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Box 13, Folder 12, Document 147
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2 a ae eye
: February &, 1907
- : 5 fo it, fe lt: a iat ee ak
rriencs of the Atlanta (Geor7: 2)
ant % a 3 tk & 4 Vand ee) ee
nes ii, ULETLEIN, Nationa. .colormacelt Sars
Ss yet ¢ Ws ait + A .ancte Fe 5 T ime Be O47
ori on Visit to Atlanta Zcc on January 28, 1957
Ca danuary 28, 1967 the undersigned visited the Atlanta Zoo. During
whe eo, tn oA Ay
" si abel alte fe ae am = L
he zoo as typical visitors; in the afternoon,
by the zoo foreman. lir. Dilbeck showed us every courtesy
+ =."
a ee * od
by his loyalty to the goo.
this re,ort is divided into three parts: iI. Physical Plant,
Ii. Aniral Collection, and III. Conclusion.
rs past, city zoos were established to exhibit a small collec-
ihe ae ay 4 > GABA een Th ae nanan han a
otner woras, & menagerie. snese menaceries nada no
educational values or economical basis for existing. Many cities realized
z2utractions, Other cities built ur their zoos for educational programs,
. the wealthier cities began to take interest in the conservation
Today, there is a tendency to combine these values, and in reality,
they complement each other to the advantage of the city. With this
philosophy in mind, this report is written.
The three major buildings of the Atlanta Zoo are outstanding. Ali
‘uildings were clean and well maintained. Some of the details need
improving, such as placing swinging bars in the center of the primate
fie ecg 7. ‘ Februncy & C9
tI. sisa, ZC i . DY Sp 4741
— Ay * o ~AlS FAT S4RraR tar tte argemalaz
> Be ere o1 Pne ¢a Ace Can Jo LULL Zea OY tie amiratc.
= “ayy eh ties ‘y Pe eee : as) ia, Seeks ay eee 5 _
lig Outside cares on the srall cat line are extremely siall ans
Re ae ol, B a ee is Fa a # mm, + 7 ie rs
ve reyyorked for better runs. ale OC car dens are vor, mattractive
cold be improved by lahdscaping and painting. The hcofed sninal
a2ea needs a good landscape plan to provice shace and prevent erosion,
“he chilcren's zoo animal spaces could be made more attractive.
The lack of outside cages attached to the buildings is very notices
sole but since the buildings are already built, it is unnecessary to
rivicize this disadvantage.
The lack of informative signs is very disturbing, and the loss of
educational value is obvious.
Observations: There are definitely some animals that should be
removed from display, i.e. tailless Jaguar and Black Leopard. ‘Some
animals should be off display until their health problems are solved,
for example, the spotted leopar
There seems to be a lack of purpose in the collection:
a\y on lions, tigers, Piptailed macaques, and chimpanzees; while absen
avé the typical zoo animals: hipros, sireffes, and birds.
a : Rework collection so there is an array of animals
the animal kingdom,
(lL) Feline Ilouse. By removing all but one good breeding pair of
rs, there would be room for a pair each of cheetahs, serval,
siden cats, hyenas, etc.
Ltlanta Zoo j= February &, 1967
(2) Primate House. Place Gibbons in the present Pigtailed macaques!
case; obtain-a legal orangutan; thus all representatives of the apes are
mrecent. Since the house is controlled environmentally, rare and unusual
svecimens could be displayed.
(3) Reptile House. Considering the house has never been open to the
cublic, the collection can be considered impressive. As far as it could
be determined, there are no tanks to display pure aquatic turtles, for
example, Mata mata and the African Soft shell; turtles are very popular
with the public.
We recommend that remodeling of the Reptile House be held in
abeyance until a director is appointed so that a professional can govern
its operation. To allow a lay curator carte blanche to reorganize and
remodel a new building is foolish. Professional curators, such as ee
Conant of Philadelphia, Herndon Dowling of New York, or Earl Herald of
San Francisco, would be pleased to survey the workings of the building and
suggest ways and means to modify it at the least expense so it could be
opened to the public.
(4) Hoofed Animal Exhibit. These could be reworked to display
interesting species which would help conservation of threatened species.
As it is now, the few donkeys, etc. is an extremely uninteresting exhibit.
(5) Children's Zoo. This was seen under winter conditions but it
is obvious that a better collection of animals could be obtained, i.e.
pigmy goats, Llamas, and Fallow deer. Some of the wild babies that are
born at the zoo (lions, tigers, monkeys, bears) could be incorporated
fac ‘ 7 i Dahria- oo IOAT
fe anita % Sell sooy February &, 1967
Sil tier reach an ate when 3% is no lonter safé to keen them in a
ey oe ie —_
sildronts goo. “Jith a little thoucht, prysically, this soction could
“o improvea for a closer association between the children ard the animals.
(5) Since the goo does not exhibit birds, a whole zoological civi-
sic. is wissing. Even without a birdhouse, a food collection cowlc de
‘csont: Large birds mixed with the hoofed stock, parrots on outside
coans, jays in the green houses with the alligators, and seri—trorical
cirds in small outdoor cages.
in the cooperation between the 200 ard
Improvement is neede
ti@ Gciacational system that ntrols the science x in Primate House.
t catio S em that controls the science room in the Pri e Ho
70 stati members could conduct tours, give free lectures, and take an
“2c Incal schools. There is an endless list of ways to promote more
interest in the educational aspect of the zoo.
~ . th
The goo is lacking in imagination. An example of how animals could
he worked into the tresent physical setup to make it more attractive is
oy acdine racaws to the planted areas of the Primate House, and small
finches wovld do very well in the waterfall areas of the Feline House.
Qe receives the impression of always being indoors, Relatively
inexpensive outside cages could be built to house the common monkeys and
sali mammals. Landscape walks across from the bears could pass through
ar exhibit area.
Park and paddock fences could enclose an unused area for hoofed stock.
with the advantage of the southern weather, outside plants and animals
Soe remit l oe fe Ly AIT ATas ai 14, cele | Leyte
1d make the overall appearance of the zoo more delightful.
Sheena. ES ian al , = Som Vamst aA an tatal “a one
Even though the zoo is limited in total acreare, there are many
aan eee Dai LL, 1 4 = 5 ™ 74 + oo 4 = Ae
rovements that could be made to give a feeling of lersoness.
+ earn » ents £45 ae Ph
tial; with the correct guidanc
The Atlanta Zoo has a vast poten
tacking of the society and city, the zoo could
Eh ee
ticnal center.
nity -— both as a cultural. and recrsaa
whe community
“2. es Se
Dietl ilein
ee Va
OY Cat aa
<a 1D hie LE ecb a
J, A. Xanten
Natienal Zcologi @al Park
Wannineton. D D.C S
: February &, 1907
- : 5 fo it, fe lt: a iat ee ak
rriencs of the Atlanta (Geor7: 2)
ant % a 3 tk & 4 Vand ee) ee
nes ii, ULETLEIN, Nationa. .colormacelt Sars
Ss yet ¢ Ws ait + A .ancte Fe 5 T ime Be O47
ori on Visit to Atlanta Zcc on January 28, 1957
Ca danuary 28, 1967 the undersigned visited the Atlanta Zoo. During
whe eo, tn oA Ay
" si abel alte fe ae am = L
he zoo as typical visitors; in the afternoon,
by the zoo foreman. lir. Dilbeck showed us every courtesy
+ =."
a ee * od
by his loyalty to the goo.
this re,ort is divided into three parts: iI. Physical Plant,
Ii. Aniral Collection, and III. Conclusion.
rs past, city zoos were established to exhibit a small collec-
ihe ae ay 4 > GABA een Th ae nanan han a
otner woras, & menagerie. snese menaceries nada no
educational values or economical basis for existing. Many cities realized
z2utractions, Other cities built ur their zoos for educational programs,
. the wealthier cities began to take interest in the conservation
Today, there is a tendency to combine these values, and in reality,
they complement each other to the advantage of the city. With this
philosophy in mind, this report is written.
The three major buildings of the Atlanta Zoo are outstanding. Ali
‘uildings were clean and well maintained. Some of the details need
improving, such as placing swinging bars in the center of the primate
fie ecg 7. ‘ Februncy & C9
tI. sisa, ZC i . DY Sp 4741
— Ay * o ~AlS FAT S4RraR tar tte argemalaz
> Be ere o1 Pne ¢a Ace Can Jo LULL Zea OY tie amiratc.
= “ayy eh ties ‘y Pe eee : as) ia, Seeks ay eee 5 _
lig Outside cares on the srall cat line are extremely siall ans
Re ae ol, B a ee is Fa a # mm, + 7 ie rs
ve reyyorked for better runs. ale OC car dens are vor, mattractive
cold be improved by lahdscaping and painting. The hcofed sninal
a2ea needs a good landscape plan to provice shace and prevent erosion,
“he chilcren's zoo animal spaces could be made more attractive.
The lack of outside cages attached to the buildings is very notices
sole but since the buildings are already built, it is unnecessary to
rivicize this disadvantage.
The lack of informative signs is very disturbing, and the loss of
educational value is obvious.
Observations: There are definitely some animals that should be
removed from display, i.e. tailless Jaguar and Black Leopard. ‘Some
animals should be off display until their health problems are solved,
for example, the spotted leopar
There seems to be a lack of purpose in the collection:
a\y on lions, tigers, Piptailed macaques, and chimpanzees; while absen
avé the typical zoo animals: hipros, sireffes, and birds.
a : Rework collection so there is an array of animals
the animal kingdom,
(lL) Feline Ilouse. By removing all but one good breeding pair of
rs, there would be room for a pair each of cheetahs, serval,
siden cats, hyenas, etc.
Ltlanta Zoo j= February &, 1967
(2) Primate House. Place Gibbons in the present Pigtailed macaques!
case; obtain-a legal orangutan; thus all representatives of the apes are
mrecent. Since the house is controlled environmentally, rare and unusual
svecimens could be displayed.
(3) Reptile House. Considering the house has never been open to the
cublic, the collection can be considered impressive. As far as it could
be determined, there are no tanks to display pure aquatic turtles, for
example, Mata mata and the African Soft shell; turtles are very popular
with the public.
We recommend that remodeling of the Reptile House be held in
abeyance until a director is appointed so that a professional can govern
its operation. To allow a lay curator carte blanche to reorganize and
remodel a new building is foolish. Professional curators, such as ee
Conant of Philadelphia, Herndon Dowling of New York, or Earl Herald of
San Francisco, would be pleased to survey the workings of the building and
suggest ways and means to modify it at the least expense so it could be
opened to the public.
(4) Hoofed Animal Exhibit. These could be reworked to display
interesting species which would help conservation of threatened species.
As it is now, the few donkeys, etc. is an extremely uninteresting exhibit.
(5) Children's Zoo. This was seen under winter conditions but it
is obvious that a better collection of animals could be obtained, i.e.
pigmy goats, Llamas, and Fallow deer. Some of the wild babies that are
born at the zoo (lions, tigers, monkeys, bears) could be incorporated
fac ‘ 7 i Dahria- oo IOAT
fe anita % Sell sooy February &, 1967
Sil tier reach an ate when 3% is no lonter safé to keen them in a
ey oe ie —_
sildronts goo. “Jith a little thoucht, prysically, this soction could
“o improvea for a closer association between the children ard the animals.
(5) Since the goo does not exhibit birds, a whole zoological civi-
sic. is wissing. Even without a birdhouse, a food collection cowlc de
‘csont: Large birds mixed with the hoofed stock, parrots on outside
coans, jays in the green houses with the alligators, and seri—trorical
cirds in small outdoor cages.
in the cooperation between the 200 ard
Improvement is neede
ti@ Gciacational system that ntrols the science x in Primate House.
t catio S em that controls the science room in the Pri e Ho
70 stati members could conduct tours, give free lectures, and take an
“2c Incal schools. There is an endless list of ways to promote more
interest in the educational aspect of the zoo.
~ . th
The goo is lacking in imagination. An example of how animals could
he worked into the tresent physical setup to make it more attractive is
oy acdine racaws to the planted areas of the Primate House, and small
finches wovld do very well in the waterfall areas of the Feline House.
Qe receives the impression of always being indoors, Relatively
inexpensive outside cages could be built to house the common monkeys and
sali mammals. Landscape walks across from the bears could pass through
ar exhibit area.
Park and paddock fences could enclose an unused area for hoofed stock.
with the advantage of the southern weather, outside plants and animals
Soe remit l oe fe Ly AIT ATas ai 14, cele | Leyte
1d make the overall appearance of the zoo more delightful.
Sheena. ES ian al , = Som Vamst aA an tatal “a one
Even though the zoo is limited in total acreare, there are many
aan eee Dai LL, 1 4 = 5 ™ 74 + oo 4 = Ae
rovements that could be made to give a feeling of lersoness.
+ earn » ents £45 ae Ph
tial; with the correct guidanc
The Atlanta Zoo has a vast poten
tacking of the society and city, the zoo could
Eh ee
ticnal center.
nity -— both as a cultural. and recrsaa
whe community
“2. es Se
Dietl ilein
ee Va
OY Cat aa
<a 1D hie LE ecb a
J, A. Xanten
Natienal Zcologi @al Park
Wannineton. D D.C S