Box 1, Folder 20, Document 80

Dublin Core


Box 1, Folder 20, Document 80

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February 3, 1969

‘Mr. Frank Crowther
Public Relations Director
City of Macon

city Hall

Macon, Georgia 31201

Dear Mr. Crowther:

Thank you for your letter of January 30, 1969 to Mayor Ivan Allen,
Jr. concerning the School Patrol visit to Atlanta on Seturday,
May 24, 1969. We are particularly pleased that you are including
the Cyclorama and the Zoo in your field trip.

Mayor Allen has personally asked the undersigned to extend every
consideration to your group. Accordingly, I have assigned Mr. Ron
Ransom, Recreation Supervisor, to accompany you through Grant Perk.
Mr. Ransom may be reached at Area Code 404/522-4463, extension 314.
His mailing address is City Hall Annex, 260 Central Avenue, S. W.,
Atlanta, Georgia 30303.

There is no admission charge to the Grant Perk Zoo. However, a
private concessionaire does operate an authentic Austrian carousel
and there is a miniature zoo train going through the Children's
Zo. The concessionaire, Mrs. Ruby Farmer, MA 23212, is in a
position to grant group rates.

The Aldermanic Parks Committee has authorized the enclosed group
rate permit to the Cyclorama. This in effect grants half prices to
children and adults. If you would prefer not to have each student
pay at the time of admission to the Cyclorama, we would be happy to
bill you for the entire group subsequent to the visit. Just let me
know your wishes in this matter,

Finally, I am advising the Superintendent of Police, Mr. Fred W.
Beerman, of your caravan of approximately fourteen school buses.
Superintendent Beerman will be in touch with you if there are
any rules or regulations concerning such ea caravan,

Mr. Frank Crowther -~2- February 3, 1969

Again, it is with pleasure that we anticipate your visit, and
I am


Jack C. Delius
General Manager of
Parks and Recreation
' Enclosure

JCD: jw

cc: Honorable Ivan Allen, gee
Mr. Pierce Whitley, Asst. Gen. Mgr. of Parks
Mr. Stan Martin, Asst. Gen. Mgr. of Parks
Mr. Paul Dease, Foreman, Grant Park
Cyclorema Lecturers
Grant Park Concessionaire
Mr. Ron Ransom, Recreation Supervisor
Mr. Fred W. Beerman, Supt. of Police


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