Box 13, Folder 21, Document 72

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Box 13, Folder 21, Document 72

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Those attending the meeting included:
I. W. Abel, President, United Steelworkers of America, AFL-CIO

Arnold Aronson (representing Roy Wilkins), Executive Secretary, National
Leadership Conference on Civil Rights

Mayor Joseph M. Barr, President, U.S. Conference of Mayors
Andrew J. Biemiller (representing George Meany), Legislative Director, AFL-CIO

Walter Fauntroy (representing Martin Luther King), Washington Representative,
Southern Christian Leadership Conference

Arthur S. Flemming, President, National Council of Churches

Andrew Heiskell, Chairman of the Board, Time, Inc. and Chairman, Urban
» America Inc. ;

Joseph Keenan, Secretary-Treasurer, International Brotherhood of Electrical
Workers, AFL-CIO

Mayor John V. Lindsay, Executive Committee, U.S. Conference of Mayors

Mayor Arthur Naftalin, Chairman, Community Relations Committee, U.S.
Conference of Mayors

Gerald Phillippe, Chairman of the Board, General Electric

Walter Reuther, President, Citizens Crusade Against Poverty and President,
United Auto Workers, AFL-CIO

David Rockefeller, President, Chase Manhattan Bank
Rabbi Jacob P. Rudin, President, Synagogue Council of America
Bayard Rustin (representing A. Philip Randolph), Executive Director, A. Philip

Randolph Institute

Bishop Paul Tanner (representing Archbishop Dearden), General Secretary,
National Conference of Catholic Bishops ;

John Wheeler, President, Mechanics and Farmers Bank, Durham, N.C., and
President, Southern Regional Council

Whitney Young, Executive Director, National Urban League

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