Dublin Core
Box 13, Folder 21, Document 8
Text Item Type Metadata
July 20, 1967
Mr. E. M. Laws
137 Griffin Street, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Mr. Laws:
This is in further reply to your letter of July (8th,
specifically concerning your previous corres pondence,
Your first letter of June l4th informed me of your
activities, and required no answer. Your second
letter of July 6th was promply answered on my behalf
by Mr. Collier Gladin on July 12th.
i have asked Mr. Dan Sweat, Mr. Collier Gladin and
Mr. John Robinson to assist on behalf of the city in
coopdinating your efforts.
If there is any additional information you require at this
time, please advise.
ivan Allen, Ir.
cc: Meesre. Sweat, Gladin
and Robinson