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Box 13, Folder 21, Document 48
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ee IT
March 12, 1967
Dear Mayor Allen,
I have been meaning to write for quite some time
and thank you for allowing me an interview last November
concerning the Governor's rece. I managed to make an
"A" on the paper andin the covrse. Not only was my trip
enjoyable, but very profitable.
iam taking a course this semester in public speak-
ing in which we are required to make several speeches.
This Friday we are to make speeches on a specific racial
problem. Since I live in the Hast Lake community, I
have chosen the community transibion which we are exper-
iencing, Our professor requires research and “specific
supporting data” in presenting our speeches. I realize
your time is exbremely limited, but I would greatly appre-
Ciate it if you could answer a few questions for me.
What do you feel has been the cause of the situation?
Have you seen any signs of organized “blockbusting"? Do
you feel that Atlanta's tremendous use of the Urban Renewal
program (which I plan to make a sppech about later in the
semester) has affected the trend? I often feel that the
Negroes are being blamed (thus created more prejudice)
for things which are not their own fault.
Any help that you could give in this area would be
greatly appreciated. Thanks again for your help on my
jock “aneed
ck Sneed
Furman University
Greenville; S.C. 29613
P.S. Congratulations on your nice write-up in the current
Newsweek. They obviously gob the Nation's top mayors!
March 12, 1967
Dear Mayor Allen,
I have been meaning to write for quite some time
and thank you for allowing me an interview last November
concerning the Governor's rece. I managed to make an
"A" on the paper andin the covrse. Not only was my trip
enjoyable, but very profitable.
iam taking a course this semester in public speak-
ing in which we are required to make several speeches.
This Friday we are to make speeches on a specific racial
problem. Since I live in the Hast Lake community, I
have chosen the community transibion which we are exper-
iencing, Our professor requires research and “specific
supporting data” in presenting our speeches. I realize
your time is exbremely limited, but I would greatly appre-
Ciate it if you could answer a few questions for me.
What do you feel has been the cause of the situation?
Have you seen any signs of organized “blockbusting"? Do
you feel that Atlanta's tremendous use of the Urban Renewal
program (which I plan to make a sppech about later in the
semester) has affected the trend? I often feel that the
Negroes are being blamed (thus created more prejudice)
for things which are not their own fault.
Any help that you could give in this area would be
greatly appreciated. Thanks again for your help on my
jock “aneed
ck Sneed
Furman University
Greenville; S.C. 29613
P.S. Congratulations on your nice write-up in the current
Newsweek. They obviously gob the Nation's top mayors!