Box 13, Folder 12, Document 161

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Box 13, Folder 12, Document 161

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Pia iy


Office of General Manager

Atlanta, Georgia 30303

January 30, 1967


Mr. Charles L. Davis

City of Atlanta
Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Re: EOA's Recreation Funds
Dear Charles:

As you know by now, Economic Opportunity Atlanta has had
slashed from their budget appropriation all funds pertain-
ing to Recreation and therefore cancelled as of December
31, 1966 the three separate and distinct contracts under
which this department of City Government carried out
specialized recreation programs. These programs were
namely the Neighborhood Playlot rogram, Summer Recreation
and Job Opportunity for Youth (Operation Champ), and
recreation for senior high rise apartment dwellers. It is
the opinion of the undersigned and Miss Carmichael that
the neighborhood playlot program takes priority over the
two other projects. This opinion is one shared in by
Mayor Allen.

The number of playlots continues to grow as we attempt to
meet the needs and demands of citizens in deprived areas.
It is anticipated that we will shortly have a total of
twenty-one neighborhood playlots, two of which involve
the renting of dwellings for 4 year-round type operation.
Since the cancellation of EOA funds, we have continued
operating a few of these playlots on a part-time basis,
good weather permitting. The basic expense involved is
one of salaries and the rather substantial expense of
renting outdoor toilets. Salaries are heing charged to
account 780C, Extra Help, Umpires, etc. and the renting
of the portable johns is being charged to 771C. Account
780C does not contain sufficient appropriations to carry
on a full time summer program at these twenty-one

For your information, the following playlots either exist
or are under construction or in the negotiating stage:

Charles L. Davis

Page Two
1. Rhodes St. Between Sunset & Vine (Vine City)
2. Magnolia and Maple (Vine City)
3. 373 Thurmond St., N.J. (Lightning)
4, Merritts € Bedford (Buttermilk Bottoms)
5. Gilham Park on ‘Jade Ave. (Blue Heaven) *
6. ‘Iylie & Tye (Cabbage Town)
7. Connally St. near Richardson (Summer Hill) *
8. McDaniel at Georgia Ave. (Mechanicsville)
©. Haygood & Crew (Summer Hill)
10. 255 Dodd Ave. Recreation Center (Mechanicsville) **
11. ‘Windsor St. near Richardson (Mechanicsville)
12. Park Ave. & Lansing St., 5.E. -— no lease
13. Haynes and Foundry Sts., N.‘!. (Lightning) - proposed
14, Perry Blvd. and Lively St., N.\!. (Perry Homes) - proposed
15. Hardee St. at Arberdeen (Blue Heaven) - proposed
16. Huff Rd. area in northyvest Atlanta - proposed
17. Arlington Cir., N.‘J.*
18. 533-539 Central Ave. 5&.°!.
19. Plunkett Town - to be located
20. Bender St. S.iv. -—- to be located
21. 81 Little St., S.E. Recreation Center (Summer Hill)
* These are park properties owned by the Parks Department.

Houses and lots are leased for $100 per month. All other
playlots are leased for $1. per year.

\le wish to advise you of all the expense that we can think of


will be encountered in the operation of these twenty-one

locations. Therefore, the following is our basic and minimum
requirements for the successful operation of the neighborhood
playlots for the summer of 1°67.
Mr. Charles L. Davis

Page Three
Playlots, 1°67
Summer only

Ye anticipate operating full time, six days a week, from
9 a.m. - 12 and 1 - 7 p.m., from Thursday, June 1 thru
Monday, Labor Day, September 4. This is a ninety-six
calendar day or eighty-two work day program. ‘e will
staff each playlot with at least one Community Recreation
Leader making Range 34, $15.70 per eight hour day, $1.°6
per hour. All Recreation Leaders will be under the
direction of a Recreation Supervisor making Range 45,
$24.95 per eight hour day, $3.12 per hour. The Super-
visor will work a total of 54 hours per week.

As the above list indicates, there are approximately
twenty-one playlots to operate. Of these, a total of
fourteen are existing and seven are under development

or the land is in the process of being leased. Each

lot will have supervision for a total of nine hours per
day, fifty-four hours per week, or eighty-two work days
for a total of 738 hours. A total for all lots of 14,760
man hours of Community Recreation Leaders time, amounting
to $38,929.60; plus the Supervisors time amounting to
$2,302.56 for a grand Recreation salary total expense of
eae: (630C)

Presently, four men each are working thirty-two hours per
pay period doing clean-up and maintenance work on the
existing playlots. This four man crew consists of a Fark
Foreman II, (2) Labor Foremen II, and (1) Laborer. They
are paid straight overtime on the basis of a Park Foreman
II, Equipment Operator I, Labor Foreman II, and one
Laborer's pay. I would suggest this arrangement be main-
tained since most personnel declined to work overtime and
these individuals are willing to work. Park Foreman II
earn $3.53 per hour; the Equipment Operator I is paid $1.88
per hour; Labor Foreman II is paid $2.33 per hour; and the
Laborer is paid $1.59 per hour. These men will be involved
in approximately ten pay periods at 32 hours per pay period
times $°.23 per hour for a total of $1,453.60. (Maintenance
is a twelve month item - this figure is just for the summer)
Thus, total Recreation and Maintenance salary cost will be
$32, 686.00.

We will keep as many Recreation positions vacant as possible
during the winter months, thus hoping to accrue approximately
$32,000 to hire additional Community Recreation Leaders as
needed, in unnumbered positions, plus limited maintenance
expense, during this summer.
Mr. Charles L. Davis
Page Four

Auto f.llowance:

The Supervisor will draw $50 per month car allowance. A
total car allowance will be for ©6 calendar days times $1.66
per day for a total of $15°.36.


Last year we spent approximately $4600 on transportation in
the playlot program alone not counting "Operation Champ".

This year the Parks Department's thirty passenger (for kids)
bus will be used to the maximum. Children will be carried

to (1) Cyclorama, “oo, and special lecture by herpetologist;
(2) State Capital, City Hall; (3) Greenhouses, Training
Center, lecture on insects by Or. Buchannan at Piedmont Park. .
Three trips per lot times 20 lots is 60 trips in the 82 work
day program.

Games, Supplies & Rentals: (771C)
$100 per playlot times 20= $2,000

Portable toilets at $40
per mo. times 20 locations

times 3 mo. = 2,400

Maintenance: (313C)

$100 per playlot x 20 = $2,000

Equipment: (570C)

11 lots to he equipped at
$200 each = $2,200

Special Project Expense: (771C)

Refreshments, awards day
picnic ~ estimated $2,000


255 Dodd Ave. is $100 per
mo. x 3 mo. = $ 300

81 Little St., S.E. (Summer Hill) rent to be paid by Citizen's
Trust Co. as a donation to the City of Atlanta at $100 per

Utilities: (771C) -~ lights

Two houses at $10 per mo.
for 3 months = $ 60
ir. Charles L. Vavis
Page Five

Account 714C: (Fuel)

Two houses at $20 per month for the fall and winter if the
program is successful - not figured in this proposal.

We are holding to an average of 12 vacancies in the Recrea-
tion Division (Account 330C) and we should come very close
to having a $32,68€ surplus for salaries. Je ask that you
make this money available in unnumbered positions for the
individuals involved in the operation of the playlots and

we also ask that you authorize expenses for automobile
allowance amounting to $159.36. fe will make every possible
effort to absorr the additional cost for games and supplies
which we will charge to Account 771C; for maintenance to the
lots which we will charge to Account $13C; for equipment
which we will charge to Account 570C; for special projects
expense which we will charge to Account 771°; and, for
rentals which we will charge to /.ccount 771C.

‘Te will be as conservative as possible but these are the’
figures arrived at after careful consideration and we are
advising you of the financial aspect at the earliest time

Although Mayor Allen made no committment as to supporting us
in our desire for additional funds for carrying on the
neighborhood playlot program I believe I am at liberty as
quoting him as saying to "Do your very best to carry out this
top priority project and if you get into an impossible
situation financially, let me know, and perhaps some
emergency appropriations can be made, etc. ..."

The above appears to solve the problem of summer operations
but leaves unanswered the long and heautiful fall and spring
days - and for that matter some winter days - when the play-
lots should be operated. In addition, it appears we will
have two houses rented which will operate the year-round as
Recreation Centers in conjunction with the playlot program.
‘fe must arrive at some solution as how to fund the salary,
supply and rental — utility expenses involved. I would
hope that we would not have to cut hack existing and regular
services in order to carry out this vital program.
Mr. Charles L. Davis
Page Six

Again, let me emphasize to you in writing that we are
sorry to bother you as busy as you are with these details
and we wish to thank you for your usual fine cooperation,
ana I am


0. Muli

J ck C. Delius
neral Manager of
Parks and Recreation

JCD: bjw

cc: Hon. Ivan Allen, Jr., Mayor
All Members of the Park Committee
All Members of the Finance Committee
Mr. R. Earl Landers, Administrative Asst. to the Mayor
Mr. Carl T. Sutherland, Director of Personnel
ir. Dan E. Sweat, Jr., Dir. of Governmental Liason
Mrs. Grace Hamilton, Dir., Atlanta Youth Council
liiss Virginia Carmichael, Dir., Recreation Viv.
Miss Alberta Murchison, Asst. Dir., Recreation Div.
Miss Jimmie Iiims, Asst. Jir., Recreation Division


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