Dublin Core
Box 14, Folder 4, Document 2
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Apri£ 14, 1966
Dear Mayor and Mas. Bana:
Just a note to thank both of you
for giving up your time to spend a few days
an the great City of Atkanta. It was cer-
tainly a pleasure and an honor te have you
at our Booster Club Luncheon. 1 hope by
now you have played the record and are
wearing our booster caps.
This id a great day for Atfanta, and
only your Pirates Spoiled our opening, but
I believe as the season progresses we will
be a contender for the championship.
Again, many thanks {or being part of
our celebration.
Sineerely yours,
Joe H. Gerson
Mayor and Mas. Joseph Barr
City Hall
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Dear Mayor and Mas. Bana:
Just a note to thank both of you
for giving up your time to spend a few days
an the great City of Atkanta. It was cer-
tainly a pleasure and an honor te have you
at our Booster Club Luncheon. 1 hope by
now you have played the record and are
wearing our booster caps.
This id a great day for Atfanta, and
only your Pirates Spoiled our opening, but
I believe as the season progresses we will
be a contender for the championship.
Again, many thanks {or being part of
our celebration.
Sineerely yours,
Joe H. Gerson
Mayor and Mas. Joseph Barr
City Hall
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania