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Box 14, Folder 3, Document 50
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_2fie WESTERN UNION gi 4.
November 18, 1964
Mr. Ralph Denton
2102 North Sixth St.
\. Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Acknowledge with grateful appreciation your
letter of November 15. Wish permission to
reprint your letter. Please phone collect,
Mrs. Drummond, 688-8818, Atlanta.
Ivan Allen, Jr..
Mayor of Atlanta
Send the above message, subject fo the terms on back hereof, which are hereby agreed fo
1269—(R 4-55)
. ted, th Mt cus ot Ipon.
Beare Bese eel hed ee ea et het bea pestssrartce
mee tehee rar) orn pany be follawey, -
“ 4 ‘
acta care aly Be ap Leia te estan stahrore In the tranamialon or ca or for nan-dellvery, of any imestace received for tranemlmlan at the unrepeated=
ve mis in phe trantnlejon or or Tor nineall eee tof eng fe * el for tranaiiiwelon wt penal |
| mwas rata oth the gum of Ave tl na cline ustow sper ies: fer In any Guan for Wel ng Oud Unaveldetke larereupl workitg¢ of Ita Hines,
fo any © she Téleatah ny thal! not ty ey we purines Tor eubqaes di tetas fe the lon or delivery, ar for tie nanlelivery, of any mimeaien, shel
eniwed. ar 2 ae mt fae te arose id whee, Ba ry pod cacoedine} Ip amy erent tered ta of five thedaand collars, wt whleh aniou wel jc eeuller ol car Meane
: o + Wh ireater valine Ly proves in Nrftiaiy iy the semiet thereof at Lan thine ve the perm ie temafered for teak suing SS the a repent cd <neeee
Re aan i poll and BG pal fiona, Charge qual to ofeteolh of one per real of plc amount by whith such valuation shall exceed Gre th
ie a, The Telegraph Company ia heretiy made the agent of Lhe setder, wittaue tlabiiity, to forward this message over the tines of any other company when wécouary to reach 1p
4. The appiloable Worl? chances on 3 tarewage dewilned to any polot In the continental United Btntes ated di th the ee raph Company's Direet of Star Pn Ite delivery within
ee ertabilahed city or conimutilly linite or i dee tnAlGO Pont. Neyond such Minti and to points nol listed In the “oapahy's Directory uf Stallonay Uh a Com pany cee
eens to make meer, ge wel cae F te arrahge for delivery Fy aor avalable means os the agent uf the ponte with the understanding that the sender authorises the celiction
OL any addivicdal charge frotw the sidrevses and meres to pay Cuch ecditional charge if it is not collected from tie w dd pram,
5. = Fesnonel bility aiitehen't to the ete Company concerning messires until the same are apcepted at one of 1 tranemitting o Mees: and Ifa in an to ruth oma by
ong of the Te ph Company's meecnrerd, he sete (or thal purpose as tha agent of the sender; eacemt that whey the Telreraph Company rends & miesseherr te pl Stik Meeocitnons tbe mee
Senger io that Instance acts as Une agent of the Trirgraph Compaty in aetepting the mresage, the Tilcerapl Company arwutaing revponelbllity trots tive Uithe beau
6. The ‘Tel om pany wil} eit fhe ilante for danas s or statutory penalties when the Sea fy not presented In writiry Oey Telegraph Company, {a} within ninety d
afier We mesure by op Gs the Tete iraph Company for cra tera las on in the cage of a mestace bel Ly saree the United Hlatewqexcept in the case of an Intrastate mon, 2
amay Ween a polit inthe Ualted Atates on the one fh. & point In Alaska, ceo if scar, Pierre} Miqueton (vands oa the uther hand, or
aces and a as mgt ma at 1a the alr, (b) within 94 days att a J All have oor ii the eos of an intrastate miedeage [> Tetaa, wi
the eo apace Bed th the Telecrph Company for trates. a the case of ealare Letwion a point inthe United ctates sud a foreicn or overesss es
ppeer erat in thls paragraph’ provided, bowever, Lit thts sorgllion aball nut apply to clainu for damages or overdhnges wilhin the purr ‘of Section 415 of the er han ths pats
7. as agrees thar je aay action by thy Telegraph Company to recaver the tolls for any message or nieauAges the prompt ‘abd correct trinsmlslon and delivery thereof shall be
P a
a. soe terms pi ty des the pa te mesiaces according to their Glastes, a8 enuterated below, shall apply to miesaages In each of such reapective classes in addition te
all the foregoing Lerma.
9, No employes of the Telegraph Company ts authorized to vary the foregoing.
a Sr sree ‘The taat A a
‘The fastest domestic service. ns i Fae ak eran Betvice PR Talis teres 2 belay or ln any language em
Aasteced barviod adiow LETTER TELEGRAM (LT)
For et
NIGHT LETTER (NL) Bhidlnesiocnan
Eronomical . cd 3 " M. following ornlng, —_————.- ‘
Pyrenees tiuhnee tustinat ee Sice Delonas eee se For mosage to abd froa ships at sea.
November 18, 1964
Mr. Ralph Denton
2102 North Sixth St.
\. Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Acknowledge with grateful appreciation your
letter of November 15. Wish permission to
reprint your letter. Please phone collect,
Mrs. Drummond, 688-8818, Atlanta.
Ivan Allen, Jr..
Mayor of Atlanta
Send the above message, subject fo the terms on back hereof, which are hereby agreed fo
1269—(R 4-55)
. ted, th Mt cus ot Ipon.
Beare Bese eel hed ee ea et het bea pestssrartce
mee tehee rar) orn pany be follawey, -
“ 4 ‘
acta care aly Be ap Leia te estan stahrore In the tranamialon or ca or for nan-dellvery, of any imestace received for tranemlmlan at the unrepeated=
ve mis in phe trantnlejon or or Tor nineall eee tof eng fe * el for tranaiiiwelon wt penal |
| mwas rata oth the gum of Ave tl na cline ustow sper ies: fer In any Guan for Wel ng Oud Unaveldetke larereupl workitg¢ of Ita Hines,
fo any © she Téleatah ny thal! not ty ey we purines Tor eubqaes di tetas fe the lon or delivery, ar for tie nanlelivery, of any mimeaien, shel
eniwed. ar 2 ae mt fae te arose id whee, Ba ry pod cacoedine} Ip amy erent tered ta of five thedaand collars, wt whleh aniou wel jc eeuller ol car Meane
: o + Wh ireater valine Ly proves in Nrftiaiy iy the semiet thereof at Lan thine ve the perm ie temafered for teak suing SS the a repent cd <neeee
Re aan i poll and BG pal fiona, Charge qual to ofeteolh of one per real of plc amount by whith such valuation shall exceed Gre th
ie a, The Telegraph Company ia heretiy made the agent of Lhe setder, wittaue tlabiiity, to forward this message over the tines of any other company when wécouary to reach 1p
4. The appiloable Worl? chances on 3 tarewage dewilned to any polot In the continental United Btntes ated di th the ee raph Company's Direet of Star Pn Ite delivery within
ee ertabilahed city or conimutilly linite or i dee tnAlGO Pont. Neyond such Minti and to points nol listed In the “oapahy's Directory uf Stallonay Uh a Com pany cee
eens to make meer, ge wel cae F te arrahge for delivery Fy aor avalable means os the agent uf the ponte with the understanding that the sender authorises the celiction
OL any addivicdal charge frotw the sidrevses and meres to pay Cuch ecditional charge if it is not collected from tie w dd pram,
5. = Fesnonel bility aiitehen't to the ete Company concerning messires until the same are apcepted at one of 1 tranemitting o Mees: and Ifa in an to ruth oma by
ong of the Te ph Company's meecnrerd, he sete (or thal purpose as tha agent of the sender; eacemt that whey the Telreraph Company rends & miesseherr te pl Stik Meeocitnons tbe mee
Senger io that Instance acts as Une agent of the Trirgraph Compaty in aetepting the mresage, the Tilcerapl Company arwutaing revponelbllity trots tive Uithe beau
6. The ‘Tel om pany wil} eit fhe ilante for danas s or statutory penalties when the Sea fy not presented In writiry Oey Telegraph Company, {a} within ninety d
afier We mesure by op Gs the Tete iraph Company for cra tera las on in the cage of a mestace bel Ly saree the United Hlatewqexcept in the case of an Intrastate mon, 2
amay Ween a polit inthe Ualted Atates on the one fh. & point In Alaska, ceo if scar, Pierre} Miqueton (vands oa the uther hand, or
aces and a as mgt ma at 1a the alr, (b) within 94 days att a J All have oor ii the eos of an intrastate miedeage [> Tetaa, wi
the eo apace Bed th the Telecrph Company for trates. a the case of ealare Letwion a point inthe United ctates sud a foreicn or overesss es
ppeer erat in thls paragraph’ provided, bowever, Lit thts sorgllion aball nut apply to clainu for damages or overdhnges wilhin the purr ‘of Section 415 of the er han ths pats
7. as agrees thar je aay action by thy Telegraph Company to recaver the tolls for any message or nieauAges the prompt ‘abd correct trinsmlslon and delivery thereof shall be
P a
a. soe terms pi ty des the pa te mesiaces according to their Glastes, a8 enuterated below, shall apply to miesaages In each of such reapective classes in addition te
all the foregoing Lerma.
9, No employes of the Telegraph Company ts authorized to vary the foregoing.
a Sr sree ‘The taat A a
‘The fastest domestic service. ns i Fae ak eran Betvice PR Talis teres 2 belay or ln any language em
Aasteced barviod adiow LETTER TELEGRAM (LT)
For et
NIGHT LETTER (NL) Bhidlnesiocnan
Eronomical . cd 3 " M. following ornlng, —_————.- ‘
Pyrenees tiuhnee tustinat ee Sice Delonas eee se For mosage to abd froa ships at sea.