Box 13, Folder 12, Document 46

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Box 13, Folder 12, Document 46

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Office of General Manager 1

Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Atlanta Parks Department
1085 Piedmont Ave. N.E.
teR-C: DELIUE — , Atlanta, Georgia 30309



Entomologist’s Report
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Date May 3,196? —_

Dear “ry, Delius:

The following recommendations are made for trees to be planted in the planters
beside the Hurt and other buildings in downtown Atlanta. These recomendations
are based on the combined thinking of some of the top authorities in the south

' east and include such men as R.K. Smith and Elmer Roth-U.S. Forest Service, John
Mixon and Troy Keeble - Georgia Forest Commission and several others;

1-Crape myrtlé is the first choice.

2-Moraine Locust-about ecual to the above.

5-Juniperus scopulorum (western red cedar).

4-Flowering Crab Apple.

Wie think that no one species should be planted entirely, but have at least
two or three and if this is followed we recommend the first three above. Flowering
crab is a very attractive tree, but we are wondering how people would react if
the apples were to drop on the side walk and make slippery spots when they were

Mre Joe Lance and I believe that if the city is to be involved in planting
and.maintaining trees in planters or any other site on the stre:ts that great
care be used in selecting, planting and tending to the trees. We recommend:

1-That we select the specific trees from the nursery that sells them.

2-That the tree roots be balled and burlap covered.

3-That the:trees be nursery grown.

4-That the soil placed in the planters be good friable top soil and that
approximately 1/3 by volume be peat moss.

5-The trees be approximately 2 inch caliper at the base and at least 6 feet

I have contacted several nurseries end find that those listed in the directory
are largely dealers that obtain their stock from other areas, and none of them
handle Juniperus scopulorum. This tree has beautiful silver green foliage and would
remain green all year. It would also be a nice tree to decorate for Christmas. It
can be obtained through one or more of the nurseries, but all of them state that
it is too late to Brant them this late in the season.

Discribution: tl Signed
' W. D. Buchanan, Entomologist

FORM 34-22
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Entomologist Report _

Atlanta Garden Center has Moraine Locusts that range from 8 to 10 feet tall
and sell at $18.00 each. They also have crape myrtle 4 to 5 feet tall that sell
at $10.00 each, and trees 12-15 feet tall run $40.00 each.

Monroe Nursery have crape myrtle about 6 feet tall that sell at $6.00 each.

we recognize that the survival of any tree that is planted on the streets has
much to contend with in the form of gas fumes from cars, changes in water available
lack of space for the roots to spread, constant handling by the public etc. ‘We
know that ‘some of the seedlings will die regardless of how well they are tended,
but if they are watered well and fertilized after being put in the planters the
survival should be as good as can be expected under the conditions that will exist.

Inferior planting stock is expensive regardless of what the city of Atlanta pays
for itbecausé survival is less likely and the same goes for the care needed in
planting and caring for the trees after they are planted.

Sincerely yours ’ \y
i). Laur Ay Au

W.D. Buchanan-Entomologist
Joe Lance-Forester

cc. Joe Lance

FORM 34-22


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