Dublin Core
Box 13, Folder 11, Document 19
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October 6, 1967
Mrs. Dan Plaster, Sr.
341 Allison Drive, N. E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30305
Dear Mrs. Plaster:
Thank you for your nice letter, and Iam delighted
to learn that the National Society of Southern Dames
of America will convene in Atlanta next June.
Iam forwarding your letter to Mr. Jack Delius,
General Manager of the Parks Department, in order
that the necessary action may be taken to issue the
Society a permit to place the wreath at the Henry
Grady Monument.
I shall look forward to hearing from you as your
plans develop.
Sincerely yours,
Ivan Allen, Jr.
CC: Mr. Jack Delius
Mrs. Dan Plaster, Sr.
341 Allison Drive, N. E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30305
Dear Mrs. Plaster:
Thank you for your nice letter, and Iam delighted
to learn that the National Society of Southern Dames
of America will convene in Atlanta next June.
Iam forwarding your letter to Mr. Jack Delius,
General Manager of the Parks Department, in order
that the necessary action may be taken to issue the
Society a permit to place the wreath at the Henry
Grady Monument.
I shall look forward to hearing from you as your
plans develop.
Sincerely yours,
Ivan Allen, Jr.
CC: Mr. Jack Delius