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Box 13, Folder 21, Document 63
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eh Se mp ate Be wad es: i 1s ee
yrs | F Paaeyy 7
eu in| Gelix es cng ot ce
. a gi (Ousx,
or of {] gc ey September 2, 1967
Senator Robert Kennedy
United States Senate
Washington, DeCe
Dear Senator Kennedys
The enclosed news clinping is submitted as supporting evidence
of the provocative reaction of the represcntatives of the Negro
Comminity with respect vo the naming of a segregated school for your
brother, the late john F. Kennedy. At a metting held last night in
the auditorium of the Georgia Teachers and Education Association
in ablanta, a resolution was passed unanimously requesting and
adthorizing the writer to bring this matter in this fashion to your
attention. Because the building of the school on the centroversal
site represents an extension and perpetuation of the segrezated
school pattern, the home owners occupying property in the aera under
consideration have filed suit in the North Georgia Federal District
Courte If the decision of the Court is unfavorable in this instance
an appeal will be filed with the 5th Circuit Court in New Orleans
and the matter may reach the Supreme Court of the Ynited States
before the matter is finally adjudicated.
With this background we would hope that you might wish te inquire
of the Fresident of the Board of Fducation and the superintendent
of the Atlanta Schools as to whether any colored person was contacted
as to the naming of the segrecated school fer your brother which would
of course include those whose property they plan to secure through
condemnation proceedings because the amers have refused to sell their
property to the Board of Education. The personal and official bee
havior patterns of the late President Kennedy should be concrete
proof that he would net be in sympathy with any type of segregated
enterprise bearing his name. More than 35,000 colored people were
represented in the meeting last night where this organized disfavor
was registered,
I would . appreciate hearing from you when you have had a chance
to give attention which this matter deserves.
I am sincerely yours,
Jesse O. Thomas
JO? snbg
CC Senator Edwafd Kennedy
yrs | F Paaeyy 7
eu in| Gelix es cng ot ce
. a gi (Ousx,
or of {] gc ey September 2, 1967
Senator Robert Kennedy
United States Senate
Washington, DeCe
Dear Senator Kennedys
The enclosed news clinping is submitted as supporting evidence
of the provocative reaction of the represcntatives of the Negro
Comminity with respect vo the naming of a segregated school for your
brother, the late john F. Kennedy. At a metting held last night in
the auditorium of the Georgia Teachers and Education Association
in ablanta, a resolution was passed unanimously requesting and
adthorizing the writer to bring this matter in this fashion to your
attention. Because the building of the school on the centroversal
site represents an extension and perpetuation of the segrezated
school pattern, the home owners occupying property in the aera under
consideration have filed suit in the North Georgia Federal District
Courte If the decision of the Court is unfavorable in this instance
an appeal will be filed with the 5th Circuit Court in New Orleans
and the matter may reach the Supreme Court of the Ynited States
before the matter is finally adjudicated.
With this background we would hope that you might wish te inquire
of the Fresident of the Board of Fducation and the superintendent
of the Atlanta Schools as to whether any colored person was contacted
as to the naming of the segrecated school fer your brother which would
of course include those whose property they plan to secure through
condemnation proceedings because the amers have refused to sell their
property to the Board of Education. The personal and official bee
havior patterns of the late President Kennedy should be concrete
proof that he would net be in sympathy with any type of segregated
enterprise bearing his name. More than 35,000 colored people were
represented in the meeting last night where this organized disfavor
was registered,
I would . appreciate hearing from you when you have had a chance
to give attention which this matter deserves.
I am sincerely yours,
Jesse O. Thomas
JO? snbg
CC Senator Edwafd Kennedy