Dublin Core
Box 13, Folder 11, Document 79
Text Item Type Metadata
September 8, 1967
Mr. Jack Delius
General Manager
Atlanta Parks Department
260 Central Avenue, S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Mr. Delius:
My good friend, Mrs. Pat Royalty, has told me that you may possibly
lose the use of the Crew Street - Haygeod Street lot as a play-
ground. This reminded me that I have been meaning to call you and
offer the use of the four lots, approximately 180' frontage on
Washington Street near Ormond Street, that we own.
We have demolished the houses and though it isn't perfectly level,
most of the fall-off is towards the very rear.
As I understand it from Mrs. Royalty, these childern will not use
facilities more than several blocks away. Therefore, there may be
a good many in this immediate area that would use a small but
convenient playground.
We, of course, also have those large parking lots east of Washington
Street and north of the Cancer Home, including the 200° by 200'
north of Bass Street where we also park cars for the Stadium crowds.
These are now being used in an informal, unofficial way by a number
of childern, and we are delighted. However, if these toocould be
employed in a more efficient manner to benefit the neighborhood,
please let us know. —
We ourselves plan no improvements in the way of building on any of
these lots for the next few years, and so you could count on their
continued use for a werthwhile period of time. This is particularly
true of the four lots near Ormond Street. It is probable that we
will arrange a service station sale or something similar on the 200'
north of Bass Street sometime in the future, but even there, I
believe it will stay as is for at least two or three years.
Kiliaen V. R. Townsend
Jai Mayor Ivan Allen
Mr. Jack Delius
General Manager
Atlanta Parks Department
260 Central Avenue, S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Mr. Delius:
My good friend, Mrs. Pat Royalty, has told me that you may possibly
lose the use of the Crew Street - Haygeod Street lot as a play-
ground. This reminded me that I have been meaning to call you and
offer the use of the four lots, approximately 180' frontage on
Washington Street near Ormond Street, that we own.
We have demolished the houses and though it isn't perfectly level,
most of the fall-off is towards the very rear.
As I understand it from Mrs. Royalty, these childern will not use
facilities more than several blocks away. Therefore, there may be
a good many in this immediate area that would use a small but
convenient playground.
We, of course, also have those large parking lots east of Washington
Street and north of the Cancer Home, including the 200° by 200'
north of Bass Street where we also park cars for the Stadium crowds.
These are now being used in an informal, unofficial way by a number
of childern, and we are delighted. However, if these toocould be
employed in a more efficient manner to benefit the neighborhood,
please let us know. —
We ourselves plan no improvements in the way of building on any of
these lots for the next few years, and so you could count on their
continued use for a werthwhile period of time. This is particularly
true of the four lots near Ormond Street. It is probable that we
will arrange a service station sale or something similar on the 200'
north of Bass Street sometime in the future, but even there, I
believe it will stay as is for at least two or three years.
Kiliaen V. R. Townsend
Jai Mayor Ivan Allen