Box 14, Folder 3, Document 40

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Box 14, Folder 3, Document 40

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Atlanta Inquirer Feb.1, 1965

THE HOME OF THE BRAVES -- The ‘‘Transition’’ Braves were
cited with a special welcome plaque when The 100% Wrong Club
rolled out the red carpet for Atlanta’s newest-potential tenant
on the occasion of the Club’s star-studded, 30th annual All-Sports
Jamboree. Above at the Americana Hotel sports spectacular, held
last Friday evening, Dr. A,L, Thompson, center standing, 100%
president, displays plaque, which bears the likenesses of the late
W.A, Scott, ll, founder and publisher, The Atlanta Daily World,
and the late A.F, Herndon, founder-president, Atlanta Life In-
surance Company, Reading ‘‘Welcome Braves, Pioneers, Too,"
the plaque was received in behalf of the Braves by William C,
Bartholomay, Tribes’ board chairman, right. Others from the
Braves organization, standing from left, are Thomas A, Reynolds,
executive vice president, and John McHale, president, Seated and
smiling approvingly, is Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. ‘‘The Pioneer A-
: ward”’ and “‘The Two Friends Award” of the Club are given in
memory of the late Mr. Herndon, Hank Aaron and Eddie Mathews,
Brave stars, along with Lennie Moore and Jimmy Orr, The Balti- |.
more Colts, received the two friends nod, while Head Football
Coach Tom Nugent, University of Maryland, College Park, Md., was’
the pioneer of the event,


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