Dublin Core
Box 13, Folder 12, Document 97
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Yo 2 “gags [sage (suse)
“My Aecens, Te
sy Trac Beuor (2S
APRIL 6, 1967
The 1967 Session of the General Assembly of Georgia adopted an
amendment authorizing Fulton County to conduct recreational activities in
unincorporated areas using County personnel. The Bill has now been signed
into law by Governor Maddox. There has been some speculation in the press
and elsewhere regarding the intentions of the Fulton County Commission in
this matter, and we are issuing this statement to clarify our position.
It is not the intention of the Fulton County Commission to establish
and operate a comprehensive program of supervised recreation under the sole
jurisdiction of the County government. We believe that the best interests of
all citizens will be served if duplication of services between the City of Atlanta
and Fulton County are kept to a minimum, consistent always with good operation.
Add | AOD . AdOO | Ado)
jOuIK isug| lsese (éu92
_ d a a i 5
It is our purpose to provide park and recreational services as follows:
1. The County will try to provide suitable neighborhood parks and
playgrounds in the unincorporated area of Fulton County, including ball fields,
picnic areas and playground equipment. We recently submitted an application
for Federal assistance in the purchase and development of neighborhood and.
community parks.
2. The Commission has also recently approved a long-range com-
prehensive plan for the purchase and development of large tracts of open space
suitable for future use as regional parks and recreational areas. It is our in-
‘tention to implement this plan as rapidly as funds, including State and/or
Federal grants, are available.
3. We do not plan an elaborate supervised recreational program.
A possible exception will be the limited program at Hammond Drive Park in
Sandy Springs where the County has already requested the City of Atlanta to
plan and submit a proposal for the operation of this facility when completed.
4. It is our intention to cooperate fully with the six municipalities
in Fulton County having populations less than 5,000 people, in accordance
with the Constitutional Amendments approved by the voters of Fulton County last
November. This amendment permits the County government to provide not more
than one-half the cost (not to exceed $5,000.00 for each municipality) of the
annual cost of recreational programe within these municipalities. General
guidelines for these programs are being developed in cooperation with the |
municipalities which have requested same.
tan Lac Wed ssh tees Paascadeceteic ea
Auld. AdOa | De
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5. The physical development of parks and playgrounds will be
handled by the Department of Public Works with the assistance of the Depart-
ment of Planning. The advisability of contractual arrangements with the City
of Atlanta for the operation of recreational programs will be explored in each
instance, as in the case of Hammond Drive Park. Where the cost is acceptable
and the particular operation most efficient, we will request the City to provide
The Commission is aware of the county-wide need for improved
recreation and park facilities and services. We are attempting to meet these
needs in an orderly and economical fashion within the framework of applicable
laws. The newly enacted statute will provide greater flexibility, especially in
the outlying communities where there are few recreational facilities of any
sort. The Commission has no intention of frustrating or violating the basic
objectives of the Plan of Improvement, namely, that duplication of services
between Atlanta and Fulton County should be kept to a minimum. We heartily
support this objective and are doing all in our power to provide services
necessary to our citizens, with a minimum of cost and duplication.
Jas. H. Aldredge, Chairman
Charlie Brown, Vice Chairman
Walter M. Mitchell
“My Aecens, Te
sy Trac Beuor (2S
APRIL 6, 1967
The 1967 Session of the General Assembly of Georgia adopted an
amendment authorizing Fulton County to conduct recreational activities in
unincorporated areas using County personnel. The Bill has now been signed
into law by Governor Maddox. There has been some speculation in the press
and elsewhere regarding the intentions of the Fulton County Commission in
this matter, and we are issuing this statement to clarify our position.
It is not the intention of the Fulton County Commission to establish
and operate a comprehensive program of supervised recreation under the sole
jurisdiction of the County government. We believe that the best interests of
all citizens will be served if duplication of services between the City of Atlanta
and Fulton County are kept to a minimum, consistent always with good operation.
Add | AOD . AdOO | Ado)
jOuIK isug| lsese (éu92
_ d a a i 5
It is our purpose to provide park and recreational services as follows:
1. The County will try to provide suitable neighborhood parks and
playgrounds in the unincorporated area of Fulton County, including ball fields,
picnic areas and playground equipment. We recently submitted an application
for Federal assistance in the purchase and development of neighborhood and.
community parks.
2. The Commission has also recently approved a long-range com-
prehensive plan for the purchase and development of large tracts of open space
suitable for future use as regional parks and recreational areas. It is our in-
‘tention to implement this plan as rapidly as funds, including State and/or
Federal grants, are available.
3. We do not plan an elaborate supervised recreational program.
A possible exception will be the limited program at Hammond Drive Park in
Sandy Springs where the County has already requested the City of Atlanta to
plan and submit a proposal for the operation of this facility when completed.
4. It is our intention to cooperate fully with the six municipalities
in Fulton County having populations less than 5,000 people, in accordance
with the Constitutional Amendments approved by the voters of Fulton County last
November. This amendment permits the County government to provide not more
than one-half the cost (not to exceed $5,000.00 for each municipality) of the
annual cost of recreational programe within these municipalities. General
guidelines for these programs are being developed in cooperation with the |
municipalities which have requested same.
tan Lac Wed ssh tees Paascadeceteic ea
Auld. AdOa | De
(osx ouax) ou)
5. The physical development of parks and playgrounds will be
handled by the Department of Public Works with the assistance of the Depart-
ment of Planning. The advisability of contractual arrangements with the City
of Atlanta for the operation of recreational programs will be explored in each
instance, as in the case of Hammond Drive Park. Where the cost is acceptable
and the particular operation most efficient, we will request the City to provide
The Commission is aware of the county-wide need for improved
recreation and park facilities and services. We are attempting to meet these
needs in an orderly and economical fashion within the framework of applicable
laws. The newly enacted statute will provide greater flexibility, especially in
the outlying communities where there are few recreational facilities of any
sort. The Commission has no intention of frustrating or violating the basic
objectives of the Plan of Improvement, namely, that duplication of services
between Atlanta and Fulton County should be kept to a minimum. We heartily
support this objective and are doing all in our power to provide services
necessary to our citizens, with a minimum of cost and duplication.
Jas. H. Aldredge, Chairman
Charlie Brown, Vice Chairman
Walter M. Mitchell