open to the public
and to the news media,

The following officers of the Commission were elected for the

ensuing year:

Chairman---------------- Samuel Inman Cooper
Vice-Chair man-----+----~-- Joseph S. Perrin
Secre tary --------------- Mrs. Alvin M. Ferst

It was decided that meetings of the Commission would be held twice

monthly at the City Hall.

h. Functionings of the Commission:


The Atlanta Civic Design Commission has met regularly, twice
monthly, throughout its first year of existence. It has met at
2:00 P.M. on the second and fourth Thursday of each month in
Committee Room #4 of the Atlanta City Hall. Meetings have usually
lasted from three to four hours,

Attendance at meetings has not been all that could have been

desired. The Commission first established the presence of nine
Ty eas

members to constitute a quorum -- later this was reduced to cight
members (out of a total membership of fifteen) but several meetings
did not provide this quorum, and hence could take no official action.
A number of committees were appointed throughout the year. Here
again the record is spotty -- in certain committees active partici-
pation was provided, in others (usually due to the absence of their
Chairman from Commission meetings) little activity resulted.

Speakers and guests were invited to many of the Commission's
meetings, and addressed the members, Usually such presentations

were followed by questions and general discussion. Such persons
included the following, who explained to the Commission the func-
tionings and objectives of their respective groups and/or departments,
and offered the cooperation of their organizations to the Atlanta
Civic Design Commission,

Mr. Sam Massell (February 9, 1966)
Chairman, Atlanta Board of Aldermen

Mr. Thomas T, Tucker (March 17, 1966)
Navy League of the United States

Mr. Charles Mitchell (March 17, 1966)
Sculptor - Re: Fountain design

Mr. Jerry Coffell (March 17, 1966)
Planning Department - City of Atlanta

Mr. Collier Gladin (April 7, 1966)
Planning Department - City of Atlanta

Mr. Robert D. Speer (April 21, 1966)
Sanitary Department - City of Atlanta

Mr. Eric Harkness (April 21, 1966)
Planning Department - City of Atlanta

Mr. Robert S. Sturgis, A.I.A. (April 21, 1966)

Mr. John A. Brown (April 21, 1966)
Candeub, Fleissig & Associates, Consultants

Mr. Horton Rolleston (May 5, 1966)

‘rs, Harmon Barnard (ifjay 5, 1966)
North/Northwest Civic Association

Mr. Charles Hooper (May 5, 1966)
Petroleum Council of Georgia

Mr. Thomas H. Roberts (June 2, 1966)

lr. Gayle L. Harder (June 2, 1966)
Atlanta Region Metropolitan Planning Commission

Mr, Eric Harkness (June 2, 1966)
Planning Department - City of Atlanta

Mr. Glenn E. Bennett (June 2, 1966)
Atlanta Region Metropolitan Planning Commission

Mr. Andrew E. Steiner (June 2, 1966)
Robert < Company Associates

Mrs. Caroline J. Embry (June 2, 1966)
Atlanta Women's Chamber of Commerce

Mr. Charles J. Robisch (June 16, 1966)
Georgia Chapter, American Institute of architects

Alderman Rodney Cook (June 16, 1966)
Atlanta Board of Aldermen

Mr. Eric Harkness (July 1h, 1966)
Planning Department, City of Atlanta

Mr. James P, Hudson (July 1h, 1966)
Planners & Engineers Collaborative

Mr. S. Jarvis Levison (July 1h, 1966)
Attorney - City of Atlanta

Mr. Glenn E. Bennett (September 8, 1966)
Executive Director - Atlanta Region Metropolitan Planning

Mr. J. D. Wingfield (September 8, 1966)
Atlanta Region Metropolitan Planning Commission

Mr. Edgar E. Schukraft (September 22, 1966)
Chairman Urban Renewal Committee - "est End Project
= be

Mr. Eric Harkness (October 27, 1966)
Planning Department, City of Atlanta

Mr. Frank G. Etheridge (October 27, 1966)
Mr. Peter R. Norris (October 27, 1966)

Mr. Morris A. Hall (October 27, 1966)
Hall & Norris, Architects

Mr. Ellsworth Doresky (November 10, 1966)
Community Planner - Housing and Urban Development

Mr. William Oliver (December 8, 1966)
Georgia Chapter, American Institute of Architects-

Mr. Robert W. Bivens (December 8, 1966)
Executive Director - Central Atlanta Progress, Inc.

Mr. Eric Harkness (January 26, 1967)
Planning Department - City of Atlanta

Mr. Ray A. Nixon (February 9, 1966)
Chief Construction Department, City of Atlanta

Mr. A. P. Brindley (February 9, 1966)
Parks Department, City of Atlanta

Mr. Henry Toombs (February 23, 1967)
Toombs, Awisano & “ells, Architects

Mr. Clifford M, Clarke (February 23, 1967)
Associated Industries of Georgia

Mr. Collier Gladin (February 23, 1967)
Director, Planning Department, City of Atlanta

Mr. MeKendrie Tucker (March 9, 1967)
Tucker « Howell, Architects

Dr. Darwin W. Womack (March 23, 1967)
Department of Education, City of Atlanta

Mr. Clifford A. Nahser (March 23, 1967)
Department of Education, City of Atlanta

Mr. Marvin Kilgore (March 23, 1967)
Bull & Kenney, Architects

Mr. R. B, Tippett (March 23, 1967)
Robert & Company, Architects & Engineers
- 7 -
Mr. Vernon E, Johnson (March 23, 1967)
Stevens & Wilkinson, Architects

Wr. Fred Bainbridge (March 23, 1967)

Mr. Lew Deadmore (arch 23, 1967)

The Commission enjoyed the assistance of Mayor Allen and his staff,
particularly Mr. Landers, Mrs. Moses, Mrs. Price, and Mr. lMonroe,
The Commission was assisted by the Board of Aldermen, At the
Commission's request, its charter was twice amended by this Board,
Also, »1,200.00 was allocated to personnel (Mrs. Ann Butler,
Recording Secretary) and later $1,000.00 was allocated to bring
one or more scale models to Atlanta for promotional purposes. This
latter fund has not yet been drawn against,
The Commission has, during its past year of existence, sought to
organize itself, to acquaint itself with as broad a background as
possible, in terms of Atlanta's physical aspects and known devel -
opment plans for the future, and to establish basic policies under

which it would hope to function.

5S. Personnel of the Commission:


In July, 1966, Mr. Thomas H. Roberts was transferred out of Atlanta,
and therefore resigned from the Commission,

Mr. John C,. Gould was recommended to the ‘iayor as his replacement

in the category of Planning. Mayor Allen consecuently appointed

Mr. Gould as a member, and this appointment was accepted by Hr.



On March 23, 1967, the following officers of the Atlanta Civic

Design Commission were elected for the ensuing year:

As Chairman ----------------- Joseph S. Perrin
As Vice-Chairman ------------ Paul Muldawer
As Secretary ---------------- Mrs. Alvin M. Ferst

In March, 1967, the following members, some of whose earlier terms
has expired, were appointed or re-appointed to membership on the
Commission by Mayor Allen. All have accepted these appointments,

Harry J. Baldwin

Joseph S. Perrin

James A, Dodd

Franklin M. Garrett

J. Ben Noore
In March, 1967, Mr. Orbie Bostick resigned from the Commission,
due to pressure of other matters, WNo recommendation has as yet
been made as to his replacement,
In consequence of the above, the personnel of the Atlanta Civic
Design Commission is presently as follows:

(1) Category of Architecture:

Paul Muldawer (two years)
John Portman, AIA (one year)

(2) Category of Landscape Architecture:

Harry J. Baldwin, ASLA (three years)
Mrs, Edith Henderson, ASLA (two years)
(3) Category of Painting and Sculpture:

Julian Harris (one year)
Joseph S. Perrin (three years)
-~ 9 -

(4) Category of Engineering:

H. King McCain, PE (one year)
Yet to be appointed (for three years)

(5) Category of Planning:

James A. Dodd (two years)
John C. Gould (two years)

(6) Category of Architecture and Historic Tradition;

Samuel Inman Cooper, FAIA (two years)
Franklin M. Garrett (three years)

(7) Category of Lay Citizens:

Mrs. Alvin M. Ferst (two years)
W. L. Calloway (one year)
J. Ben moore (two years)

(8) Executive Secretary:

lirs. Ann Butler
6. Projects Sponsored by Atlanta Civic Design Commission:

During its initial year, the Commission sponsored, actively or
otherwise, a number of projects which it felt would be of value to the
City. These inciuded;

The Atlanta "Capitol Square" development.

Better downtown garbage disposal,

Acquisition of a scale model of downtown Atlanta.

Improvement, as a park, of the "ugly triangle" at Spring and Cain

Identification of historic buildings.

Restoration of the "terminus" area,

Improved appearance of filling stations.

Acquisition of statue of Hadad (from the Smithsonian Institute).
The vest End Urban Renewal project.

Memorial to Dean Rusk,
a 10 =

Inclusion of Atlanta in Federal "Demonstration Cities" program,
Mayor's program toward additional housing in Atlanta.
And others,

Projects reviewed by the Commission:

The Commission, during its first year, and in accordance with the
mandate stated in its charter, reviewed the following projects sub-
mitted to it;

a. Certain City of Atlanta schools.

b. Certain City of Atlanta parks.

c. One bridge for the City of Atlanta

d. Certain private developments, including:
Proposed office building adjacent to State Capitol.
Proposed high-rise apartment building on Fourteenth Street
Proposed future campus plan for Georgia State College.
Numerous smaller commercial and/or industrial buildings.
Several multi-floor garage structures.
Other proposed developments (miscellaneous)

e. The Commission has also requested, and has been promised, a review,

in its early stages, of the major development proposed by Raymond

D. Nasher on the four blocks fronting on Hunter Street, across

from the State Capitol Building.

Recommendations of the Retiring Chairman:

a, That the Atlanta Civic Design Commission be continued as a
functioning body.

b. That its budget be supplemented to cover the cost of the services,

for one additional day per week, of its Executive Secretary.
- li -

c. That any member of the Commission absent from more than three (3)
consecutive meetings be dropped from membership, and that a new

member be appointed in the same category to fill the vacancy so

Respectfylly, su tted,
Si Eiht,


February, 1966 to March, 1967.


April 10, 1967


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