Box 13, Folder 12, Document 13

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Box 13, Folder 12, Document 13

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December 9, 1966

Miss Carol Shure
1590 Wesley Parkway, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30327

Dear Missa Shure:

lam most grateful for your nice letter and most generous
offer to contribute $500. 00 on behalf of the B'nai B'rith Girls
to a charity of my choice. I consider this a fine honor.

During the past five years as your Mayor, I have observed
many worthwhile causes and fine philanthropic organizations.
There is one area which stands out in my mind most of all.
Many of our citizens, from all walks of life, derive great
pleasure from the Grant Park Zoo.

It comes to my mind that you might want to consider donating
the money to the City of Atlanta for the specific purpose of
purchasing an animal for the zoo. You may have seen Charlie
the Chimp perform on many occasions. He is really our star;
but Charlie is getting quite old, and I am afraid, he won't be
around too much longer,

Should this idea appeal to you, I would like to suggest that we

use the funds to purchase a baby chimpanzee which can be trained

to take Charlie's place. We would hape that your organization would
choose his name.

Please let me know what you think, and Mrs. Moses will be glad
to work with you and our Parks Department; and should you desire,
we will be glad to arrange for you to visit the zoo and see Charlie.

Ivan Allen, Jr.

bc: Stan Martin and Johgny Dilbeck


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