Box 1, Folder 21, Document 22

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Box 1, Folder 21, Document 22

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May 26, 1969

Mr. Harold Sheats

County Attorney

Legel Department
Fulton County

504 Courthouse
Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Reference: Adamsville Health/Recreation Center
Dear Mr. Sheats:

This will acknowledge your letter of May 23, 1969

concerning the above. It is cur position that part

of this property belongs to the City of Atlante and

a ee ee ee ae eee

I am asking the Associate City Attorney, Mr. Thomas
F. Choyce, to be prepared to outline our position to
you et your convenience.

Very truly yours,

Jack C. Delius
General Manager of
Perks and Recreation

JCD: jw

Blind cc:w/Xerox: Parks Committee

Mr. Thomas F. Choyce

Mr. R. Earl Landers
Mr. Stanley T. Martin, Jr.


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