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Box 13, Folder 12, Document 59
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Mr.F.4.Johnston, Director of Plant Quarantine Division
Aericultural Research Service
United States Department of Agriculture
Federal Center Building
Hyattsville, Maryland 20782
Dear Mr.Johnston,
Thank you for your kindness in suggesting the
alternative of the post-entry arrangement with Dr.Avery of
Brooklyn Botanic Garden.
However, we would like to ask you to recon-
sider, in view of the fact that we have very competent ento-
mologists and pathologists here in Atlanta, available for con-:
stant check on the tree.
Also perhaps it was not clear that the bonsai.
would be kept apart from other plants and not placed in the
ground at all, ever. MThe Dr.A.Leslie Stephens,Jr. Memorial
Bonsai Garden is being built on 2500 square feet of ground
with only 2 few small trees and shrubs planted in typical
Japanese garden style, completely separated by fence from the
rest of the park, and inspected daily by Mr.B.Oortman, Chief
Horticuliurist for the City of Atlanta.
We understood from Dr.Avery that the cultural
and hygienic practices of Kyuzo Murata and the Kyukaen Bonsai
Garden in Japan were certified by the Japanese Ministry of Agri-
culture and Forestry and recognized as acceptable by your de-
partment since the Brooklyn Botanic Garden has been allowed to
import trees in original soil from that nursery.
We see on page 12 of the Quarantine Regulations,
Item16b (319.37-16b) that lily bulbs from Japan and the Ryukyu
Islands may be entered in subsoil which has been treated with in-
secticide and certified by the Plant Protection Section of the
Japanese Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. Would it be ac-=
ceptable to request Mr.Murata to replant the tree in such soil,
duly certified, for importation next year at this time? (Since
it can only travel in May.)
We would prefer this alternative to that of
leaving it with the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, because of the many
aspects of care and shaping peculiar to bonsai, and we prefer not
be have anyone touch it except our own bonsai expert, Mr.E,Felton
In closing, please forgive our persistence, but
we do not intend to forget our objective of bringing this bonsai
master=piece direct to Atlanta, Please do not dsny Atlanta the
privilege of importing and taking care of her own property.
Thanking you for your kind attention and awaiting
reply at your earliest convenience,
Your sincere,
(Signed) Mrs.Charles Busch, See'y to
’ Chairman of Committee
for Dr.,A.L. Stephens, Jr.
Memorial Bonsai Garden
Mr.F.4.Johnston, Director of Plant Quarantine Division
Aericultural Research Service
United States Department of Agriculture
Federal Center Building
Hyattsville, Maryland 20782
Dear Mr.Johnston,
Thank you for your kindness in suggesting the
alternative of the post-entry arrangement with Dr.Avery of
Brooklyn Botanic Garden.
However, we would like to ask you to recon-
sider, in view of the fact that we have very competent ento-
mologists and pathologists here in Atlanta, available for con-:
stant check on the tree.
Also perhaps it was not clear that the bonsai.
would be kept apart from other plants and not placed in the
ground at all, ever. MThe Dr.A.Leslie Stephens,Jr. Memorial
Bonsai Garden is being built on 2500 square feet of ground
with only 2 few small trees and shrubs planted in typical
Japanese garden style, completely separated by fence from the
rest of the park, and inspected daily by Mr.B.Oortman, Chief
Horticuliurist for the City of Atlanta.
We understood from Dr.Avery that the cultural
and hygienic practices of Kyuzo Murata and the Kyukaen Bonsai
Garden in Japan were certified by the Japanese Ministry of Agri-
culture and Forestry and recognized as acceptable by your de-
partment since the Brooklyn Botanic Garden has been allowed to
import trees in original soil from that nursery.
We see on page 12 of the Quarantine Regulations,
Item16b (319.37-16b) that lily bulbs from Japan and the Ryukyu
Islands may be entered in subsoil which has been treated with in-
secticide and certified by the Plant Protection Section of the
Japanese Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. Would it be ac-=
ceptable to request Mr.Murata to replant the tree in such soil,
duly certified, for importation next year at this time? (Since
it can only travel in May.)
We would prefer this alternative to that of
leaving it with the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, because of the many
aspects of care and shaping peculiar to bonsai, and we prefer not
be have anyone touch it except our own bonsai expert, Mr.E,Felton
In closing, please forgive our persistence, but
we do not intend to forget our objective of bringing this bonsai
master=piece direct to Atlanta, Please do not dsny Atlanta the
privilege of importing and taking care of her own property.
Thanking you for your kind attention and awaiting
reply at your earliest convenience,
Your sincere,
(Signed) Mrs.Charles Busch, See'y to
’ Chairman of Committee
for Dr.,A.L. Stephens, Jr.
Memorial Bonsai Garden