Box 13, Folder 3, Document 94

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Box 13, Folder 3, Document 94

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OCTOBER 27, 1966
The regular meeting of the Atlanta Civic Design Commission was held Thursday,

October 27, at 2 p.m., in Committee Room #h, City Hall, with the following

members present:

Sam'l Inman Cooper, Chairman George Heery
Joseph S. Perrin, Vice-Chairman J. Ben Moore
John C. Gould Paul Muldawer

Julian Harris
Guests present:
Eric Harkness, City Planning Dept.

Frank G. Etheridge
Peter R. Norris & Worris A. Hall; Hall & Norris, Architects

Minutes of the October 13 meeting were approved,


Chairman Cooper read the following:

(1) Letter dated October 25 from ifayor Ivan Allen re "Demonstration
Cities" Program, and ACDCts reply to the Mayor;

(2) Letter written to Mr. Eric Harkness of the Planning Dept. re ACDC's
recommendation on rehabilitation of Piedmont Park, as requested at
the October 13 meeting. Letter was approved as written,

(3) Letter from Hon. Sam Massell, Jr., President of Board of Aldermen,

in reply to ACDC's letter of October 20 re amendment to the ordinance
creating ACDC.


Mr. Frank G. Etheridge, a member of the "West End Gang," the group
which suggested a commemorative to Dean Rusk, met with the Commission to
discuss this matter, Mr, Etheridge stated that his group favors as an
appropriate commemorative to Mr. Rusk, a memorial in Capitol Square Plaza,

and also the renaming of the Lee Street School for Mr. Rusk,
Mr. Moore brought out that Mr. Edgar E. Schukraft had stated that
the West End Businessmen'ts Association was hoping for the renaming of the
Lee Street School and also a memorial in the shopping center to be erected

on the old Lee Street School site,

With the Goanieedents concurrence that a memorial in Capitol Square
Plaza, rather than the shopping center, would be more appropriate, the
following motion was approved: |
"That ACDC recommends a memorial to the Honorable Dean Rusk be located in
Capitol Square Plaza, and that the designer of Capitol Square be directed
to design the square in such a way as to make a memorial to Mr. Rusk the

main feature,"

It was requested that a cony of the Mayor's letter requesting an
opinion of ACDC re Rusk commemorative be forwarded with the recommendation

to the committee handling the Capitol Square Plaza.

Mr, Heery made the following motion, which was passed;
"That ACDCG correspond with Mayor Allen and advise him that this Commissi.i
feels that a publicly sponsored memorial of Dean Rusk in a shopping center

would be inappropriate."


Messrs. Hall and Norris, architects, submitted for ACDC's review
a model of Northside High School addition, including gymnasium. Members
highly praised the model, and expressed appreciation to Messrs. Hall and

Norris for their presentation,
The following motions were passed:

(1) "That a letter be written to the School Board commending this design
of the addition to the school, and commending the architects for the
use of a study model and specifically for including the model as

part of their presentation to the Commission,"

(2) "ACDC further recommends to the School Board that in the future
materials on building additions match the existing materials of the


(3) "That the form letter to be forwarded to Hall & Norris, Architects,
thanking them for submitting their project for review, also include

ACDC's praise of this model."


Committee (a)
Mr. Muldawer, chairman, reported that 14 submissions have been

received. He will review and report at the next meeting.

Committee (b) - Perrin, chairman
Committee (c) - Portman, chairman

No report
_ Committee (d) - Moore, chairman
No report

Committee (e) - Dodd, chairman

No report
Committee on % for Arts ~ Perrin, chairman

Committee has not met to determine a percentage of construction
costs to be allocated to allied arts

Committee on Urban Beautification Program - Harris, chairman

Mr. Gould stated that Mr. Ellsworth Doresky, Community Planner
for Housing & Urban Development, was unable to attend the meeting
today, but he would like to appear at the next meeting. At that
time, Mr. Gould hopes to hear how we might get assistance in a
visual survey of Atlanta

Mr. Harris stated that the committee is at the point where it
comes down to money, and that perhaps funds can be made available
through the "Demonstration Cities" Program. Arrangements will be
made for this committee to meet with Mr. Eric Harkness to review the
Urban Beautification plan,

Terminus Committee - Muldawer, chairman

Mr. Muldawer stated that Mayor Allen was taken on a tour of this
underground area, Mr. Perrin read to the Commission certain sections
of a letter Mr. Muldawer sent the Mayor, outlining thoughts what
this development could do. Mayor Allen has answered faverdbdry to
the idea, and has no objections to the committee moving ahead with
publicity of this development,

A newspaper article on the underground development written by Mr.
Reese Cleghorn and published in the Atlanta Journal on October 26,

was passed around to members present for their review.
= fe

Committee on Scale Model, Portman, chairman |

Chairman Cooper reported that he and Mr. Portman met with Mr.
William M. Eichbaum, a model maker from Delaware, to discuss a model
of Atlanta. A folder showing some of Mr. Eichbaum's models in
Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Houston, etc., was reviewed by members.

Mr. Eichbaum had been informed that ACDC would want a model with

removable sections, representing Atlanta as it is, and might be

confined to the following boundaries:
Atlanta Stadium on the south;
Sears on Ponce de Leon on the east;
North Avenue on the north;
Spring Street on the west

Mr. Eichbaum stated that he could probably provide a model at
a scale of 50' = 1", at an approximate cost of $175 to $200 per
square foot of model,

Committee on Dinner Meeting - Portman, chairman

Messrs. Cooper and Perrin gave the following details of meeting with

Mr. Portman:

(1) CGommitteer feels it would be useful to have Mr. Justin Herman,
member of staff of Urban Renewal in San Francisco, come to
Atlanta to speak at the proposed dinner;

(2) There are no problems in financing the affair, which should be
held in proper atmosphere and place so as to attract people who
are invited and give meaning to the quality of the affair;

(3) Committee recommends an invitation list of approximately 100-
200 people, including ACDC, Mayor Allen and the Board of Alder-

men, city department heads, leadership of business associations,

and other people involved in the development of Atlanta;
(4) No date and time were ascertained, but February,
named as a possibility,

Committee on Planning Dept, ~ Baldwin, chairman

No report

Committee on Communication - Ferst, chairman

No report

The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m.

Ann Butler
Recording Secretary

1967, was


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