Box 13, Folder 21, Document 22

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Box 13, Folder 21, Document 22

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1237 Poplar Grove Dnive, NeEs
Atlanta, Georgia, JOHG

Senaton Richard Russell
Waskingion, D.C.

Dean Sins

Aa a taxpayer, citizen and merchant in the free enterprise
ayeten of this country, I would Like to inform you of exiating
conditions in this city, And since you are a representative of
the people and in a position to clarify the underlying cincun=
atances uhich I am about to relay to your I call this to your

1) An oaganization exists in Atlanta called the
of the S.C.L.C. Operation Breadbasket wil call
on. merchants primarily with business in Nezave
areas, interview Negroe enployees without pernic~
sion of the owner and question the owner about
peasonad finanelal conditions,

2.) The aepresentative of the aforenentioned graup
proceeds to threaten the ouner that if certain
conditions are not adhered to, his place of bus-
dness will be picketed and boycotted,

Sn) Moat of these independenta are one (1) atone
ounens with solely Negroe employees, the
main thaect of this group ds that a woman
Negroe cashier must aloo be employed with hours
and wages stinulated by the organization. This
tyne of intimiclation cannod exist ina free, enw
terprising countay ab curse These conditions
bring back memories of Naziom and mone recently
Mafia tactics ome reads about.

I beg and implore you 4o inform me if there are any exiating
daus (federal, state, on tocal) io protect the independent merchant
fron thia type of persecution, tlnat of these businesses ane not
dn a podition to compdy with auch outrageous demande.

ALL of us are trying to a6 hand as possible support the
Economic Opportunity Program and all other docsd, state, and fed=
erad organizations of the aaid type by hining sodely Negroes
and aa many, ad our businesses can absorb. What mone can we do?

Tt anxiiously avait reply and sincerely hope you wilt find
the dime 40 investigate this problen which has become a traumatic

experience fon all the independent merchants uhose majarity of
drade are the Negroes.

Sincerely yours,


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