Box 13, Folder 12, Document 36

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Box 13, Folder 12, Document 36

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May 18, 1967

Mr. Charles L. Davis

City of Atlanta
Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Dear Charles:

Thank you for your recent letter regarding the Finance Committee's
action in levying an additional one-half mill tax and earmarking
such funds for the use of the Parks Department.

In your letter, you asked that I develop a list of the emergency
operating needs of this department for the remainder of 1967; and,
you further requested that in compiling my list of needs, I take
in consideration the grants promised by Bconomic Opportunity
Atlanta, Inc. Let me say here that we have only been promised
$160,000 not two to three hundred thousand dollars as your letter
tndicates. However, there is a possibility that Congress will
eee @ supplementa] appropriations bill which will amount to some

75,000,000 and out of this EOA may get additional funds for
recreation. The problem is that the summer is already here and I
must begin to move and move rapidly and I cannot wait on various
decisions up and down the line.

I am attaching a synopsis of the proposal submitted to Economic
Opportunity that covers the operation of seven different and
distinct recreation and cultural activities. They age listed in
the order of priority and you will note that on page two there is
a recap of the cash grants requested from BOA, The cash grant
comes to $381,695.70. EOA has assured us of only $160,000. Thus,
if no additional BOA funds materialize, from the City we will need
$121,000. An additional sum will be needed from the City in the
event that we wish to extend the hours of operation of community
centers located in non-disadvantaged areas. We have included in
this proposal to BOA only those facilities which will directly serve
citizens of the poverty target areas.
Mr, Charles Lb. Davis
Page Two

If you desire, I can supply you with a more complete breakdown

as to how we arrived at salaries, travel expenses, equipment, etc.
I assume that for the present, the attached synopsis is sufficient
for your purposes. We have not included the $53,000 set aside for
playlot salaries in computing the additional funds needed from BOA
in that we would like to return this sum of money to our regular
salary accounts and thus “unfreeze” a number of positions. Finally,
Miss Carmichael has proceeded to requistion playground equipment and
portable toilets using City funds. She knows her accounts will be
in the red? however, we can transfer funds when EOA makes their

We appreciate your consideration to our request and thanking you for
your many past favors, I am


Jack C. Delius
General Manager of
Parks and Recreation

ec: Hon, Ivan Allen, Jr. ima
All Members of the Parks Committee (w/encl.)

Hon. Milton Farris (w/encl.)



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