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Box 13, Folder 21, Document 87
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Mrs. L. H. Pound
675 Amsterdam Avenue
Atlanta, Georgia 30306
Dear Mayof Allen:
Congratulations upon your stand about
future demonstrations and riots of the color-
ed folk. They are anything but "peacful as-
semblies"” as sll of us know, and it is about
time they stopped from their threats of riots
unless the world is handed over to them. Li
is certainly intimidation, which if it isn't
unlawful, should be.
And so I shall look forward, as all
good sensible people will be, to the results
obtained by your new stand.
NAM - Oa! Was pt
675 Amsterdam Avenue
Atlanta, Georgia 30306
Dear Mayof Allen:
Congratulations upon your stand about
future demonstrations and riots of the color-
ed folk. They are anything but "peacful as-
semblies"” as sll of us know, and it is about
time they stopped from their threats of riots
unless the world is handed over to them. Li
is certainly intimidation, which if it isn't
unlawful, should be.
And so I shall look forward, as all
good sensible people will be, to the results
obtained by your new stand.
NAM - Oa! Was pt