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Box 13, Folder 3, Document 76
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MARCH 23, 1967
The regular meeting of the Atlanta Civic Design Commission was held Thursday,
March 23, at 2 p.m., in Committee Room #h, City Hall, with the following
members present:
Joseph S. Perrin, Chairman James H. Dodd
Paul Muldawer, Vice-Chairman Franklin M. Garrett
Harry J. Baldwin Julian Harris
W. L. Calloway Mrs. Edith Henderson
Samuel I. Cooper H. King McCain
Guests present:
Eric Harkness, City Planning Dept.
Dana Palmer, " " "
Minutes of the March 9 meeting were approved.
Mr. Perrin announced that a letter has been sent to Rich's commending
them on their 100th anniversary.
Mr. Perrin read letter dated March 9 from Raymond D,. Nasher, in reply
to Mr. Cooper's letter of Feb. 23, with reference to the proposed $200
million Park Place Development over Georgia Railroad Air Rights. Mr. Perrin
pointed out the fact that the Georgia State College Campus, which will also
build on a plaza, or platform, will be implemented adjacent to this develop-
ment. He asked if members feel ACDC may suggest to the Nasher firm coordi-
nation between their plaza concept and that of the proposed Georgia State
College Plaza, With concurrence of members, Mr. Harris requisted such letters
be written to the Nasher Firm and to Georgia State (with copy of same to
Messrs, Ernest Davis, Alan Kiepper, Dan Sweat, and architects).
At this point, Mr. Muldawer brought out the need for a master plan for
the Central Business District, because of the developments of the Park Place
Development, Capital Square Development, "Demonstration Cities" Development,
the Air Rights Development, and the Peachtree Center Development, among
The Chairman next read letter draft to be sent to Mr. Hugh Thompson of
the C&S Bank, pending approval of members, inviting him to meet with the
Commission on April 13 re the "Terminus" development. Letter was approved
as written.
Mr. Muldawer reported that the Commission has been asked by the Atlanta
Housing Authority to review, or send a delegation to help review the Rockdale
Urban Renewal Project. Mr, Baldwin and Mr. Cilloway will accompany Mr.
Muldawer to this review, which will be in about two weeks, and all members
were urged to go if possible. Members will be contacted when the time is
Mr. Muldawer also reported that last year the Commission had talked
about a symposium to set up a link of communication between ACDC and many
groups of people, He feels that the tool by which this can be done is to
approach one of the TV stations and talk to them about a regular TV program
which would present the work the Commission is doing, He asked for opinions
from members, Following a short discussion, Messrs, Muldawer and Perrin
were authorized to approach the determined station and set up a schedule for
a regular program,
Mr. Perrin stated that he feels the most important work the Commission
can do must be done by committees, and urged each committee for active
participation, and further requested that each committee bring a progress
report, where appropriate, on its activities, on a bi-weekly basis. He
added that he will establish 2 more committees today.
Committee (a)
Mr. Muldawer, chairman, reported that no new projects were submitted
for review. He stated that he has been hearing from projects that the Civic
Design Commission has reviewed, and he feels they are having an impact on
the architectural offices around the city.
Mr. Harris brought out that there are many examples in Atlanta where
business firms and companies have done excellent jobs of siting and land-
scaping, and he suggested the possibility that perhaps once a month the
Commission could have a picture of a project it commends in the paper, with
a complimentary article.
Mr. Perrin stated he thinks this is a worthwhile thing, and suggested
that it be brought up at a later meeting.
Committee on % for Arts
Mr. Perrin reported that this committee has previously submitted a
report of its recommendations, and he has contacted Mr. Robert Lyle, attorney,
who will draft a proposed ordinance for ACDC approval, to be presented to
the Board of Aldermen. He added he expects to receive the draft within
2 or 3 meetings,
Urban Beautification Committee
Mr. Harris, chairman, reported his committee has met with Eric Harkness
re the "Demonstration Cities" project in the Grant Park area, and will
continue to cooperate in every way possible,
Upon the request of Mr. Harris, Mr: Franklin Garrett was added to this
"Terminus" Committee
Mr. Muldawer, chairman, stated that he feels this "under city" develop-
ment can best be implemented by inviting an important delegation from C&S
Bank, lst National Bank, Coca Cola Company, and Rich's, to an informal
luncheon for an exchange of ideas,
Mr. Muldawer further added that he would like to remain on this committee,
but have Mr. Garrett serve as chairman, Mr. Garrett accepted the chairman-
Committee on Scale Model
Mr. Perrin reported that under Mr. Cooper's leadership $1000 has been
acquired from the City to ship a sample model to Atlanta from model makers
in San Francisco and Wilmington, Deleware. It was brought out that the San
Francisco model is not available, but the Commission can pursue the one in
Wilmington. Mr. Harris asked if perhaps the Commission should advertise
for samples from local model makers,
Mr. Perrin stated that since Mr. Portman is chairman of this committee,
he would contact him and hopefully report at the next meeting.
Committee on Proposed Dinner
Mr. Perrin stated he will contact Mr. Portman, chairman, by phone
for information in this regard, and will proceed on the guest list.
Committee on Historic Sites and Structures
Mr. Baldwin, chairman, stated he had no report, but added the ACDC
ordinance states that it is the responsibility of this Commission that it
keep some kind of record of historic sites, and expressed his delight that
Mr. Garrett, who is chairman of the Historical Society, has soinea us, as
he has background in this,
Mr. Garrett said he is sure he can be helpful in identifying historical
sites, as he has studied the background of the city, or he could look it up.
"Communication" Committee.
it was reported that Mrs. Ferst, has begun a list of important civic
groups and garden clubs,
Mr, Perrin expressed his interest in working with the Planning Dept.
on putting on a city show as part of the Arts Festival in Piedmont Park in
May. He stated he had previously spoken to Eric Harkness in this regard,
at which time they discussed the story to be told, the source of budget for
telling the story, and how this exhibition could be implemented. It was
brought out that part of the presentation could be based on the CIP Design
Report, supplemented with slides and taped information.
At this time, Erie Harkness appeared and introduced to the Commission
Mr. Dana Palmer, who has been employed by the Planning Dept. on a parttime
basis, for the purpose of working on a preliminary master plan of the down-
town, including the government center and Georgia State Campus. Mr. Harkness
pointed out that they regard this as generally an educational and promotional
taehnique, as the Planning Dept. budget does not allow for a real master plan.
Mr. Harkness was asked if he feels a presentation for a city show could
be prepared in time for the Arts Festival, and if perhaps money could be
acquired under the budget of the design report. Mr. Harkness stated there
is no money under the CIP, but he would check with Collier Gladin re feasibi-
lity of funds and report back to the Commission so we can either move ahead
or withdraw within the next 2 weeks,
The Chairman asked if the Commission feels it would be useful to
extend an invitation to Mr. Robert Brown, the new chairman of the Georgia
Urban Design Council, to meet with the Commission, as this organization
assists municipalities across the state in making various studies. Upon
Mr. Muldawer's suggestion, this was put off for future consideration,
As per motion in minutes of the January 12 ACDC meeting, for a committee
to deal with trash problems, Mr. Perrin appointed the following "Sanitation
J. Ben Moore, chairman
H. King McCain
Mrs. Edith Henderson
Mr. Perrin stated that the Planning Department requested that a
committee be established to review the Design Report; to make recommendations
in the form of a report to ACDC; to establish some of ACDC long-range goals
based on the report; and to suggest priorities in terms of development, The
chairman thereby appointed the following committee:
John C. Gould, chairman
, L. Calloway
Sam'i I, Cooper
The Commissian next discussed possible nominees to be recommended to
the Mayor to replace Mr. Orbie Bostick, who has resigned from the Commission,
Mr. Joseph Briggs Browder, Vice-President of Georgia Power Company,
was nominated, provided he will agree to serve. Mr, Muldawer also nominated
Ray O'Neil.
The motion was passed that Mr. Browder be contacted to ascertain if he
is willing to be nominated to the Mayor, and if he is not, Mr. Muldawer will
again bring up Ray O'Neil.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at }:30 p.m.
Ann Butler
Recording Secretary
MARCH 23, 1967
The regular meeting of the Atlanta Civic Design Commission was held Thursday,
March 23, at 2 p.m., in Committee Room #h, City Hall, with the following
members present:
Joseph S. Perrin, Chairman James H. Dodd
Paul Muldawer, Vice-Chairman Franklin M. Garrett
Harry J. Baldwin Julian Harris
W. L. Calloway Mrs. Edith Henderson
Samuel I. Cooper H. King McCain
Guests present:
Eric Harkness, City Planning Dept.
Dana Palmer, " " "
Minutes of the March 9 meeting were approved.
Mr. Perrin announced that a letter has been sent to Rich's commending
them on their 100th anniversary.
Mr. Perrin read letter dated March 9 from Raymond D,. Nasher, in reply
to Mr. Cooper's letter of Feb. 23, with reference to the proposed $200
million Park Place Development over Georgia Railroad Air Rights. Mr. Perrin
pointed out the fact that the Georgia State College Campus, which will also
build on a plaza, or platform, will be implemented adjacent to this develop-
ment. He asked if members feel ACDC may suggest to the Nasher firm coordi-
nation between their plaza concept and that of the proposed Georgia State
College Plaza, With concurrence of members, Mr. Harris requisted such letters
be written to the Nasher Firm and to Georgia State (with copy of same to
Messrs, Ernest Davis, Alan Kiepper, Dan Sweat, and architects).
At this point, Mr. Muldawer brought out the need for a master plan for
the Central Business District, because of the developments of the Park Place
Development, Capital Square Development, "Demonstration Cities" Development,
the Air Rights Development, and the Peachtree Center Development, among
The Chairman next read letter draft to be sent to Mr. Hugh Thompson of
the C&S Bank, pending approval of members, inviting him to meet with the
Commission on April 13 re the "Terminus" development. Letter was approved
as written.
Mr. Muldawer reported that the Commission has been asked by the Atlanta
Housing Authority to review, or send a delegation to help review the Rockdale
Urban Renewal Project. Mr, Baldwin and Mr. Cilloway will accompany Mr.
Muldawer to this review, which will be in about two weeks, and all members
were urged to go if possible. Members will be contacted when the time is
Mr. Muldawer also reported that last year the Commission had talked
about a symposium to set up a link of communication between ACDC and many
groups of people, He feels that the tool by which this can be done is to
approach one of the TV stations and talk to them about a regular TV program
which would present the work the Commission is doing, He asked for opinions
from members, Following a short discussion, Messrs, Muldawer and Perrin
were authorized to approach the determined station and set up a schedule for
a regular program,
Mr. Perrin stated that he feels the most important work the Commission
can do must be done by committees, and urged each committee for active
participation, and further requested that each committee bring a progress
report, where appropriate, on its activities, on a bi-weekly basis. He
added that he will establish 2 more committees today.
Committee (a)
Mr. Muldawer, chairman, reported that no new projects were submitted
for review. He stated that he has been hearing from projects that the Civic
Design Commission has reviewed, and he feels they are having an impact on
the architectural offices around the city.
Mr. Harris brought out that there are many examples in Atlanta where
business firms and companies have done excellent jobs of siting and land-
scaping, and he suggested the possibility that perhaps once a month the
Commission could have a picture of a project it commends in the paper, with
a complimentary article.
Mr. Perrin stated he thinks this is a worthwhile thing, and suggested
that it be brought up at a later meeting.
Committee on % for Arts
Mr. Perrin reported that this committee has previously submitted a
report of its recommendations, and he has contacted Mr. Robert Lyle, attorney,
who will draft a proposed ordinance for ACDC approval, to be presented to
the Board of Aldermen. He added he expects to receive the draft within
2 or 3 meetings,
Urban Beautification Committee
Mr. Harris, chairman, reported his committee has met with Eric Harkness
re the "Demonstration Cities" project in the Grant Park area, and will
continue to cooperate in every way possible,
Upon the request of Mr. Harris, Mr: Franklin Garrett was added to this
"Terminus" Committee
Mr. Muldawer, chairman, stated that he feels this "under city" develop-
ment can best be implemented by inviting an important delegation from C&S
Bank, lst National Bank, Coca Cola Company, and Rich's, to an informal
luncheon for an exchange of ideas,
Mr. Muldawer further added that he would like to remain on this committee,
but have Mr. Garrett serve as chairman, Mr. Garrett accepted the chairman-
Committee on Scale Model
Mr. Perrin reported that under Mr. Cooper's leadership $1000 has been
acquired from the City to ship a sample model to Atlanta from model makers
in San Francisco and Wilmington, Deleware. It was brought out that the San
Francisco model is not available, but the Commission can pursue the one in
Wilmington. Mr. Harris asked if perhaps the Commission should advertise
for samples from local model makers,
Mr. Perrin stated that since Mr. Portman is chairman of this committee,
he would contact him and hopefully report at the next meeting.
Committee on Proposed Dinner
Mr. Perrin stated he will contact Mr. Portman, chairman, by phone
for information in this regard, and will proceed on the guest list.
Committee on Historic Sites and Structures
Mr. Baldwin, chairman, stated he had no report, but added the ACDC
ordinance states that it is the responsibility of this Commission that it
keep some kind of record of historic sites, and expressed his delight that
Mr. Garrett, who is chairman of the Historical Society, has soinea us, as
he has background in this,
Mr. Garrett said he is sure he can be helpful in identifying historical
sites, as he has studied the background of the city, or he could look it up.
"Communication" Committee.
it was reported that Mrs. Ferst, has begun a list of important civic
groups and garden clubs,
Mr, Perrin expressed his interest in working with the Planning Dept.
on putting on a city show as part of the Arts Festival in Piedmont Park in
May. He stated he had previously spoken to Eric Harkness in this regard,
at which time they discussed the story to be told, the source of budget for
telling the story, and how this exhibition could be implemented. It was
brought out that part of the presentation could be based on the CIP Design
Report, supplemented with slides and taped information.
At this time, Erie Harkness appeared and introduced to the Commission
Mr. Dana Palmer, who has been employed by the Planning Dept. on a parttime
basis, for the purpose of working on a preliminary master plan of the down-
town, including the government center and Georgia State Campus. Mr. Harkness
pointed out that they regard this as generally an educational and promotional
taehnique, as the Planning Dept. budget does not allow for a real master plan.
Mr. Harkness was asked if he feels a presentation for a city show could
be prepared in time for the Arts Festival, and if perhaps money could be
acquired under the budget of the design report. Mr. Harkness stated there
is no money under the CIP, but he would check with Collier Gladin re feasibi-
lity of funds and report back to the Commission so we can either move ahead
or withdraw within the next 2 weeks,
The Chairman asked if the Commission feels it would be useful to
extend an invitation to Mr. Robert Brown, the new chairman of the Georgia
Urban Design Council, to meet with the Commission, as this organization
assists municipalities across the state in making various studies. Upon
Mr. Muldawer's suggestion, this was put off for future consideration,
As per motion in minutes of the January 12 ACDC meeting, for a committee
to deal with trash problems, Mr. Perrin appointed the following "Sanitation
J. Ben Moore, chairman
H. King McCain
Mrs. Edith Henderson
Mr. Perrin stated that the Planning Department requested that a
committee be established to review the Design Report; to make recommendations
in the form of a report to ACDC; to establish some of ACDC long-range goals
based on the report; and to suggest priorities in terms of development, The
chairman thereby appointed the following committee:
John C. Gould, chairman
, L. Calloway
Sam'i I, Cooper
The Commissian next discussed possible nominees to be recommended to
the Mayor to replace Mr. Orbie Bostick, who has resigned from the Commission,
Mr. Joseph Briggs Browder, Vice-President of Georgia Power Company,
was nominated, provided he will agree to serve. Mr, Muldawer also nominated
Ray O'Neil.
The motion was passed that Mr. Browder be contacted to ascertain if he
is willing to be nominated to the Mayor, and if he is not, Mr. Muldawer will
again bring up Ray O'Neil.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at }:30 p.m.
Ann Butler
Recording Secretary