Box 13, Folder 16, Complete Folder

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Box 13, Folder 16, Complete Folder

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December 26, 1967

Mr. Robert B. Flanagan
Executive Secretary

Atlanta Branch, NAACP
859-1/2 Hunter Street, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia

Dear Mr. Flanagan:

I want to thank you for your letter of December 8th
which I have delayed answering during the Christmas

I thank that many of the suggestions that you plan to
make to the NAACP are good suggestions, and I would
be interested in knowing what results can be obtained.

Assuring you of my cooperation, lam


Ivan Allen, Jr.



859-1/2 HUNTER STREET, N. W. SUITE 105 ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30314 524-8054

December 8, 1967

Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr.
Office of The Mayor
City Hall

Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Dear Mayor Allen:

I sincerely believe your hands are tied on this one, but, I feel I had
better bring it back into focus and especially since you have expressed mich con-
cern with the Vine City problem and, what could arise during the summer months.

Last night, I was invited into this area, specifically two apartments
and what I witnessed literally brought tears to my eyes, unpainted filthy walls,
poor lighting, and gereral deterioration in evidence throughout these dwelling
units, This is no doubt true in all of Vine City. Incidently, the rent for
one room and bath is $9.50 a month,

I could rationalize and say that the people living in this dastardly
situation should assume the landlordts responsibility, repair, and paint their
homes - = after all, "cleanliness is next to Godliness, but Mayor Allen, these
people are highly religious because on these filthy walls I saw crosses and pic-
tures of Jesus Christ. One lady informed me that she would paint her walls but
the landlord refused to previde the paint.

I know and I hope that you are aware of where the problem lies in Vine
City and ether slum areas SRR ENS this country; and that is with the building
inspectors and landlords.

When the people greeted me at their doors and through conversation
with them, I got the feeling that they were wondering just what did I really
want-=- "[ wasn*t one of them"--[ had on nice clothes"--I talked different than
them"-=-"Everybody has discussed us, but we haventt seen any changes,"

The Model Cities program is a start in the right direction, for it is
designed to make living conmlitions better for the underpriviledged and to upgrade
there status as well as their attitudes, However, we still have a long way to
go and as far as Vine City is concerned, we should have been there yesterday.

In the above paragraphs, I have reminded you of the problem and it is
unfair to present a problem without offering a solution, therefore, I am going to
recommend to the President and the NAACP Executive Board that they consider the
fellawing plan for possible implementation:


1, An emergency fund be established to be used to provide money to
relocate these citizens to other living quarters outside of Vine City. That
private charitable institutions and interested citizens be asked to contribute

te this fund.

2. Conduct a survey of all private apartments and home-owners re-
questing that as vacancies occur, earmark them for these people.

3. Provide commercial transportation for furniture removal.

. Provide money to each family involved to defray the cost of the
higher rent incurred, for a period of three months,

5. Buy tents and rent trailers to house them temporarily until other
permanent facilities can be obtained,

6. Buy good used furniture for those in need of it,

7. Find out how many of these people can be temporarily housed on
military installations,

There are many more details that will have to be worked out, however,
the above is the basic plan.

Wishing you and Mrs. Allen a very Merry Christmas and a New Year
of Prosperity.

I am
Sincerely your friend,

Rot TQ Hon

Robert B, Flanagan, Ex Secy.
Atlanta Branch NAACP

RBF : cab
November 17, 1967

Mr. Robert B. Flanagan
Executive Secretary

Atlanta Branch, NAACP
859-1/2 Hunter Street, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia

Dear Mr. Flanagan:

Mr. Sterrs Johnson has been in and out of contention
for a number of years. In reply to several telegrams,
I have offered to refer this matter to the City Job
Opportunity Committee or the Community Relations
Commission, and have the matter completely
investigated again.

There is no reluctance on the part of the City to
continue to investigate such matters even though they
are repetitious.


Ivan Allen, Jr.

be: General Woodward


ee ee a


859-1/2 HUNTER STREET. N. W. SUITE 105 ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30314 524-8054

November 16, 1967

Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr.
Office of the Mayor
City Hall

Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Dear Mayor Allen:

For several years now Mr, Sterrs Johnson an Ex-Air Force Veteran
has been trying to continue to serve his country in a civilian capacity.
In this connection, he has been given numerous reasons why he cannot serve
as an instructor on the Atlanta Metropolitan Area of Civil Defense Staff.
After reviewing his records, it appears that he would be an asset to this
defense organization.

He has completed many courses of instruction in Disaster Control
conducted by the Air Force as well as civilian institutions, In addition,
he has also successfully completed the Disaster Control Instructor Course
conducted at Lowry Air Force Base, Colorado.

Mr. Johnson informed me that he has discussed his plight with
you personally and I hope you are looking into this matter.

Sincerely yours,

Menton hehe
Robert B. ei Exec. Stcy.

Atlanta Branch NAACP

RBF scab

September 22, 1967

Mr. Robert Flanagan
Executive Secretary


859-1/2 Hunter Street, N. E.
Atlanta, Georgia

Dear Mr. Flanagan:

Congratulations on your appointment as Executive
Secretary of the Atlanta Branch of the NAACP.

lam certain that you will render able service to the
future development of this national organization,

Undoubtedly, there are many problems in a growing
cities that should be settled across the conference table
by representatives of civic organizations furnishing
citizen leadership,

I would like very much to have the opportunity to meet
you at an early date and sincerely hope that you will
call on me for any information that I may furnish.


Ivan Allen, Jr.



Dr. Albert M. Davis, President
592 Waterford Road, N. W.
522-0791, Bus. 794-7824, Res.

Rev. Amos 0. Holmes, Vice Pre sident
706 Center Hill Ave., N. W.

Mrs. Reba T. Greenwood, 2nd V.P.
1278 Fair Street, SW

Mr. W. M. Shipp, 3rd V. P.
420 Tazor Street, N.W.

Mrs. Eunice Cooper, Secretary
248 Chicamauga Ave., S. W.

Mrs. Peggy Church, Asst. Secretary
1030 Washington Heights Terrace, N. W.

Dr. C. Miles Smith, Treasurer
239 West Lake Ave., N. W.


March 31, 1967

Dr. A. M. Davis, President
Atlanta Branch ef the NAACP
522-0791 er 52-805)

We are presently faced with the need te publicly express our problems
te the vast populus of Atlanta. We have tried previously to iren eut our
diffinilties with letters and ether approaches, but to no avail, We
refer specifically to the urgent pressing preblems relative te public
housing location and our efforts te settle some of these preblems with
the Mayor, the Atlanta Housing Authority and the Housing Reseurces
Committee. | |

Atlanta new has 9,39) public housing units (Completted and under
construction). Of this number, the geegraphic lecatien is as follows:

Northwest - i900 (43.56%)
Southwest - 3,681 (39.182)
Southeast = 1,621 (17,262)

Northeast - nasi

9,394 100%

This reveals that nearly 83 percent of all of the public housing
is lecated en the westside of Atlanta while there are none {in existence
in the Northeast sectien, This example of racial segregation is indeed

This, of course, is net as demoralizing (as bad as it {s) as the
new information we have received. There is a new project under
consideration in the Skipper DrivesHarwell Road-Bankhead Avenue area

which will further saturate the already saturated area.

In addition to this, there are other project sites under considera-
tion which will include the same geographic area.

The NAACP has sponsored 2 Housing conferences trying very eagerly
to aid in the disposition of numerous problems relative to the
housing program. At the first conference we invited the Mayor,
Cecil Alexander of the Housing Resources Committee and represent---
atives from the Atlanta Housing Authority as well as members of the
Federal Housing Administration. The FHA representatives responded
as called. Malcolm Jones, representing the Housing Resources
Committee came and helped where he could but was unable to really
answer for the Mayor or the Housing Authority.

Our second conference repeated our attempt to get answers to
our questions as well as interpret the attitudes and thinking of
the Negro population. Again, we were unsuccessful in getting
"in-person" representation,

We, in a "last resort attempt", wrote the Mayor a letter (Sent
copies to Housing Authority and other associated agencies) inform-
ing him of our position and made a desperate plea for a conference
with him so we could better interpret these attitudes. We wrote
the letter on March 21st and as of this date, March 3lst, we have
not been provided the courtesy of a reply.

The Negro citizens are impatient to this "slow-to-respond"

action and when turbulence transpires every one wonders why.


Atlanta cannot continue perpetuating the existence of ghettos.
Congestion prevents revitalization. The housing market must be
fully open; with an ample supply of low-cost housing available
throughout the city. Millions of Americans have been trapped
in the "seamless web" of past and present discrimination.

We all must recognize, Mayor and all other officials, that
the ghetto system itself is the root evil which inevitable’ denies
basic freedom and results in physical, social and psyckclogigal
damage to the entire society. Dispersing is essential if eradica-
tion of the ghetto is to be a reality.

The "racial strife" of last summer has been attributed to the
influence of Stokely Carmichael. If any disturbances occur as a
result of disproportionate location of these public housing units
then we'll have to attribute this to the impurvious attitude of
Mayor Allen.

The NAACP will probably be branded as "“irresponsible"now just
as all other Groups are "branded" when they dramatize the serious
problems prevailing in our community. We can accept the branding

if need be for we feel our obligation is to the Rot? ncente.
Our purpose and aim states:
1) To improve the political, educational, social
and economic status of minority groups.
2) To eliminate racial prejudice and
3) To keep the public aware of the adverse effects

of racial discrimination.


We must and will insist that the Federal government assume
its responsibility in insuring that the local housing authority
and all urban renewal agencies stop using public funds to entrench
and extend segregation.

Rev. Amos O. Holmes

As a result of our concern over these Bartvns problems, we
are requesting Mr. Weaver, Secretary of Housing and Urban
Development, to withhold all funds to public housing and Urban
Renewal Programs until all discrimanatory practices are eliminated
and a balanced dispersion of public housing units are accomplished.
Further, we are requesting the Secretary to withhold funds of the
Model Cities Program until Atlanta officially adopts an "open
occupancy" ordinance.

We consider city-wide planning theartant in the dissolution
of many problems in housing, school sites and the prevention of
"sophisticated ghettos.: Adequate planning must include citizens
participation by law, and voter approval of any proposed plans.

Therefore, we are demanding ordinances which will structure
the kind of planning that will meet the approval of the majority

of citizens in this city.


April 4, 1967

Jesse Hit, Jr.

Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr., Mayor
City of Atlanta

City Hall

Atlanta, Georgia

Dear Mayor Allen:

This letter is written as directed by a special
conference today of Summit co-chairmen. The Saturday
morning issue of the Atlanta Constitution, April 1, 1967
carries the attached article by Alex Coffin. Included in
the article are references to an apparent interview with
you, listing the home address of Dr. A. M. Davis and re-
marks attributed to you as follows: Davis lives at 592
Waterford Drive NW, which connects with Skipper Drive.
"That might influence his position," the mayor said.

Mayor Allen consider the reference an intolerable
personal "dig" or "slur" against a dedicated and unselfish
leader in our community and an insult to the Negro communi-
ty. Dr. Davis is the president of the Atlanta Branch NAACP.
The actions and pronouncements made by Dr. Davis regarding
discriminatory housing in Atlanta were developed over a month
ago at all day conferences long before Dr. Davis had know-
ledge of the proposed Skipper Drive-Harwell Road area as a
possible site. If you were quoted accurately and in the
correct context, we feel that you have cast an unfair asper-
sion against Dr. Davis and we take exception to this "bad
taste" comment. We request that you apologize to Dr. Davis.
Very, very few of the busy professionals in our community
are willing to offer the service and leadership given by
Dr. Davis. In addition the NAACP, our oldest strongest and
most serviceable civil rights organization over the years,
is one of the major sponsors and member of the Atlanta Summit
Leadership Conference coalition.
Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr
Atlanta, Georgia
Page 2

April 4, 1967

The issue referred to is not where Dr. Davis lives,
but the over saturation of the predominately Negro resi-
dential areas with public housing projects, which means
continued over crowding of schools, thus forcing Negro
children on double and triple sessions and built in school
segregation in the future. The city of Atlanta must face
up to providing housing for "human beings" and not housing
for Negroes, and housing for whites as is the case now.

The Summit Conference supports the Housing Program of
the NAACP. We hope that our relations with you, the fine
leadership you have given our city and the cooperation you
have given our community will not be damaged at this time.

We cannot over emphasize that Dr. Davis did not act as
an individual, he is the elected leader of largest paid
membership civil rights or civic organization in Atlanta,
and we insist that he is respected accordingly. He is act-
ing with a mandate of citizens and leaders.

Very truly yours,

Jesse Hill, Jr., SS chaleica

Ald. Q. V. Williamson, Co-Chairman
Rev. S. W. Williams, Co-Chairman

April 3, 1967

Dr. Albert M. Davis

Atlanta Branch


859-1/2 Hunter Street, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia

Dear Dr. Davis:

I regret to note that the newspapers quote you as
having said that you had not received my letter
of March 23rd which was mailed the same day in
reply to your letter of March 2lst,

Iam enclosing a copy of the letter, and, again,
urge you to get all of the facts. Again, 1 offer to
see you whenever you wish to see me.


Ivan Allen, Jr.


March 23, 1967 }

Dr. Albert M. Davie

Atlanta Branch


859-1/2 Hunter Street, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia

Dear Dr. Davis:

May I acknowledge receipt of your letter of March 2ist,
and assure you that I will be glad to discuss housing
matters at any time with any group of responsible citizens.

However, before we start dis cussing individual projects,

I think it would be best for you to obtain some information
regarding the great number of sites that are being considered
all over Atlanta for public housing and Tura-key units.

Colonel Malcomme Jones is available to furnish you such
information, as well as the Atlanta Housing Authority. After
you have received full information, I will be glad to discuss

it furthe F.
Ivan Alien, Jr.

ee: Col, Malcome Jones
Mr. M. B. Satterfield


859-1/2 HUNTER STREET, N. W. SUITE 105 ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30314 524-8054

March 21, 1967

Mayor Ivan Allen
City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Dear Mayor Allen:

The NAACP, again, congratulates you on the vast housing program and
tremendous urban planning you have proposed for the city of Atlanta.
These projects will enhance the status of our great metropolis.

On the other hand, we criticize you on your failure to, effectively,
permit the citizens to participate in the planning of these programs. As
a result, some serious mistakes have transpired which can create some un-
necessary turbulence; one of which is potential over-crowdiness.

It has come to our attention that one of the sites now under con-
sideration for proposed construction of public houses is in the Harwell
Road-Skipper Drive-Bankhead area. Mr. Allen, we strongly oppose this due
to the fact that the Northwest-Southwest area is already saturated with
public housing and additional housing projects will only increase the
density and decrease the morale and comfort of our people.

The Atlanta Housing Authority seems to have overlooked public housing
location statistics and ignored the feelings and attitudes of Negroes who
now live and will live in a crowded environment. Statistics reveal that
of the 9404 public housing units existing 82.76% are in the Northwest-
Southwest area while none are existent in the Northeast area. This im-
balance in its most obvious and deplorable form. It seems logical that
some local remedies to this problem should be exercised rather than
augment this segregated concentration.

Mr. Allen, we recommend and insist that the Atlanta Housing Authority
consider a more balanced dispersion of additional housing projects. Atlanta
cannot and must not jeopardize its good reputation by establishing additional
ghettos or perpetuating segregation in its housing patterns.

In order to assure comfort of our citizens and tranquility of our
city and in the best interest of you, the Atlanta Housing Authority and
our citizens, we urgently request an immediate audience with you in order

to Mayor Allen
Page Zosesesses

to share some ideas and opinions. We would, also, hope that you can
encourage the presence of Mr. Alexander of the Housing Resources Committee
as well as Mr. Stearne and Mr. Satterfield from the Housing Authority.

There are some potential problems that can be alleviated before con-
struction takes place on the above mentioned site as well as other proposed
sites of which we are aware, if you can arrange to see us within the next
day or so. We are prepared to meet you at your convenience.

We realize you are busy but because this is so important we hope you
share our urgency of the need to listen and learn what our people are think-
ing so this conflict can be promptly settled..

‘ %
LOY) | G+

(Dr.) A. M. Davis


cc: Alexander

Fdward Baxter
A, R, Hanson


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