Box 13, Folder 12, Document 81

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Box 13, Folder 12, Document 81

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April 14, 1967

Mrs. W. M. Ellis
Ellaville, Georgia

Dear Mrs. Ellis:

This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of

April llth telling me of your plans to bring a group
££ Brownie Scouts to Atlanta on Friday, April 21st,
and your desire to visit the Cyclorama.

Our Parks Department has a policy of allowing
groups of 25 or more a group rate admission of
half price, which is 25¢ for children and 50¢ for
adults. They have agreed to allow this rate for
your group of 20. The Parks Department will sand
you a permit.

Lectures at the Cyclorama are given every hour on
the half hour.

With best wishes for a most pleasant visit to Atlanta,

Sincerely yours,

Ivan Allen, B#.


CC: Mrs. Barbara Wilkins


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