Box 13, Folder 3, Document 92

Dublin Core


Box 13, Folder 3, Document 92

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Noversber 4, 1966

Mig, Sarnuel laman Cooper, Chairman

__——__ >a Civic Design Commission
c/o Atlanta Historical Society

Heary Grady Building
Atianta, Ceorgia

Dear Sam:

Thank you for your letter and the resolution passed by the
Atlanta Civic Design Commission regarding proper
recognition of our outstanding citizen, Dean Rusk.

iam forwarding a copy of your resolution to the Capitol
Square Plaza Comamittee, Mr. Ernest Davis, Mr. Earl
Landers and Mr. Alan Kieper, with the request that they
give consideration to recognizing Dean Rusk in their design.

lam also forwarding @ copy to Dr. John Letson
the change of the name of the Lee Street School. Your
committee is to be congratulated on these two excellent


«Me. Frank Etheridge initiated the inquiry as to such a

memerial and I am sending him copies of this correspondence.
Sincerely yours,

> Ivan Allen, Jr.


CC: Mr. Ernest Davis
Mr. Earl Landers
Dr. John Letson

Mr. Frank Etheridge


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