Box 13, Folder 11, Document 12

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Box 13, Folder 11, Document 12

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October 9, 1967

Mrs. Dan Plaster, Sr.
341 Allison Drive, N.E,
Atlanta, Georgia 30305

Dear Mrs. Plaster:

Thank you for your recent letter to Mayor Allen which
has been forwarded to this office regarding the National
Society of Southern Dames of America meeting which will
convene in Atlanta next June.

Permission is granted for your organization to place
@ memorial wreath on the Henry Grady Monument at Five Points
on Sunday afternoon, June 23, 1968. Although this department
controls all monuments in the City located on public property,
we of course do not have jfirisdiction over public streets and
I therefore suggest that you contact Superintendent Fred W.
Beerman, Atlante Police Department, and advise him of your
plans and the fact that this department has given its sanction
so that if it is necessary the Police Department may arrange
to have traffic: officers on location to assist in traffic
control, etc.

We wish for you every possible success with your meeting
and if there is any wey we can be of service do not hesftate
to advise and I am


» Jack C. Delius
General Manager of
Parks and Recreation

JCDilg f
CC: Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr.
Supt. Fred W. Beerman


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