Box 13, Folder 3, Document 88

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Box 13, Folder 3, Document 88

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DECEMBER 8, 1966
The regular meeting of the Atlanta Civic Design Commission was held Thursday,

December 8, at 2 p.m., in Committee Room #4, City Hall, with the following

members present:

Sam'l] Inman Cooper, Chairman YW. L. Calloway
Joseph S. Perrin, Vice-Chairman J. Ben Moore
Harry J. Baldwin Paul Muldawer

Guests present:

William Oliver, A.I.A.
Robert W. Bivens, Executive Director, Central Atlanta Progress, Inc.

Minutes of the November 10 meeting were approved,


Chairman Cooper reported that the following letters have been received or

written by the Commission:

(1) Letter dated December 1 to the Atlamta Board of Aldermen requesting
sum of $1,000 to defray cost of crating, insuring and shipping
existing models from San Francisco and Wilmington, Delaware, and
returning same to present owners;

(2) Letter dated November 11 from Wm. M. Eichbaum, Wilmington, quoting
bid price on proposed model;

(3) Letter dated November 23 from Architectural Models, Inc., San
Francisco, quoting bid price on proposed model;

(4) Letter dated November 12 from Wilbur G. Kurtz, naming and defining
four (4) ante-bellum houses in Atlanta which represent "historic
sites and structures";

(5) Letter of November 17, to Mavor Allen, (with copy of Kurtz letter
enclosed) requesting information on how sites can be officially
declared of "historic significance" by the City of Atlanta;

(6) Letter dated November 10 from Bric Harkness, Planning Department,
re historical survey. Also a copy of information in the Dept.
of Housing and Urban Development report - "Preserving Historic


Chairman Cooper reported he spoke to Mr. Pilcher in the City
Attorney's Office inquiring how sites may legally be declared of "historic
Significance", Mr. Pilcher stated that he was, at the request of the City

Attorney, looking into the matter, and would report later to the Commission.

Mr. Muldawer brought out that in Savannah when someone applies for
a demolition permit, the City will delay issuance of the permit for 2 weeks,
and the Historic Commission is notified so the property can be bought by
them. He urged that this be investigated to see if this policy also applies

to Atlanta.

The Chairman suggested that Mr. Baldwin contact Mr, Pilcher and

pass along to him Mr. Muldawer's information.


Mr. Perrin submitted in writing the recommendation of the Committee
on Percentage for Allied Arts. Voting on this report was necessarily

postponed due to the lack of a quorum at the meeting.


Mr. Muldawer, chairman of Committee (a), reviewed the following
(1) Grant Park School - Martin & Bainbridge, Arch.

(2) Recreation Building, Daniel-Stanton Park - Yilliam Oliver, AIA

Chairman Cooper introduced Mr. Bivens, who discussed the Central
Atlanta Association and the Uptown Association merger. Mr. Bivens stated
that the new organization, named "Central Atlanta Progress", is an independent
body, which plans to involve itself actively in anything that relates to
health and functioning of the heart of the city. He further stated that
CAP is cohcerned about ACDC's program, design of the city, and that it will
try to work with ACDC in improving the City. He feels that CAP will be more

effective than were the two separate associations (Uptown and Central Atlanta)

Asked by the Commission if "Central Atlanta Progress" plans to have
a master plan of Atlanta, Mr. Bivens replied that while CAP has not formally
drawn up a master plan, at the same time it has definite goals to work on,
such as downtown traffic needs and making the downtown more functional,

among other specific projects.

The Chairman asked Mr. Bevins if his organization would be interested
in supporting and possibly contributing to a model of Atlanta. While Mr.
Bivens stated he could not answer for CAP, he does feel that a model would

generate interest and serve a useful purpose,

Mr. Bivens extended his thanks for being invited to the meeting,
and stated he is looking forward to working with the Commission, and urged

the members to pass comments .on to him,

Upon description of the improvements made to the property at two
locations in the City, which members feel should be commended, Messrs. Moore
and Calloway were requested to write letters to the Commission describing
these property trastmente, so that ACDC may in turn officially commend the

property owners.

Members of the Commission concur that if ACDC can commend where
commendation is due, and in consequence generate favorable publicity, it will

benefit both the City and ACDC.

Thereupon Mr. Muldawer stated he feels that as architectural reviews
are made by the Commission, ACDC should issue a statement to the press

listing the projects reviewed and the projects ACDC commends,

Mr, Muldawer further suggested that the chairman write, at the
request of the members present, a letter to the Mayor stating our support
to the Mayor's Housing Program, volunteering ACDC assistance, and also stat-

ing ACDC's concern about the quality of the houses.

Chairman Cooper brought up that the end of the present Commission
term is coming up, and members concurred that nomination for new members
Should be from the floor or by secret ballot, rather than by a nominating
committee, Members also concur that the new Commission should select its

own chairman,

The Chairman asked if members feel that the Commission should
recommend to the Mayor substitution or re-appointments, and it was brought

out that the ordinance states that members shall not be appointed for
- 5-
successive terms. Chairman Cooper stated that he feels Mayor Allen will
cooperate with the Commission's reeommendations,

Members present agreed to omit the December 22 meeting. The next

ACDC meeting will be January 12, 1967.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:10 p.m.

Ann Butler
Recording Secretary


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