Box 13, Folder 12, Document 102

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Box 13, Folder 12, Document 102

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AMD so ‘ ‘ld fend eee ‘ 4 a
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See sy

My. Thomas FP. Choyce

Associate City Jttorney

City of Atlanta Law Department
2614 First National Bank Building
Atlanta, Georgia

Dear Toms

Cn January 25, 1967, I received in the mails a
letter from Mr. John 3. Gress, dated January 16, 1967,

For your information, I em quoting verbatim his

"8350 Marmont Lone, Hollywood, Califernia $0065, January
16, 1967, User Sirs:

In record at Fulton County, Fulton Georgia in book number
228, and Page 761, it states clearly that a nominal fee be
charged, not te exceed ten cents to sea the Cyclorama.
This hes been broken, ond as only living heir to my father,
the leta G. V. Gress, if restitution is not mada immediately
I will offer the Cyclorama to be moved from Atlenta, Georgie
end make it @ National Monument in Washington, Db. C. of the
Civil War. Jotn EH. Gress w/signature."

W412 please investigate this matter and reply to
tie, Grosso’ letter?

Very truly yours,

Jeck ©. Delius
General Manager of
Parks end Recreation

ats 3/25

ect All Maenxbers
Aléexrmenic Parks Comittee


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